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As a proud Gamer, I love how Activision refuses to put politics into my games. Deal with it libtards.
Felix has done multiple rants about how good the politics of MGS are. I can try to find them if you're interested
It's not politics if you're too stupid to have a clue what it's on about.
Oooh big shiny robot!
Probably not. But you could shoot some brown babies, that makes up for it, right? RIGHT?!?!
He inspired such loyalty, had a body double willing to give his life for him.
It's kind of pathological how much they target Russians (and Latin Americans, to a slightly lesser extent). Like Modern Warfare 2, straight-up genocidal Russians who launch a suicidal invasion of America to literally kill as many civilians as possible for revenge; Modern Warfare 3 kind of walks back Russia's evil with the whole "Russian President gets kidnapped" bit but also the Russian military launch chemical warfare attacks against London and Paris for some reason?!; the recent remake was basically a propaganda version of the Syrian Civil War.
Weird archival footage of a Russian guy describing what the CIA does.
Hey Epic Gamers, buy our game and defend the beacon of freedom on earth ! Participate in the toppling of democratically elected governments ! Or defend corporate interests overseas by siding with totally-not-fascist puppet states in Latin America ! Try our new stealth missions where you assassinate civil right leaders and evil communists ! The game also has a new gamemode, called "Gamer Moments", where you have to slaughter the most unarmed civilians you can before the timer runs out !
Buy COD : Cold War, for just 69.99$ !
Sponsors include the US army and Central Intelligence agency.
"No Russian" but because you can't speak Russian and it's presented as a good thing.
Don't forget that CoD game from like two years ago that had a fictional "highway of death" war crime that was mostly like the real one but in a fictional country and done by Russia or the Soviet Union.
The Russian campaign in World at War was on another fucking level, and really hammered home the flaming blood trench brutality of the Eastern front to teenage me.
Soviet subversion is when there are minorities and women in movies and tv shows, and also so is civil rights, women rights, environmentalism, concern about police brutality, and wanting public healthcare.
Whew, no political characters detected, just a normal russian white guy on a couch.
He's snitching on commies, there's nothing political about fighting commies
Pretty amazing that they portrayed the remake as an explicitly "morally grey" tale about "modern warfare" when CoD4 had more moral ambiguity in its little finger
to piggyback a good but not quite as good as jacob :
i am really to hyped to play as the cia officers training south american military into torture leftist thanks activision
- it just serves to convey the conspiracies of an obscure fucking madman who literally wasn’t even apart of the KGB
Good to know, something seemed off — a Marxist could easily imagine the US destabilizing in the absence of foreign meddling or whatever that guy was on about