I know that Glenn Beck is a low hanging fruit, but boy is that banner choice.
HE HAS THE SAME FACE EVERY TIME. Ok this is scary. Is Tucker real? Is he a puppet on a stick? How can one man have a frozen face of constipation fixed upon his face for decades? And how does said man manage to land a job reporting in person?!
I think boomers like it. We have a comparable "journalist" who is extremely popular here in Greece who mostly panders to grandpas and grandmas and he has a similar concerned/constipated face. He knows his audience too, he interviewed a mayor who gave him good numbers once, and then he shamelessly pretended to interview the exact same clip from that interview two more times a few weeks apart, because he knows the boomers who watch him probably forgot about it the next day. Tucker is similar.
He's black so obviously he must support BLM which is bad because Glenn Beck cannot imagine an organisation dealing with race not being about establishing domination over other races.
If this guy was around for MLK, he'd definitely defend segregation.
I'm pretty sure if you pushed him slightly he'd still support it today.
lotta people seem to have forgotten Ferguson. the family of Michael Brown know what Obama thinks of BLM
He had a breakdown from too much coke and his Chiropractor convinced him it was an autoimmune disease. Turns out the treatment involved not taking coke and he got better.
Basically he pulled a Peterson.
Apparently my dad still listens to this nut. He'll call me randomly and try to actually chat for about a minute, then it's always a hard pivot to talking about Beck. He'll say, "Oh you'll never guess what Glenn Beck said!"
Me: "I probably can, and I really don't want to know."
Dad: "...Well...He said the 'Chinavirus' definitely came from a lab. They have Chinese scientists defecting, and it's been proven to have been tailored. Even left wing outlets are reporting it now!"
Me: "What 'left wing' news outlet are you talking about!?"
Dad: "CNN"
Me: Bo Burnham Scream
His never-Trump phase lasted, what, a year? Fully back on the grind, now.
There's Marxists in BLM, but it's like too decentralized to have an ideology. The "official" national one is probably lib, from what I heard it basically functions like any other NGO.
America is overrun with liberalism and the black community is as awash in capitalist propaganda as any other.
Meanwhile, Glenn Beck thinks John McCain is a Marxist, so... shrug
There was a video being shared around by right wingers of an interview with a founder or something saying they're a Marxist but I don't know how real that was
A lot of the organizers of the Ferguson uprising were genuinely radical, but they got overtaken in the national press by more careerist activist figures like Deray McKesson
It’s in the name. BLM actually stands for Black Marxist-Leninists, but they switched the L and the M to throw off the feds and came up with Black Lives Matter as a cover-up.
i thought glenn beck was "rehabbed" aka went on a tour with samantha bee speaking out against trump? guess george w bush was crowding his lane