Since the enslavement of Romani people is so unknown yet so vast, I wanted to compile a little timeline to put it in to perspective on the anniversary of Romanian emancipation. This doesn't include everything because there is just far too much and also a word limit here.

1100s: King Muhmud of Ghazni used slave warriors to destroy all the Sindh and Punjab peoples in India. These warriors would be some of the earliest beginnings of the Romani people.

Romanian Slavery (1385-1864): This is some of the most severe slavery Roma have gone through. It was generational slavery (as it did last 500 years), so children of slaves were slaves. It became a familial line which is important later on. Extreme physical punishment was commonly given out. Women were often involved in sex slavery by being raped by their owners and any visitors — as many masters considered it polite to offer these sexual favours to guests. Many Romanian Roma nowadays are more lighterskinned, and this can be traced back to this. The Catholic Orthodox Church was also a large slaveholder.

1498: Columbus brings Romani slaves to American colonies.

1500-1700: Spain sent Roma to be enslaved in Louisiana colonies

1500-1700: France sent Roma to be enslaved in the modern day Caribbean.

1500-1700: Dutch sent Roma to be enslaved in modern day Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and more.

1500s: Beginning in the 1500s, Portugal mass deports Roma slaves to Brazil, Africa, and India

1514: All Roma in England were branded with a “V” and forced into two years of slave labor. Attempted escapes were punished by being branded again and now being enslaved for life.

1560: All Roma in Spain eventually sent to galley slavery

1561: France previously banned Roma from the country, so if you were found in the country, you were sentenced to slavery.

1650-1775: Scotland sent Roma to be enslaved in Panama, Novascotia, New Jersey, and Georgia.

1658-1700s: England sends Roma slaves to many Southern state plantations and Caribbean. Mass arrest and deportations occur.

1672-1678: France and Dutch Republic both force Roma to fight for them. Afterwards, the Dutch slaughtered all Roma, even those who fought for them. This was known as the “heathen hunt.”

1700s: Scotland has Roma slaves work in coal mines.

1700s: In Jamaica, Roma woman were almost all sex slaves. Freed Black slaves were given Roma slaves.

1733: Russia’s Empress declares Roma to be slaves to the crown

1749: Great Gypsy Round-up occurs in Spain. All Roma arrested and forced into slave labor, including very young children. The operation was funded by confiscated goods and homes of the Roma.

1839: There were up to a quarter of a million Roma slaves in Romania.

1864: Romania abolishes slavery. Many remained fully dependent on local landowners and authorities after. A lot of Romanian Roma ‘tribes’ can be traced back specifically to what labor they did during slavery.

Holocaust (1933-1945): Roma were some of the forced workers who built the labor camps, many of whom would die in the camps the built. Forced labor occurred in many concentration camps. Around 2 million Roma died in the Holocaust.

Nowadays, Roma are still the most heavily trafficked group in the world for reasons such as forced labour, sex trafficking, illegal adoption. This is in many places, but here are just a few stats to show the severity: "Roma constitute only approximately 7% of the total Hungarian population. A police source estimated that 80% of trafficked persons are Romani. According to information provided by two NGOs supplying services to prostitutes/sex workers in destination countries (Switzerland and the Netherlands), approximately 25-30% of their beneficiaries are Hungarian women, of which 80% are Romani, a large number of whom have been trafficked and/or are exploited."

You can read more about trafficking in Europe here.

And to leave it off, here is this: "A grim illustration of the silent normalization of extremist attitudes and opinions can be found under the most mundane forms: internet comments. In the section for opinions and comments, at the end of media articles on the long history of the Roma slavery in the Romanian Principalities, some readers are openly stating that the only sad part about the Romani enslavement, from their perspective, was its abolition. A number of other comments were patronizing the daring act of Romani activism, associating Roma people with second-class citizens who should not have a saying in the matters of society. Most of all, since when do they have an informed opinion? Aren’t they supposed to be stealing something or destroy our calm as decent citizens?"

  • sindikat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So I was friends with this Romanian girl, right. She was superwoke, extremely feminist, very anti-Islamophobia and anti racism against Black people or whatnot. We would spend countless hours discussing feminism, everything from guys wearing t-shirts with naked women on them to using birth control pills for PMS.

    One day we're drinking coffee at some coffeeshop, and she goes off on this long-winded rant about how Roma people are anti-social criminals and a scourge on Romanian society. I couldn't believe my ears. I naïvely tried to steer the conversation to be more constructive and asked her how she'd solve the problem as she perceives it. She basically said that the only constructive solution is to steal their children and forcefully re-educate them away from their parents and culture.

    To this day I feel like this guy, when I think of that conversation.

    • rozako [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Yeah I say it all the time but being “anti-racist” or “leftist” in Europe means nothing to me until they prove that it applies to Roma too. And it barely does for these people.

      • sindikat [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, before that conversation I barely realized how big racism against Roma is in Romania. It was weird how she tried to frame this supposed problem as a unique phenomenon, even though her arguments were indistinguishable from the attitudes you'd find in the US against Black people, in the UK against Muslims, in Russia against Tajik immigrant workers etc. Same rhetoric, same justifications. I guess you can afford to be woke about other races when you're a Romanian student in the UK, but at home you're just “this is different, you don't get it”.

        • Pezevenk [he/him]
          4 years ago

          It's actually unique in a sense, because their stature in society is not like black people or whatever. It's like they live in a different country, or a different plane of existence. It's really bad and I don't think Americans fully grasp what it's like. You try to compare it to black people in the US, but, like, you have black people in your workplaces, in your schools, in media, etc. This is not the case with Romani people (well, it largely depends on the country, I'm just talking about Greece, but it's not much better in other places afaik). They often don't go to the same schools as everyone else. They usually don't have "normal" jobs. In some places they are farmers in which case they tend to have a better life, but in the cities they're basically forced to beg, be fortune tellers, or gather scrap metal etc (or more recently deal drugs which is another issue). You won't find any Romani representation anywhere, in media, or politics, or anything. The ones who live in cities tend to live in shanty towns which look a bit like this. So you have almost no real interaction between them and other people, they often have no way to find a job because of prejudice, they have no representation, and they live in extreme poverty. Many people just view them as background noise. It's bad, and a very hard issue to address.

          • sindikat [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Eh, I don't about that. Take the social status of Tajik and Uzbek worker immigrants in Russia, or better yet, somebody like Chechens, who are Russian citizens. You hear exactly the same justifications for their racism: they live in insular communities, they don't want to integrate, they speak shitty Russian, they're violent and prone to crime, they stick to themselves, bla bla.

            My point is that the girl in question can afford to be woke about non-Roma minorities, because the only Black/Muslim/Asian people she interacts with are students or whatever, but the Roma people are too close to home for her. If she was born in Russia, she'd hate Caucasians and Central Asians, if she was an American, she'd hate Black people, if she was from an extremely white UK city such as Worrington, she'd hate Muslims and Desi people, with the exact same rhetoric and justifications. So in this sense I don't think it's unique.

            The specific circumstances of Roma people may be nuanced, but the racism against them certainly isn't.

            • Pezevenk [he/him]
              4 years ago

              I don't really know what the situation with Tajiks and Uzbeks is in Russia. It definitely isn't a justification to be racist of course, but it is a lot easier to be racist against romani people in these countries than to be racist against black people in the US or Muslims in the UK. There are black people and muslims here too, and although there is discrimination against them too, it's not as bad as it is with romani people. "Gyftos" which is a Greek word for gypsy is very commonly used in casual conversation to describe someone being rude or uncivil etc. It's that bad. And the worst thing is that romani people are somewhat invisible in society. That's not the case with, say, muslims in the UK. Like, isn't the mayor of London Muslim? You would never, ever see a Romani mayor here (for now at least). Again, I'm not saying that to excuse people being racist, but on the contrary, to explain how it is actually WORSE for them than what people in other countries probably have in mind, and even people who wouldn't "normally" be bigoted against some group can be like that with Roma in particular, because of the unfamiliarity between groups and how culturally pervasive it is.

              • sindikat [he/him]
                4 years ago

                I dunno, maybe you're right. Don't underestimate the ability of an ethnic majority of any given country to be racist though :).

                I live in Kazakhstan, and back when I was doing my undergrad, I was arguing with the vice dean about my grades or whatever, and she jokingly called me a Jew, implying I was cheeky. So it goes.

                • Pezevenk [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  I dunno, maybe you’re right. Don’t underestimate the ability of an ethnic majority of any given country to be racist though :).

                  Oh I definitely don't. It is the main issue.

                  I was arguing with the vice dean about my grades or whatever, and she jokingly called me a Jew, implying I was cheeky.

                  Is it bad that I laughed? I'm trying to picture that in my mind and it's so weird and blatant...

                  Yeah, Americans would be surprised by some of the weird types of racism in other countries. They mostly know white vs black, and in particular the self conscious, self censoring covert racism that is pervasive in the US, but there's just so much weird confusing conflict in other countries that gets a lot more blatant and complicated. Like, in Greece there was a huge issue with Albanians. Lots of people just fucking hate Albanians. Then there's the historical hatred vs Turks. There used to be an issue with Greek people hating other Greek people from other regions, and especially Pontic Greeks who are still used as the butt of jokes to this day (although by now Pontics don't care). Like, it's one of the most homogeneous countries in Europe and somehow we still managed to find ways to be angry at each other on a racial basis. You gotta hear my uncle rant about the racial characteristics of Cretans because he had to pay a fine for illegal parking. There's a word for it in Greek, it roughly translates to regionalism, it's like nationalism but for tiny regions in a tiny country. However none of it is comparable to the racism against Albanians (which is getting better at least), refugees and especially Roma which is just on another level.

                • rozako [she/her]
                  4 years ago

                  I agree with Pezevenk here, if it’s any indication of how things are, as a european gypsy. Our situation is unique in ways some other types of racism/prejudism isn’t nowadays.

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        4 years ago

        If it's any solace, in Greece at least leftists are more or less entirely against racism against romani people, you won't find people like the girl sindikat explained any more very easily.

        On the other hand, the issue now is that the right has become significantly more powerful :angery:

        • rozako [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Yeah i’m biased as a Greek, but Greece is definitely one of the better europe countries with one of the best leftist population (tho the bar is low)

          • Pezevenk [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Yeah, well, you win some you lose some. The left here still has LGBTQ+ acceptance issues, although that's definitely changing with younger generations (like 70% of young leftists now are some form of LGBTQ+ it seems lol, at least outside KKE, although they've gotten very slightly better I guess). BUT you will still see leftist people casually using slurs without really thinking about it, I guess because it's so culturally pervasive which is sad and requires more education for sure... But at least especially after Golden Dawn and the refugee crisis, the left has become more serious about anti racism, plus there's now more and more Albanian leftists who experienced racism so they have personal experience on the matter.

  • Minorityworld [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is why it's always crazy to me that various european users on reddit think they're so much more superior to americans when it comes to race relations. As if over there the concept of racism isn't even a thing, and they're just so accepting of all people's.

    • rozako [she/her]
      4 years ago

      In their defense, they view us as animals and not humans, so much easier for them to not understand how this is all so bad :deeper-sadness:

    • TheHero [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Dude the average redditor's opinions about the roma would make a southern racists pause for a second.

      • rozako [she/her]
        4 years ago

        European politicians run openly only wanting to kill Roma, and like Americans are horribly bad and racist, but they at least never are like “We will kill this group if we win.” Like at least a fraction more subtle at the very least.

  • TransComrade69
    4 years ago

    Thank you so much for compiling this for us, Rozako. I appreciate you educating us on this.

    • rozako [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, this one is far more informative!

    • rozako [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I mean you can feature the other also if you wish, but this one is better and I link the post on this thread here too so it fits both on just this one.

    • TransComrade69
      4 years ago

      Thanks again for remembering, pal. ♥️

  • glk [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    1733: Russia’s Empress declares Roma to be slaves to the crown

    Medieval kingdoms did similar things to Jews. Supposedly sometimes it was a stupid attempt to curb anti-semitism; because if the jews were crown property than a pogrom is an attack on the crown. Naturally the next king would ignore this context and expropriate Jewish property because it was 'his.'

    • cosecantphi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Damn, it didn't cross their minds to just, like, make pogroms illegal? What monarchy does to a motherfucker

      • PlantsRcoolToo [any]
        4 years ago

        I imagine it's because medieval monarchs didn't really have the overarching power modern states do. They couldn't really prevent pogroms, best they could do is punish those who do them after the fact, or hopefully the threat of state violence would keep them from happening.

        I'm no historian tho just guessing.

  • rozako [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Link to a short video discussing some of the effects specifically in Romania.

  • tomullus [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    So how did romani become these nomadic people present in almost all of europe in the first place? Is it a function of them being slaves being moved around the whole continent againts their will?

    • rozako [she/her]
      4 years ago

      There’s debates on the origins of Roma but yes people believe Rajput warriors just left India and went through Middle east, Central Asia, and then Europe thus becoming no longer Indian and moreso their own people.

        • rozako [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Mm I don’t know for everyone, but me and my friends/family think it’d be a bad idea. If we got a country, it’d get bombed in like a week lol. But really many of us are just homed to wherever we were born since most of us aren’t nomadic anymore.

          Also yes nationalism would be less achievable because Roma are split into groups/tribes, and we don’t all like each other.

  • mrbigcheese [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Thank you for writing this, im Romanian and didnt know about this too much. Id be curious to learn more history about how and what things did or didnt change during the socialist years too.

    • rozako [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I made a post about this before!

      • mrbigcheese [he/him]
        4 years ago

        oh ya i remember this, i read some stuff about it but its hard to find a whole lot of detail tho

        • rozako [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Roma were not categorized much during those years as a separate group so I imagine much documentation is hard to find because of it

  • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    “Roma constitute only approximately 7% of the total Hungarian population. A police source estimated that 80% of trafficked persons are Romani. According to information provided by two NGOs supplying services to prostitutes/sex workers in destination countries (Switzerland and the Netherlands), approximately 25-30% of their beneficiaries are Hungarian women, of which 80% are Romani, a large number of whom have been trafficked and/or are exploited.”

    I'm gonna hijack this if you don't mind, since a similar report just came out on child abuse in Hungary [obvious trigger warning on pedophilia and secual exploitation, it can be read here ) and it's terrifying how much of a problem this is here.

    Two main points that basically say everything:

    1.: One huge scandal here was - apart from the legend of Mr. Szájer - the Hungarian ambassador of Peru, who was found to be in possession of 18000 pictures of cp, was extradited and then handed out a suspended prison sentence, nothing else.

    1. I mentioned this elsewhere but there are multiple organized gangs whose sole operation is snatching 14-18 year old girls from orphanages and forcing them into prostitution abroad. This isn't something new either, since the 00's, but especially since Orbán and his friends took over orphaned girls (especially Romani) are regularly going missing.
    • rozako [she/her]
      4 years ago

      All countries are bad but Hungary really disgusts me sometimes.

  • grym [she/her, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Thank you so much for sharing this and other things. Because of what you've been sharing here, and because of personal interest in roma history and culture (originally through music, very unoriginal I know), I have a bit of a personal curiosity and I really want to find more sources on Roma history and culture, across various groups throughout europe.

    I've looked a bit and there's a few books, but I'm not sure which ones are good sources, Ideally i'd want to find sources that are written by or very informed by Roma people.

    I play and (mostly) DM a lot of tabletop and I've also realized in recent years the deeply stereotyped portrayal of Roma people (fortune-tellers, etc..) in fantasy. Because a campaign i'm currently writing/DM-ing has a central group of nomadic caravans that were originally based on some of those tropes or broadly inspired by them, I now really want to correct my ignorance and work to fix this cheap harmful portrayal in the writing I come across, in my own writing and maybe contribute to pushing a truthful and positive portrayal, with respectful inspiration rather than gross caricature or disgusting fetishizing.

    • rozako [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I’m glad I could het you more interested!! If you want any book recs ever, feel free to message me or anything else you wanna know about.

      • grym [she/her, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        If you have books that would a good primer on "Roma culture" in general, a overall look at cultural practice, philosophy, rituals (in the social sense), etc, if that even exists. Since there are various groups, I don't exactly know how much they have in common in on those terms, so maybe I should start with a broad history and then get into specific groups.

        • rozako [she/her]
          4 years ago

          We Are the Romani People by Ian Hancock! It’s short but focuses a lot on Vlax Roma who are the larger percentage. He has a lot of good books and is a cool guy.

          • grym [she/her, comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            Nice! I'll get started with that :)

            In my own writing I have different groups all intertwined in their own local region and languages, but they have a sort of common/diaspora language I called "Vlak" which means their various dialects share a lot of words, I chose Vlak since in my own (very short) research it seemed like the Vlax Roma was a group that had a bunch written about it and it's the one that had the most language ressources (dictionary, translator, lexicon, etc..) I could find, so I wanted to use it as a basis.

            All the names i've been using are kinda just semi-randomly based on cool stuff I find online and translated words in dictionaries/lexicon, but your book rec should get me a better understanding of things.

            • rozako [she/her]
              4 years ago

              For clarification, Vlax Roma is a ‘group’ but it’s more like... an umbrella group. There’s many, many types of Vlax Roma. And no one will likely identify as Vlax but instead their specific group! But you’re on the right track.

  • posadist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    TERF island Libs go full mask off whenever Roma are brought up. Thanks comrade.