It's the Senate. It's not even supposed to try and be representative.
Let's rotate the board!
and by that I mean exterminate congress (in minecraft)
At this point, I think of US politics as a perpetual trauma-making machine, meant to demoralize the working class with a constant deluge of 'fuck yous.'
I legit don't get this shit. There's no long term thinking here.
If they do this then they can stave off a violent revolution for another 20 years or so.
If you don't give people the means to buy food then they ARE going to kill and eat you.
Yeah a lot of politicians just view this as a small part of their career where they do a little bit of superficial work, buildup connections with businness people and politicians from other countries and then fuck off to get a sweet management or supervisory board position, or they use their experiences and connections to become consultants and cash in millions.
They don’t give a single fuck about the quality of their work or how well the general population likes them. As long as the people around them i their little bubble keep them save and give them more career opportunities, they are satisfied.
"That fuse has been burning for like 5 minutes, the dynamite will never go off"
Uh, I mean if the 20 year olds on this site live to be 80 something will definitely happen. With climate collapse and all.
"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"
That’s where the absurdly high military and police budgets come in.
They probably have Nate Silver brain. In the 230 years since the constitution was ratified it has been overthrown zero times, so there is a zero percent chance that there's anything to worry about.
In the 230 years since the constitution was ratified it has been overthrown zero times
Depending on who you ask, it's been overthrown several times - the Civil War, the Federal Reserve, the New Deal, and the Civil Rights Movement all fundamentally changed the model of Jeffersonian aristocracy our founders originally envisioned.
If you don’t give people the means to buy food then they ARE going to kill and eat you.
Their calculus seems to be contrary to this. It is, in fact, all a game to them.
It's all fun and games until the crusty dirt-covered peasants break out the pitchforks and torches. Then it's a fun game of hide and seek tag where you only got one chance to play, no takesies backsies
Yeah that's probably true, but doubling people's incomes is still a really good way of turning them into comfortable libs.
A minimum wage does not need to apply to most areas though. I expect cities and many states to go higher than that if the federal min is $15
the masses will just kill and canabalize themselves. the american ideology is an illness.
half the anger being directed to them is from the chuds. we're a tiny minority of people who have our heads screwed on straight.
If they do this then they can stave off a violent revolution for another 20 years or so.
flips back on the Jan 6th riots
I don't think min-wage is going to stop another Q-revolt.
The schadenfreude in 2022/2024 is going to be delicious, just wish it didn't involve millions suffering in poverty along the way
Am I wrong for thinking that Trump winning reelection in 2024 is good for the dems? Honestly, if I were the dems I'd keep playing politics as the oppositional #resistance party, seems to make them the most money. Being in power is bad for them but I do suppose they have to win every now and then to keep the people at least somewhat invested.
Without a strong socialist contingent in government, there are two possibilities.
Stupid, boring repetition of the past 6-8 years, back and forth and nothing really changes
Dipping into uncharted waters of reaction as fringe chuds suddenly become accepted mainstream politicians
like i just fail to understand how paying people more on your dumb service economy is bad like literally the more money people have the more they buy stuff like holy shit
Because they'd rather have a mass of penniless debt slaves than 'empowered consumers.' You're following the old meta.
They just needed Manchin to vote no but seven more democrats wanted you to know that they are pure trash too.
Joe Mansion? I'm sorry, that's not a real name. Am I supposed to believe mr. Moneybags is a real person as well?
Ooof. When the Dems want to fuck the poor so hard that they forget only Joe Manchin is supposed to be playing the bad guy.
A Chapo Chatter liked your post so much, they expropriated it, turned it into an agitprop meme, and posted it on reddit :gold-antifa:
Obviously she wasn't the only one to vote against it, but Sinema just had to be a cute bitch about keeping millions in poverty. In previous centuries this kind of behavior is what lead to your head being removed from your body. Not in minecraft.
In previous centuries this kind of behavior is what lead to your head being removed from your body.
Russia was shit-tier for centuries before the Revolution. It needed to get bookended by hosting two of the worst wars in human history, and only then was it able to crawl out of political obscurity for a few brief decades before being ground back under again.
I'd love to believe that these people will get what they deserve. But I'm looking at Mitch McConnell's boney ass about to expire, surrounded by friends and loved ones, and celebrated as a Lion Of The Senate in his generation... and I have my doubts.
Oh no they absolutely won't get what they deserve. The worst that will happen is they lose their seat and get immediately shuffled into the consultant merry go round. I think this kind of behavior, plus her fucking golden response to criticism, really shows that they know they have us all by the balls/tender body area of your choice.
The system will do shit like this, then, unrionically have establishment news sources like local news stations dedicate airtime to modern lumpen elements engaging in financial crime when they literally have no other way to eat
What a profoundly sick society
also, despite our leaders treating their subjects like cockroaches, we have a moral duty to civilize the world with our system and ideology.
fucking grim.
I'm not surprised but I'm disappointed anyways.
Burning the American flag is cool folks, more and more people are saying it. :amerikkka:
Guys we're slowly but surely pushing the dems to the left :agony-turbo:
:agony: :agony-4horsemen: :agony-acid: :agony-consuming: :agony-deep: :agony-immense: :agony-limitless: :agony-mescaline: :agony-mescaline: :agony-shrooms:
"needs 60 votes." NO IT DOESN'T. fucking manufactured consent. every single news outlet repeats this sort of bullshit and codifies it as "fact."
The Constitution only requires a simple majority. And a 60 vote requirement has never stopped Republicans from doing anything, from blocking appointments, to making them, to setting regulations, to removing regulations, to changing laws, and on and on.
It's never the Dems' fault as a whole, only a
couplebunch of bad apples