davidr4 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2020

  • I don't like how in season one the camera keeps zooming in on the outline of her penis as if to highlight how weird/gross it is. It's one thing when the characters are transphobic because, like, they're shitty people - that's the point. But when the camerawork is transphobic, it's hard to imagine the transphobia's supposed to be viewed critically.

    But I agree with CthulhusIntern that she's better in the later seasons.

  • I feel like fallout 4 is more fun if you play with whatever weapons look coolest and change the difficulty if you're too weak/powerful. That being said, I can see how for a lot of people the fun comes from finding better and better gear, which doesn't really work for that approach.

  • davidr4 [he/him]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Thanks :) The world gets kinda depressing if you care about animals because even if humans were all completely vegan and eco-friendly and shit, animals still rip each other apart (obviously still would be much better than animal ag and environmental destruction) so its nice to daydream about possible alternatives. But that naturally leads to questioning the logistics of it, which is where it gets interesting imo.

  • davidr4 [he/him]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Animal-inclusive utopianism? Trying to perfectly engineer an environment where animals don't have to suffer from predators (non-human or human) while circumventing the downsides (overpopulation mainly) as much as possible. I could see a reclusive yet technologically advanced organisation, think the Institute from fo4, striving endlessly to turn a large piece of land into a completely peaceful haven for non-carnivorous animals. And they could be criticized for spending too much resources on non-humans, or the inherent eugenics-y aspect of deciding to create a space where obligate carnivores shouldn't exist, or for exerting too much control over the animals lives (they'd probably have to be sterilized to avoid overpopulation, with new animals created through human-controlled cloning). Idk if that helps because its a very utopian idea that may be out of place in your setting, but it could be interesting.

    There's also the question of intellectual property in a post-capitalist world. Like yes, it's a form of Capital and it's possible for people like JKR to make billions by gatekeeping who gets to make a film/merchandise , but at the same time creatives surely deserve some control over their work. So an ideology or ideological sect on each side of that debate could work.

  • davidr4 [he/him]toMovies & TVStar Wars is Cape Shit
    4 years ago

    Yeah that makes sense. I feel like that mindset is all over the fantasy genre, but after TLJ subverted it with the 'Rey's parents are nobodies' twist it especially sucks that TROS goes right back and doubles down on it.

  • davidr4 [he/him]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines if RPGs with fantastic writing are your thing. Shouldn't melt your pc but make sure to download the unofficial patch.

  • davidr4 [he/him]toMovies & TV*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Over a year passed between the final and penultimate episode, so it makes sense that the characters would be ok with him despite being angry at him in the episodes before. And 14 months in prison isn't insignificant - sure, its unusually short for the US's fucked up justice system, but its still a lot of time.

    And he totally does get punishment, even besides the prison time, he loses his relationship with Hollyhock and Diane, he loses his house, and I can't imagine going through the penultimate episode was a particularly pleasant experience. The finale doesn't punish BoJack because he's already been punished, the finale's job is to dwell on that and explore what that means for BoJack (and the other 4 characters) afterwards.

  • davidr4 [he/him]toMovies & TV*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Cecil: He's mad, even he doesn't know why he's destroying Rushmore

    Doc Seismic: We shouldn't glorify slave-owners.

    I honestly thought they were going somewhere with that, like that would hint Cecil being untrustworthy or something, but nope. Apparently madness and criticizing American propaganda are just the same thing.