If you knew anything about Soviet Union, you'd know that number is correct. During 50s, SU started Project Red Loop, in which people were given immortality serum and repeatably killed in various ways, to test it's military potential. Some test subjects were killed over 50k times.
fuck everything else, this guy's spittin. soviets defeated death but used it to do more murder.
you're laughing? The Soviet Union killed between 1 and 1,000,000,000 people, and you're laughing??
No matter how outlandish the Black Book death count is, its always way less than even a conservative estimate of deaths caused by capitalism. The British Empire alone tops these numbers
So casualties from several wars as a minimum, plus another 98 million "mystery deaths".
My guess is every surplus death in a third world country where the Soviet Union supported a revolution.
Add in the people murdered by anticommunist military dictatorships, because why not?
They wouldnt have to be anticomnunists if communists didnt exist!
I mean all of the stuff in general is how you get these numbers. The actual Black Book counting includes the unborn children of killed nazis in it's kill count
They usually include stuff like “how many kids would have been born if no one child policy” and other bs nonsense in numbers like these
Stalin is still to this day stealing your food with his giant spoon straight from his grave, the communist elite are more fascist than Hitler ever was
Whenever people share sources like this "from a university" I just look at the directory they shared from. It didn't disappoint this time
apparently it was collated by a dead ghoul (rest in piss) called Rudolph Rummel, who dedicated his life to this. Unsurprisingly he also supported the mass murder of Iraqis by the US government.
I looked this guy up assuming that he might have arrived via Operation Paperclip, but no, despite his name he was actually born in Ohio.
He tried to argue here that "democracies don't make war" and then said the US doing covert action against other countries doesn't count because "actchually the countries they targeted weren't democracies, and it was okay because gobbunism bad, also the CIA is bad and not democratic but they wouldn't do those things if they had more Democracy
" Like he actually tried to redefine "war" as armed conflicts strictly between
so that any suffering the US inflicts on other countries is justified because they are Spreading Democracy™ and aren't actually wars because the victim countries aren't "democracies."
Also apparently the US Civil War wasn't a war because the Confederacy "was not recognized by any major Power, which means that it was not recognized as an independent state."
War can only occur between democracies and also democracies cannot make war therefore war is impossible, world peace achieved! we did it reddit!
Horseshoe theory is real but it only applies to web development skills.
You know, now that I look at this you don't even need an upper bound.
Soviet Necromancy bringing people back to life just to kill them again.
Everyone that took part in the Russian revolution is dead now, checkmate pinkos.
Soviet Union destroyed underwater Samthi people with their hyperflux capacitators and you hexbears are just laughing!???!?
This conversation became absurd a long time ago, and it appears that it still isn’t absurd enough
This conversation about communist death tolls is so old that Marx himself probably replied to it
Dunno about Marx, but Mark Twain had a good one about the death toll of the French Revolution.