I'm going to pretend to be a communist then immediately break character after a single reply of pushback
They were doing so well! Then they get two people saying "nah you're wrong" and they go straight to falsified racist crime stats and transphobia! It's like they're reading off a script but it's several pages too short so they go straight to the stormfront memes once they run out of lines. Can't improvise or think on the fly for shit smh.
This is why communists are better infiltrators to humiliate your asses in your shitty little telegram group channel than you ever will at infitrating ours. You need to actually uhhhhhh read theory to even begin arguing like a communist. Get fucked nazis :pit:
I just don't understand Hexbear, what kind of leftist space doesn't accommodate me in my attempts to alienate everyone else in here? You will NEVER achieve your cause.
I called you a red fascist and now all of a sudden you don't like me. You, ideologically aligned with the government that killed the Czar whose opulence was fueled by pogroms and then a certain Mr. Hitler, are not supporting the proud liberal democracies that enabled Hitler. That makes you le red fascist and I'm going to do a real socialism with all of my fellow anti-communists. They don't like that you killed Hitler either.
How do you do fellow leftists?
So I was wondering, how do we feel about the polish? While they're definitely useful for polluting the white bloodline, I'm concerned that their culture promotes christian values.
Can’t wait for the esoteric-tradcath schism in the post-alt-right ecofascist party of 2026
I’m just looking for an honest, good faith discussion but also why is evil authoritarian China considered good on this site? We know authoritarianism bad and democracy good.
According to figures from the American Eagle Freedom Burger Institute China is ranked as "bad" whereas the US is ranked as "good". So how can this site in good faith claim that China is good and the US is bad when the evidence points to the opposite?
According to the research performed by the Henry Kissinger Institute for Human Rights we are completely justified in pre-emptively nuking Beijing to save human rights in Taipei
I'm well informed about China. After reading Reuters, Foreign policy, and watching a few videos made by totally informed and impartial Western channels, I arrived to the conclusion that China, indeed, bad. What? Chinese media? Honey, that's propaganda. Watching videos made by Chinese or people living in China? Honey, have you ever heard about CCP bots? Those people are getting paid to do this! Here take this WAPO article, it will open your eyes.
I understand they’re on the path toward eliminating poverty but at what cost? You can’t just do that without hurting people.
They claim to be reforesting but have you seen their ghost cities? So creepy.
Also no one talks about the Tiananmen holocaust with literal millions slaughtered.
I don't like it but any attempt to criticise this behaviour would be 1984 and literally the same thing as beating you and throwing you in prison for doing it
"I might disagree with your public advocacy for a white supremacist state, but I'll attack any minority group that tries to silence you."
Love when they come in and use DNC talking points to try and get on our good side lmao
"Hello fellow leftists, I also like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden's communist agenda"
Know your enemy ffs, I am begging you nerds to read even one page of Sun Tzu
My favorite comment from that whole debacle was “if someone called the usa fascist i wouldn’t be offended, I would agree! So a Chinese person shouldn’t either” like yes these two countries with completely different material conditions and histories are definitely a 1:1 comparison lol
Also at some point he basically admitted he was straight up making up his own definitions for words lmfao
Also seemed to use the colloquial definition of feudalism wherein capitalism=feudalism=fascism bc reasons
Real :blob-no-thoughts: hours, who up?
Lmao making up definitions, insulting everyone, being surprised when people don't like that.
Calling your own country fascist and calling a foreign country, heavily under propaganda by the entire international bourgeoise, fascist, are exactly the same things and if you disagree you are red fash.
You have been visited by the hog with shit on its balls. All your replies will contain hogs with shit on their balls unless you fuck off.
Heya, I'm just going to leave a snarky one line comment here and hope someone responds to it for a dopamine hit
Oh cool, let's get this over with quickly then.
POST HOG. HOG. :PIGPOOPBALLS: :mao-aggro-shining: And then you go mask off because you are a little baby.
lmao I had that guy pegged for what he was at the start of that thread.
Yeah they lack ambition and long term thinking. It's pathetic to witness.
“nooooooooo im nt a child ima 40 yr old!”
lmfao dudr tht maks et wors wtf ez wrong w/ yu