First things first, find your closest vaccine site (by zip code):

Couple people asked for a write up of my megathread comment. Anyway, I’m not a medical professional, my job just requires me to be around other people all day. I do a lot of busy work and listen to a lot of healthcare podcasts (TWiV's weekly clinical update is a good one if you can stomach the occasional shitlib banter) so I've been somewhat up on covid news. If you're a doctor/pharmacist/whatever, dunk on me in the comments and correct me where I'm wrong.

The rest is broken down for your tl;dr convenience:

My anecdote

This is a personal anecdote so please take it with a grain of salt. I hope something like this can work for you but I know I was lucky and fortunate to live near the right place at the right time. If even one of you can get someone vaccinated with an otherwise lost dose I will consider this a success.

I live in a big city. I heard a lot of vaccines were still getting binned by missed appointments, so a couple weeks ago I walked into a few nearby drug stores and asked if they have a call list, why not? A few said no, but one took down my name, birthday, and number. I figured that wouldn’t have worked, and if it did I wouldn't hear back from them anyway. But it did, and this week they called and said they had “a bunch of doses can you come before closing in 30 minutes.” So, incredulously, I walked over and I got my shot.

The pharmacist said there were a high number of cancellations that day (it was pretty cold and wet?). He said some other pharmacies in the area were also trying to get doses placed. An elderly customer there by chance was also able to get a dose, and on my way out I told some other customers coming into the store to check at the desk. Altogether, I saw at least 4 missed doses go out, but it sounded like they still ended up having to toss some.

They said I was on my own to find the next dose a month from now, so come ask again then. We'll see what happens.

This is at a time when my eligible (diabetic) sister can't get an appointment because her state's online system is stopping her with the birthdate only. My coworker is in the same boat with his own health issues, saying the appointments disappear before you can click on them. People who manage to get these appointments are missing them - ok maybe there's a good reason. But why does that mean there are no backup plans for these vaccines?

It should go without saying, but I have to note that the people (pharmacists) giving the shots are in no way at fault here - see rants below.

What I'd suggest - READ THIS ONE

Depending on your state, find your nearest vaccine distribution site, preferably a store pharmacy (Idk about other spots but try them too why not). I don’t know how it would work in really rural areas or states not distributing through drug stores. And no idea outside of the US, maybe someone has info for these cases? I'm sorry... :/

Anyway, this website can help you find one nearby:

If you know of a better tool, tell me! You can also google something like "[state] covid vaccine map."

When you find some sites, go in person, calling will get you a machine. Wait in line and ask the pharmacist if they have a covid waitlist or take contact info for missed appointments - you can ask if they'll take other names too but no idea if that's pushing it. Maybe come with a short list of nearby contacts you can give them? I know this isn't most people, but preferably folks who can easily get there within 20 minutes.

If not, see if they'll let you know when their last appointment of the day is typically. This way, if you have time you can come check periodically to see if they have extra doses that would otherwise go to waste. Worst thing that happens is you've stopped at the pharmacy while picking up some groceries.

Importantly, tell people you know who might be trying unsuccessfully to apply for a vaccine or are ineligible but at risk about this!!

Why you should do it/little rant

When Moderna/Pfizer vials are opened, there is a 6 hour window for the vial to be used (they contain no preservative). Eligible people are signing up for vaccine appointments and for one reason or another are missing them. This means that dose does not have an arm to go into. If it's not used within 6 hours of opening it has to be tossed.

In my state at least, there is no top down plan for dealing with this. These vaccines are in short supply so it’s critical to make sure they aren’t wasted, even if that means someone ineligible gets it.

The government has abandoned its responsibility to the people, and now we’re at the mercy of Walgreens and CVS. They have no direct corporate incentive to set up a backup system. So the vaccine site, usually the customer-facing pharmacist, is now not only tasked with their normal job plus vaccines, but also finding a new arm to put any unaccounted dose into. That means asking customers or pulling people off the street. Often it means disposing of precious vaccines because no one can be found.

Is this "ok?" - more ranting

I mean, no? But... in a perfect world we should at least know our place is in line, and people would be enrolled in ranked waitlists that can be searched by pharmacies around you. But in reality there's nothing, and so you are doing what you can to mitigate what this country has set up: flushing vaccines down the drain when someone doesn’t or can't show up. At the end of the day you are saving this dose from the trash. More people need to know about this, eligible and not.

Here are some further justifications to make you feel better:

  • You are helping make the pharmacist’s job easier by being one less arm for them to find.
  • We need shots in arms
  • You can find a good site for this and then tell other people who need this vaccine to go there.
  • We need shots in arms
  • Your shot now means a shot that will be free for someone else when you would be eligible.
  • We need shots in arms.
  • Your immunity breaks a possible chain of infection for others, eligible or not.
  • We need shots in fucking arms.
One more rant

We live in hell. I cannot believe I was able to do this when my sick, eligible family and coworkers have been looking for a vaccine for so long through the broken appointment systems. Luckily they're trying this now and one put down their name at the same site I did. But I'm privileged with a good job and a good education, and I shouldn't be the last option for this dose.

Why is it the pharmacist's responsibility?? Maybe it's just my state but this system they put in place is disgusting and I’m filled with sadness and rage every time I think about it. Whole cities were vaccinated for polio in the course of weeks right after WW2, get your fucking act together. Throw out and eat every last neoliberal ghoul running this shit.

Also, why the fuck is no one talking about this?? I've seen a few small articles here and there mostly shaming no one in particular, but this should be common knowledge! Get everyone's name on a list and make sure these doses don't get tossed!

More resources

Appointment twitter bots, credit @notcontenttobequiet!

For NYC comrades:

For NJ comrades:

All USA comrades - standby list of leftover vaccines:

For California comrades - crowdsourced vaccine tracker:

For Chicagoland comrades - crowdsourced Google doc:

For Colorado comrades:

For Georgia comrades - text based vaccine app:

For Massachusetts comrades:

For Michigan comrades - crowdsourced vaccine tracker:

For Minneapolis comrades - Facebook page:

For Pennsylvania comrades - crowdsourced vaccine tracker:

For Texas comrades - crowdsourced vaccine tracker:

For Washington state comrades - crowdsourced vaccine tracker:

Still too much to read?

You should try to read the above, but basically ask your pharmacist (nicely and in person) about a waitlist for the covid vaccine. Doses can go to waste if someone doesn't show up, and you or your loved one being there helps that dose get used.

  • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
    4 years ago

    we could just have a proper mobilization effort and draft all the goddamn soldiers & medical students to start sticking everyone's arms but noooo even the most important medical project of the decade is a PPP :sadness:

      • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
        4 years ago

        public private partnership, the government injecting profiteers into essential projects & services

        bread and butter of neoliberal governance

    • wasbappin [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      I got mine today and it was basically like that. It was at a convention / events center and there were tons of volunteers, red cross people, national guard and nurses. It was very quick and organized. It took me way longer to vote at the same building.

  • cilantrofellow [any]
    4 years ago

    Oh another thing - this is for all covid vaccine shots but they make you fill out a form and sit for 15 minutes after getting the shot in case you have an allergic reaction. So plan for at least like a 30 minute thing. Also my arm was super sore the day after I got it lol.

    • Meh [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I think that's actually the guideline for any vaccine, but its just uncommon enough for anything to go wrong that people don't wait after the flu vaccine or similar injections.

  • Multihedra [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I guess this is why the US ordered 5x the number of vaccines it needs.

    For an economic superpower, they sure couldn’t efficiently allocate scarce resources to save their lives, literally!

    Except we know the people at the head of this system got their vaccines, so that’s not exactly true.

    • cilantrofellow [any]
      4 years ago

      What’s more American than wasting precious resources at the expense of the global south.

      • apricotmarmalade [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        prediction: gates foundation distributes a small portion of the extraneous vaccine to the global south, but only to the shittiest fash governments. :agony-deep:

  • TimeCubeEvangelist [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    The government has abandoned its responsibility to the people, and now we’re at the mercy of Walgreens and CVS

    Thanks, neoliberals

    Also, why the fuck is no one talking about this??

    NPCs: "nooo, you can't cut in front of the line!"

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I've heard of this and a part of me feels a bit guilty if I were to go about about trying to get a vaccine this way. At the same time the corporate overlords where I work did everything they could to keep their retail locations open during the lockdown period where I live and, to this point, have seemingly decided not to push for us to get vaccines.

    I might just start to tell people about it though since I see a lot of elderly people where I work and there are some that have told me how much trouble they've had getting appointments. Heck my dad, who's been had eligibility since January only just now got his first dose of the vaccine.

    • cilantrofellow [any]
      4 years ago

      I felt that way, and that's a big part of why I'm trying to get the word out. You should def let those people know. But at the end of the day it can either go into you or the trash, and if you get it now someone gets your eligible dose faster.

    • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Don't feel guilty. If you don't do it, nobody would get that particular dose of the vaccine, so you'd still be doing your part in helping mitigate damage from this virus. And you getting vaccinated also helps the high risk people, even if it's a very small amount.

    • cilantrofellow [any]
      4 years ago

      Officially I have between 24-42 days to get the dose, but the one dose is pretty effective on its own regardless and unofficially I think really just get it when you can after 3.5 weeks. I just have to hope I luck out with the shot again over a three week period basically.

    • AdamTheMarxist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They're the same, so, I guess you could just do this again. Or if you get an appointment inform your doctor that you got the first dose and don't need to follow up for a second.

    • cilantrofellow [any]
      4 years ago

      Go in person and ask the pharmacist if they have a waitlist for vaccines from missed appointments. If your state is like mine, this is a big grey area.

      If it works for you, pay it forward to people who might need the vaccine but have had trouble using the broken appointment systems.

        • cilantrofellow [any]
          4 years ago

          Yeah you’re normally not eligible is my assumption based on what most states are doing. It’s also seems like it’s up to the pharmacists discretion but mostly they need to get those shots in arms. But if you for instance are an essential worker then they might be more likely to give you one.

    • DoctaaMonstaa [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I did this in Georgia via Fulton Board of Public Health, but I also had a connection there that helped me get through

    • cilantrofellow [any]
      4 years ago

      You should try this if you’re close to a vaccine site! They also take intake volunteers in some places and that puts you right there if they have extras.

  • Straight_Depth [they/them]
    4 years ago

    This is cool and helpful, OP, thank you. If other comrades have advice based on the odd vagaries of their own states, it would be good to know

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I'm sorry for being dense but what is the suggestion? You go into the pharmacy and ask to be on the wait list then what? Don't they require some kind of slip or other verification that you're in the current phase? Or does that vary state-by-state? Like if you're a front-line worker don't you get a piece of paper from your employer saying you need the vaccine? Or is this like a free donuts at the end of the day from the bakery where a cool pharmacy will just give you the vaccine if they have extra?

    • cilantrofellow [any]
      4 years ago

      Yes it’s like donuts that’s a good comparison. It may depend on the state but where I am it was that simple

      • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        Thank you. In that case I will see what I can do. I'm at risk for sure but rn my state requires you also to be over 65 or employed as a nurse/teacher/frontline worker. The state's site isn't clear. They say they don't require identity to get a vaccine so if you show up without a license they can't turn you away. But they aren't clear on whether or not employers give out vaccine tickets or not.

        • cilantrofellow [any]
          4 years ago

          Yes in addition to other qualifications like immunocompromised or certain workers.

          But it doesn’t apply in this case since it just has to get used up before it expires in the 6 hour window.

  • SuperDullesBros [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Just got mine yesterday and feel like shit today. Plan ahead and cook/ get some frozen or canned food if you don’t have someone to potentially help you out. Feels like I’m drunk with a 24 hour flu.

    • cilantrofellow [any]
      4 years ago

      They talk about the second shot being rough, but if you had covid the first one will feel like the second. No idea what the “third” would feel like.