I'm sure this struggle session exists but goddammit I just want to finish this dumb game with no point. 2 is my favorite

        • MedicareForSome [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          When you hit the Y/ 🔺 button and ask them nicely to change their entire worldview and/or kill themselves and they immediately comply.

            • SerLava [he/him]
              3 years ago

              Thats exactly the moment. They're like, will you join our ranks? If you say "No fuck you" they're like, oh that's exactly the type we want, head on out brother

              • Vncredleader [he/him]
                3 years ago

                That could have been so good if they kept you around on a short leash and then betray you if you went that route.

      • ShutUpShutUpShutUp [she/her]
        3 years ago

        bethesda games are basically templates for modders. they're honestly not worth playing vanilla

        • Torenico [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Bethesda also counts on modders to fix their insanely shitty games, filled with bugs. Skyrim is a prime example.

          You can't play Fo4 or TESV without mods.

          • ShutUpShutUpShutUp [she/her]
            3 years ago

            yup! fix their games and fill it with content worth engaging with (and porn. an immense, frankly endless amount of pornography)

      • AtomPunk [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Fuck with mods. Console has them too, though nowhere near the game changing ones pc has. At the very least, you’ll have some QoL improvements.

  • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
    3 years ago

    I kinda liked it tbh. It scratches the "explore everything" itch for me in a way that few other games do. It's shit as an RPG, though. The writing is generally bad, but I will stick up for one aspect. Once you get to The Institute, the writing quality picks up tremendously IMO, because The Institute is a brilliant parody of the US. Is it an intentional parody? Up for debate. But it functions very well as one.

    When you get to The Institute, the people there treat the Synths as not actually sentient despite the fact that a 5 minute conversation proves that that's untrue because they need to behave that way to not collapse under the weight of what they're doing. They need to treat the people on the surface like pieces on a gameboard for the same reason. People disliked this aspect of The Institute because it's not really satisfying to confront them, but I loved this- you can't confront them with the full weight of what they're doing because their egos just can't handle it. Even the one person who's helping the Railroad isn't really confronting the full weight of it- he doesn't seem to really be treating the Synths as human either, he's just uncomfortable with mistreating them, and when he's confronted with the Railroad doing what they would have to do in order to fight for the cause he says he cares about, he can't handle it. It all feels like really pointed parody to me.

    • disco [any]
      3 years ago

      I loved the way the institute was portrayed, and it makes a great metaphor for imperialism.

      Most of the people in the institute really aren’t “evil” per se, they are just profoundly insulated from the consequences of their own choices. Out of sight out of mind. Just like the technologically advanced imperial core. And of course to enable that, they work with people who really are evil, like that mercenary dude (forget his name) do actually do their bidding out in the field, so they can preserve their insulated existence.

      • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
        3 years ago

        Yeah. Don't get me wrong, it's not nearly as good as the other Fallouts (EDIT: Except Fallout 3. It's better than FO3, but I know that's not really what you mean). I just enjoy it when I don't compare it to them.

        And tbf, for all of Bethesda's many, many flaws, I do like wandering in FO4 more than in NV.

        • cryptymythy [he/him, any]
          3 years ago

          It just started feeling like a looter shooter to me and that's fun but takes something away from the tone for me. It shouldn't be serious but characters should matter more

    • MathVelazquez [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I think I just got to the Institute before I logged off 4 years ago. I guess I should go back if that's the genuine peak of the game.

  • bigbologna [she/her]
    3 years ago

    My favorite decision Bethesda made with FO4 was to make every single town except for like 2 into a generic interchangeable pile of rotting wood and scrap metal with generic interchangeable NPCs so you can build it up into your own custom settlement which does nothing except passively produce bottled water to sell and is still full of generic interchangeable NPCs who do nothing except cycle through five canned lines and feed you radiant quests.

    There's just nothing going on in the whole game. There's like four locations that serve as hubs for two quests each, some faction areas that serve to advance the main quest which is cardboard, and then a sea of generic settlements and generic raider/ghoul/mutant dungeons which serve mostly as playpens for the boring radiant quests. It might as well be a procedurally generated video game, it feels like playing Daggerfall but just the generic stuff.

  • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
    3 years ago

    Writing bad, fighting unremarkable, settlement-building pretty good. The Nuka World DLC was a little better than the main game.

    I think having a fully-voiced PC was a terrible decision that killed a lot of the actual "roleplay" aspect that people like.

    • cryptymythy [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      It's funny because it was the Nuka World that focused my distaste. And I agree about the voiced pc

      • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
        3 years ago

        Nuka World was the absolute last thing I did in my playthrough, so maybe I just enjoyed the opportunity to go full Joker by that point, after a story that utterly failed to inspire me :shrug-outta-hecks:

    • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
      3 years ago

      Nuka World was alright, but I thought Far Harbor was actually quite good tbh

      • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
        3 years ago

        I did like the writing on it. I probably would have liked the DLC more if I hadn't outleveled almost all of the weapons because they were pretty cool, but did shit-all damage to anything even when fully upgraded.

        • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
          3 years ago

          Yeah, the weapons in Far Harbor aren't great.

          What you need to do is start Nuka World and go just far enough to get an AK from it, then go do Far Harbor. Those AKs are absurdly powerful.

          • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
            3 years ago

            Yeah Nuka World's meant to be pretty late game so it didn't have those issues. Thing is I wanted the Far Harbor stuff to be viable. Harpoon gun deserves a buff tbh

            • davidr4 [he/him]
              3 years ago

              I feel like fallout 4 is more fun if you play with whatever weapons look coolest and change the difficulty if you're too weak/powerful. That being said, I can see how for a lot of people the fun comes from finding better and better gear, which doesn't really work for that approach.

  • UncleJoe [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Fallout 4 is kinda fun as an open world shooter thing like the Far Cry games, but as a role-playing game it really just pales in comparison to every other Fallout game, even 3, let alone 2 or New Vegas. If you want a new Fallout experience I recommend the DUST mod for NV, it's a kind of "what if?" scenario that turns New Vegas into a survival horror experience. It's pretty interesting, since it's based on existing Lonesome Road / Dead Money lore about what could happen after the end of the vanilla game, so it could legitimately fit into the canon in a way. It's frustratingly hard and genuinely spooky at times, would recommend.

  • Spike [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    If its a chore to get through, stop playing. There are things worth putting effort into, Fallout ain't one of them.

    • cryptymythy [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      or 2 really. I was ready to play a shooter rpg, but they present you with big decisions that you can't even make until the end

  • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    Fallout 4 is good.
    The world is fun to explore and you have a reason to so you can get supplies to build settlements that is fun.
    I like the factions and the characters.

    • cryptymythy [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      The reason is one of the reasons I don't like it. You start aggrieved but are out of that within a couple missions and then are forced to side quest with a pc that doesn't seem like they care

      • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
        3 years ago

        Honestly I might be biased because I am from the area, actually liked the settlement mechanic and larping as a militawoman.
        The writing is not as great as NV, but I think some of the voice acting especially from “Nora” can carry it and there are actually elements of the narrative I kinda like.

        • cryptymythy [he/him, any]
          3 years ago

          The map is pretty good actually, but why have all those factions when it doesn't matter? I'm just mad because I'm blown up lore wise

          • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
            3 years ago

            I don’t completely know what you mean by it doesn’t matter.
            Kind of similar to what I did in NV I made characters/play styles for each faction, I thought it was fun and interesting enough to see each factions ending.

        • Vncredleader [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Glad I'm not alone. It is bare-bones, it is not a serious rpg, but hey it meets what I want in terms of an open world shooter with more depth than Far Cry or Just Cause and with a genuinely fleshed out setting.

          I can get into it more than the others setting wise, same reason I am genuinely interested in 76. I'm and east coast boy, give me industrial centers surrounded by forest, with some of that creepy New England pioneer feeling and I am set.

          Settlements elevate the game big time, but I do get that if people don't enjoy the mechanic then like half the reason I like it is gone for them

  • Ithorian [comrade/them, he/him]
    3 years ago

    Fallout two is one of the best games ever made, check wasteland 3 and Atom. Wasteland is by the original fallout team and Atom is really similar. They're both great.

    • cryptymythy [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      Haven't heard of Atom, I'll check it out. Didn't really like Wasteland but I probably shoulda given it more of a chance

      • DragonNest_Aidit [they/them,use name]
        3 years ago

        I haven't played it but by just looking at the wiki it feels like Fo76 feels "cooler" overall. I love how the raiders are started by rich people who just naturally falls into banditry.

  • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
    3 years ago

    I wish the main quest was more compelling and the player had more RPG agency, since otherwise F4 is a great as an Action-Survival-FPS-Exploration hybrid.

    If only there were a Fallout 4 mod like Enderal.