And also that one time they stopped operations at the exact time the government shut down lmfao
I didn't register here for a few weeks cause I assumed it was a honeypot. But I'm a big dumb bear and like honey
Well, I guess everybody here (except me, of course) is out of the woods.
Objection! Mossad does care about those anti war anti Israel people in London. They are one of the reason's the UK doesn't want certain agents back in their country. Good bit, though.
100%. Feds have infiltrated much smaller groups using in-person surveillance, so it's unbelievable that they aren't monitoring a relatively high-profile site with connections to a much larger leftist community.
we are sickos dude lel imagine how fucked up we got those mormon psychos
haha hey fbi agent :^^^^^)
Is this a bit or am I out of the loop on something? I never really listened to his programs.
does coverage of domestic protests to generate cred and then shits all over AES outside the imperial core
I remember him being absolute garbage when Evo Morales was illegally deposed
his Behind the Bastards podcast repeats every bullshit lie about communist "dictators"
I want to give him an out but it would be too easily interpreted as sectarianism
EDIT: plus his association with Bellingcat
There are tons of U.S. leftists who have bad takes on AES states, though. Not all of them can be feds. He's for sure sus, but I don't think there's enough to definitively label him a fed.
Following the money is a useful investigative method, but it's not conclusive in cases like this.
Say a journalist gets their work printed in a few publications and does some podcasting that brings in additional money. If one of those publications gets some nefarious federal dollars, how much impact does that have on the journalist's work?
It has the impact of subsidizing someone who is shilling for the government. Don't resort to quantum theory because they just happen to play on your sympathies
"Quantum theory" is calling someone a fed because one of the outlets they get published in at some point got money from some federal organization. That's ridiculous, and copjacketing is a real problem. You have to have a stronger connection before you levy that sort of accusation at someone.
Say the National Endowment for Democracy is a minority shareholder in the Washington Post. Is every WaPo journalist now a fed?
Yeah the police abuse coverage is how bellingcat launders their shilling for foreign wars
Socialist Rifle Association. Every time I look at the SRA subreddit I just see people being conditioned for Strategy of Tension ops.
In Italy (and I think other countries) the Gladio ring and the CIA infiltrated both ultra-left and far-right groups, gave them guns and training, and manipulated their most extreme members into committing terror attacks and killing each other.
Is assume the cold war? That just sounds insane lol
As said before, it was indeed in the years of lead. My father lived through them as a teenager in Naples. Everyone, especially youngsters, were very politically radical, and the most radical groups were pretty violent. The Italian police and far right groups were being backed by the CIA to kill communists and labour organizers. The really far left, particularly the red brigades, was being backed by the KGB. The biggest event was when the red brigades kidnapped the former SocDem prime minister of Italy and murdered him, despite him openly expressing support for communists in government. Basically the red brigades were ultras. Anyway, I can tell you some personal experiences from those years if you are interested as I’ve heard some things from my dad. He also got really close to experiencing an IRA bombing in London in the 70s.
Wasn't the Socdem napping literally set up by Kissinger and the CIA?
I’m not exactly sure what you’re referring to? Could you reword that and I can give you my thoughts
The Aldo Moro assassination after he planned to form a government with the communist party.
To add to what HarryLime said, exploiting the strategy of tension meant harsher state reprisals seemed justified to the average population, the expansion of security forces, and rounding up/jailing/killing communists with pretext.
It's the continued cause of wariness whenever a comrade seems really enthusiastic about engaging in direct action, yes hello two week old account Mr. ParodyAllLandlords-ACAB sure we'll meet up to go over bomb making plans and declare our intentions to attack local government targets and sure we can enunciate that why do you ask
The SRA subreddit isn’t the SRA, I can only speak for my local chapter but it isn’t this at all
People who don't really know what they are talking about throwing shade on everything and calling everything an op with no good evidence is worse than actual infiltration. Who needs infiltration if leftists just delegitimize everything on their own?
Pretty conceivable, although I don't much about their internal organization.
Maybe also the DSA.
I would bet that there has been infiltration.
no DSA, is just run by Trot entryists. (genuinely have no idea how true this is i'm just repeating a rumor)
LMAO no it isn't, it's run by social democrats and other "progressive" lib reformists. The Trot entryists (by which I assume you mean Reform and Revolution and similar formations) are trying in vain to drag DSA membership to the left from the inside rather than raising their own banner in a similar fashion that the DSA's strategy is trying to drag Dems to the left from the inside, instead of telling their members to run as independent candidates under a DSA ticket.
DSA is pretty diverse, but their foreign policy caucus (idk what it's called) had a talk with Nicaraguan "socialists" fighting against the tyranny of the Sandinistas, and educating people on how they needed to stand with them. I believe this was the same year there was a wave of right wing terrorist attacks in Nicaragua, and may have been the same people. So there are feds in DSA for sure.
I always suspected the DSA leadership's foreign policy was kind of dogshit, they wouldn't have backed Sanders so damn hard if they took a closer look at his ties to the MIC in Vermont. Such an absolute betrayal of internationalism, not ironically the same sort of betrayal that ruptured the 2nd International.
The MIC has factories and a labor force in every congressional district and state in the US. It's one of the biggest reasons it's so difficult to go against it- any elected politician doing so risks hurting the jobs of their own constituents.
Socialist Workers Party
One hundred percent
Theres no way you write this on the eve of Libya being destroyed without getting money from mi6
I would also suggest Socialist Party (uk)
Though their analysis isnt as blatant as Swp(ie. It can be good at times) i remember their general secretary quoting Solzhenitsyn
Beloved by shitlibs and fascists Solzhenitsyn was a fascist that wrote a fictional book about being in a gulag and somehow this is representative of the gulag system. Toward the end of his life he wrote a load of antisemitic books. I wonder why he had an axe to grind over the Soviet state
Theres no way you get to general secretary of a socialist party and quote Solzhenitsyn seriously unless your getting a backhand from mi6
Idk about the location lol, but Hollywood as an industry has been a de facto arm of the USA IC since the anticommunist purges.
TYT, and also Hasan. All come from the same royalty bloodline as the Kardashians.
I made it up
I wouldn't be shocked if we are on the radar of some agency or agencies. It's possible they have even tried to form accounts, but I feel that they would really stand out.