When asked whether "Democracy is important":
84% Chinese responded with "yes"
Only 73% of Americans responded "yes"
When asked to answed yes or no to "My country is democratic":
73% of Chinese citizens said yes
49% of Americans said yes
So a majority of Americans don't consider their country to be democratic. Let's light em up
:xi-plz: :xi-lib-tears:
to Be perfectly hOnest? I wholeheartedly agree with theM. Sure, it's a Bit unconventionAl, but at the end of the day, this is what Marx mEant when he wRote about dIaletiCAl materialism. I Fully expect many people to dIsagree with me, but I don't caRe. It'S called free speech, and I shall use iT!
Democracy is when
❌ Public policy reflects popular opinion
✅ Oligarchs are free to buy the politicians they want
A brain so smooth NASA has put up a contract to extract it and use it for their next space telescope lens
Finally, the smooth frictionless plane has been developed. High School Physicists rejoice!
Democracy and freedom are my favorite words ! I say them over and over until they mean nothing to me
Same here, and when I get tired of that I just start making eagle sounds.
If that doesn't work, I go wroom wroom like a Ford F150.
So, innocent people should have to pay for the sins of the country they happened to be born in?
I'm going under the assumption that this only applies to countries in the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and/or South America.
Oh, of course. Every country in "the west" is 100% democratic, and never did anything wrong.
They're NGO-certified organic nation states. No GMO elections here!
It's the same logic that leads "anarchist" vaush to endorse sanctions on non-US countries, even though sanctions are just a regressive tax on poor people.
I agree under the condition that I get to choose what is a democracy.
Democracy is when the rich are allowed to hunt the poor for sport.
This is not up for debate.
Both of them did the conservative channel tour, and that audience is so starved for somewhat normal people that Yang and Tulsi came across as appealing.
for yang, it's that he's not a politician and seems honest, but also is a bit of a dumbass. with tulsi it's that she's a fox.
Good thing more people in China think China’s government is a democracy than people in the US think their own is.