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  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    Broke: China was irresponsible and let covid escape their poorly maintained and operated lab

    Woke: The US government sent an envoy to Wuhan in summer of 2019 to frame the lab. That's why there was an intelligence report from November 2019 (revealed to the public in Apr 2020) warning about COVID before even the Chinese knew about it. Wuhan has been a target because there's a ton of AI research going on there. . The goal was to disrupt life in Wuhan, hurt the Chinese economy, introduce cause for sending in health inspectors and sow distrust in the international community. It backfired spectacularly.

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It's also possible that the CIA was just doing it's intended purpose: Gaining intelligence.

    • richietozier4 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      That’s why there was an intelligence report from November 2019 (revealed to the public in Apr 2020) warning about COVID before even the Chinese knew about it.

      Wait, what?

        • OgdenTO [he/him]
          3 years ago

          So, say this is the case, that would suggest that the US either released the virus into Wuhan in order to frame the hospital, or stood by and waited while it was released accidentally from the lab -- where it subsequently has killed nearly 500,000 Americans -- in order to blame China, in order to, say, start a war?

            • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
              3 years ago

              trying to relive the glory days of the Cold War where you could coup any country with a well-oiled covert operations machine. But all those people who made up that machine are too old or dead. And the younger generation that came after them are sicko freaks who shouldn’t run a bath without the coast-guard standing by. They’re not as sharp or competent so when they tried to re-create the magic, it failed.

              I don't know if that's right, specifically the part about the old machine being made of more competent people. Say we transplant Venezuela and all its people back into the 1960s with all its institutions and general popular awareness of the full history of US intervention in Latin America intact, would the old Cold Warriors have managed to pull of the coup successfully, or would it have run up against the same issue that a large chunk of Venezuela's populace is armed, militant, and ready to defend against right wing paramilitary violence? Would their attempts at smuggling weapons into the country have succeeded against a state and public that's aware of the tricks they've historically used to do so? Would they have been more successful in compromising the military leadership that played along with the recent coup plots just long enough to get them to tip their hand?

              Maybe the same people who built that machine would be better at innovating its approaches to overcome a target that's aware of its tricks, but at the same time the primary way that US intelligence found its successes in the Cold War was just throwing piles of money at the worst people they could find, running an almost unlimited budget when it came to buying fancy equipment or undertaking ridiculous projects, and building a reputation as generous towards and protective of valuable defectors.

              Like their successors are clearly as gormless as they are monstrous, but I'd argue that their targets are also generally more aware and guarded against their methods now while the old standby move of "just roll over them with air superiority and an occupation" is no longer available thanks to modern AA defenses, the institutional rot of the MIC, and a general reluctance to throw American soldiers into a meatgrinder on the pretext of "lmao I just feel like it" since that's generally become an unpopular move that would endanger their stable base of power domestically.

    • aerides [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      If someone tried to frame the lab they did a piss poor job because there is zero evidence whatsoever.

      warning about COVID before even the Chinese knew about it

      duhhh or maybe the chinese knew about it earlier than they admitted

  • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It's so funny right wingers simultaneously think this is a Chinese superweapon, and also it's no more dangerous than the flu and hasn't killed anyone.

    • drhead [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak."

    • TankieTanuki [he/him]
      3 years ago

      If you read this long nymag piece, it explains that there is really no way to tell the difference between a virus that evolved in nature and one that evolved in a lab through a process known as serial passaging, which is where you pass a virus through living tissue cultures or live animals dozens of times to force mutations. It also points out that at least one of the prominent scientists yelling "it's natural!" has suspicious ties to the US bioweapons industry.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        3 years ago

        American officials having a long-standing habit of telling on themselves.

        Trump leading a ham-handed war-mongering administration.

        The US trying to pivot into a Cold War with China since the Cheney Administration.

        No way all these things could have anything to do with the outbreak in Wuhan.