I'm being genuine here, some thinks that chacha is an environment for genuine leftist organization while others thinks that this site is just a board to post shit. Forming a consensus around what the purpose of the site is, and developing the site towards that goal will be better for the growth of our community better than any name or any other vanity changes.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    4 years ago

    Sites develop organically you can't plan this shit, the more contradictions the better, all the best sites in internet history were a hodgepodge of shitposts and earnestness

    It's the wild west aspect that made the internet worthwhile in the first place, consensus is for debate nerds and goals are for soccer, let my people post

  • LibsEatPoop2 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This site has to be both a place to shitpost and a place for genuine organizing. It needs to be both, or it will not survive.

    • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I wouldnt know anywhere near as much theory as I do if it wasn't mixed in with memes. Getting some basic/safe activism organizing going would be great, obviously there's severe limits on what can be organized on a public forum

      • BillyMays [he/him]
        4 years ago

        We obviously aren’t going to be the lead for the organizing efforts, but sharing information and meetings about local organizing efforts going on seems very doable.

        • GrandAyatollaLenin [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          I think that's something users can do already.

          "I like this org, there's a protest here" is something you can easily post on a place like this. We did it on the sub too. But, there's a limit to how much you can organize online, especially when everyone's anonymous.

          • The_word_of_dog [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I think it can help with normalizing the idea of local activity without necessarily being the place to organize the doxfest that a chapo-based organization would be.

            Just posting shit and talking about ways to improve yourself as a leftist or telling others how to improve via anonymous struggle sessions. Seems like most of what this site already is.

    • SuperStr8Slaughterer [any]
      4 years ago

      Online is where genuine organizing goes to die, and it seems like the mods are only allowing memes to springboard some kind of delusional attempt at an eventual communist revolution spearheaded on this website, which will just make it less fun. it should be at the very most 80/20 memes/organizing

  • CommieElon [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The only problem I have with this site is the doomerism. I come here to escape and laugh. Lately the cynicism is so bad I’ve been coming less and less.

    The site will decide what it wants to be. It’s a new place so there will be growing pains.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    This site will always be a place to shit post for me because I'm not from the USA so 99% of the organising stuff is not going to be relevant. But I do support the goal from the admins to make the site more conducive to real world organising

  • FunnyBunny [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is a random reddit of course its for shit posting. Visit this site if you enjoy it, dont visit it expecting this to be a productive use of time.

  • antifanatic [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    So I only found this place a month ago. Didn't know about the subreddit before it was banned. Didn't know about the podcast and don't know what the fuss was about. I don't have the attachment to this community the most of you do and I don't expect my opinion to carry much weight. I try to lurk and absorb. But I got to say the daily "why aren't we growing?" threads really baffle me.

    I come here to be deprogrammed. I read the things you write to learn how I've grown up in the imperial core and everything I was ever taught was a lie because I know the serious posters are far more literate than I am.

    But holy pigpoopballs, do I not care for the outright exclusionary humor, and the clique-iness. The childish drama both directed at and provided by the mods. I guess all I want is to search for a subject I feel like reading about today without seeing the main page.

    • CommieElon [he/him]
      4 years ago

      So r/socialism101 is what helped me deprogram. I recommend you use it if you want to learn about leftist theory and subjects. You’ll get a leftist perspective of current events here along with mostly shitposting.

  • SadSoulja [love/loves]
    4 years ago

    I’ve been lurking here for awhile now and used to post a lot on the sub (RIP) but I think the site serves more of a purpose as a place to post shit with likeminded leftists rather than a place to organize. There does seem to be a lot of drama every so often so the less tethered to the real world the better IMO. I think people who do want to organize have a lot of resources to jump off from thanks to this place but more importantly they should be absorbing theory via posting osmosis. I still see way too much lib behavior for my liking


  • purr [undecided]
    4 years ago

    this is a place for us to grow. To learn how to preserve and maybe?? even fall in love. This isnt yellow springs, ohio and retainers anymore, Kacey. It's Bushwick. In this town, things matter. I know who to do and who to screw, and I damned well will be repeating that 10 years from now at my maid of honor speech at your wedding. Yes bitch, we WILL have been drinking all day and I'll be already crying. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT. But I guess my point is.....are you going to gonna "just get some drinks" with Brownsville Brian tonight, or are you going to Tango in Tribeca with Tyler? Figure it out girl. .......But just so you know I dont go past the Fulton C stop. Smooches


      • purr [undecided]
        4 years ago

        my best friend in high school was leaving my apt and heard a similar version of this ; so original. it was weird bc we werent even in bushwick

        • Woly [any]
          4 years ago

          it was weird bc we werent even in bushwick

          Everywhere is Bushwick when you're an idiot

  • TacoGyrosKebabShwama [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I lurked the CTH reddit until it got nuked, but never posted. I joined this place because i missed the podcast discussion , and figured that some of the good vibes might still be found there ... but this place has always been a weird, kinda alienating and uncommunal place IMHO .it IS an interesting place ,but without the titualar poscast as keystone (and the failure of left electoralism globally) i kinda wondered what would keep it it glued together. it was thoughtprovoking that the site removed downvotes. I've always believed that the interface influences the behavior and having a big yes/nope button makes people quantified consumers of other people. if you come from a marginalised place or are hanging on by your fingernails , the reminder that your contribution can be easily ignored or discounted probbably stings a bit more than if you have a bit more comfort or other social frames holding you. i guess that's why i keep checking in to see how the site is changing/mutating . I do think that OP is right, that by postively advocating for what ever this site thinks it stands for it becomes more of a shared experience, rather then a constant free market of upbears and popularity contests

    • SadSoulja [love/loves]
      4 years ago

      it was thoughtprovoking that the site removed downvotes

      Ah that’s extremely disappointing to hear this isn’t just a temporary feature. In a functioning community downvotes serve a very useful purpose IMO, not allowing downvotes is a great way for subtle lib-posting to thrive. I lurked on here a lot when things were getting going last year after the ban but haven’t been on here much the last few months. I kind of hoped this place would turn out to be less heavily moderated than the Chapo sub, that policy makes me question the direction things have gone in. Rules for the sake of rules seems very lib/Reddit-esque.


      • TacoGyrosKebabShwama [he/him]
        4 years ago

        In a functioning community downvotes serve a very useful purpose

        true, but i guess that's my throughline: is chapo.chat/hexbear.net a functioning community? i'm not willing to write it off , and i'm interested to see it evolve, but i don't know what the "glue" is, so all this rule tweeking and admin drama is a bit inside baseball for me .

        IMHO , Downvotes are a very low effort, low cost, broad collapsing of a variation of negative responses one could have, and when i see a chapo.chat/hexbear.net post i've disliked, i tend to ignore it unless i can actually be bothered to effort post. so , does this make me a better community member ? i surely wouldn't be alone in this idea, and i would imagine this interface reflects the structual valuing of the commited poster over the casual , and this might have some influence over why the recent introspection from mods over the tone and direction - because the interface changed the engagment.

        Im actually kinda of interested to see if they implement word filtering, and how far they would go with it . sure you can key word search for things, but what about hiding things with words in it as some people have asked for.... Would that negate the need for down votes? eg if you filtered out words used often in struggle sessions you don't appreciate (like the polarising natalism/antinatalism struggle session that tends to happen here) would your experience be more enjoyable and would you be more willing to generate content ? or is it equivalent to sticking your head in the sand? Does anyone on these boards owe each other the right to be heard? or what if the filter was controlled by mods so that certain words couldn't be avoided - We 👏 need 👏 to 👏 talk 👏 about 👏 Hamiliton .

        • SadSoulja [love/loves]
          4 years ago

          Word filtering!! A world filter controlled by the mods?! That type of power in the hands of the mods tends to only end badly from what I’ve seen, it’s not usually even the fault of the mods themselves... just giving someone that power usually makes them think about how it should be implemented.

          I get the appeal of a word filter in theory but i worry it just takes one lib to infiltrate the mod team for that to turn into shadow banning and a very disjointed experience overall. Especially since I worry that perhaps this place isn’t functioning as smoothly as I thought, or at least compared with last time I was hanging around here much more often (October/November last year).

          Appreciate the input though, if a word filter is ever introduced I nominate “Archibald Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor” for first entry. Cheers
