Just give up some simple luxuries such as not having to spend 4 hours commuting each day
What? What do you mean that the cost of car maintenance and gas would make that more expensive?
These... People think we can afford to travel? Fucker I can't even afford clothes that don't immediately fall apart!
Like holy shit, how do these people get to write these articles when they've clearly done no research?
Because they own the media and are entitled to less scrutiny because being rich means they are "virtuous individuals"
Millennial stereotypes are really describing upper class NYC kids, because those are the only millennials that media types know.
Thankfully there’s a huge number of job openings in my field in small towns! Wait, actually I just checked and they’re almost exclusively in major cities. Weird, she must not have considered that when writing this article
Lol. Lmao. Imagine having to WORK for a living????? What are you, poor? Just get your parents to help you buy a $250,000 house in a town with zero economic prospects????
If you can't figure this out its clearly YOUR fault.
Probably she knows her home's value is (my guess) $1million but she also gaslights with the guess that the average starter homes are something absurdly low like $50k all over the country.
Do you know how hard it is to move when you either live on a budget or have no money at all? No. Of course you don't. Because you don't care.
Yeah, right, let me just move to some small town. Oh, weird, my entire field only has job postings in major cities. I wonder if that's part of the problem? :thonk:
As an American you're supposed to suck up 40+ minutes of driving to work every day without a fuss about it.
40+ minutes
My old commute was 1.5 hours lol. Love to effectively extend my working day by 3 hours.
look at this monopoly man over here living only 40 minutes away.
Sometimes the poor are praised for being thrifty. But to recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less. For a town or country labourer to practise thrift would be absolutely immoral. Man should not be ready to show that he can live like a badly-fed animal He should decline to live like that, and should either steal or go on the rates, which is considered by many to be a form of stealing. As for begging, it is safer to beg than to take, but it is finer to take than to beg. No: a poor man who is ungrateful, unthrifty, discontented, and rebellious, is probably a real personality, and has much in him. He is at any rate a healthy protest. As for the virtuous poor, one can pity them, of course, but one cannot possibly admire them. They have made private terms with the enemy, and sold their birthright for very bad pottage. They must also be extraordinarily stupid. I can quite understand a man accepting laws that protect private property, and admit of its accumulation, as long as he himself is able under those conditions to realise some form of beautiful and intellectual life. But it is almost incredible to me how a man whose life is marred and made hideous by such laws can possibly acquiesce in their continuance.
- Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man Under Socialism
but it is finer to take than to beg
a nobleman is just someone who stole enough they aren't categorised as a theif anymore
Liberals have an infinite supply of gall when they're punching down
pro financial tip borrow lots of money leave the country and disappear
i hope someone is keeping a list of everyone who has ever written an article like this for when the minecraft adventurism finally starts
Good thing median home prices haven't doubled and median tuition prices haven't tripled since then. And that everyone is the daughter of a literal goddamn Baron and General Manager of Christie's New York.
Otherwise, I would have to say that her experience and opinion are completely irrelevant on this topic...
Allsopp? Hindlip?
These are not real names. They are mocking us by having us call them by such frivolous combinations of letters.
explained that she bought her first property with help from her family at the age of 21
Is aristocrat. Aristocrats hold the vast majority of all land in the UK.
Yes just stop all that expensive overseas travel minimum wage earners.
Remember, the poor aren't allowed to have any fun; fun is for humans.
It’s not like I can afford international travel anyway, but I should be able to. Everyone should reasonably be able to afford a large trip and a handful of small trips (like, long weekend a few hours away) every year if that’s how they choose to spend their vacation time. That is not an unreasonable thing to want.
I would argue that, due to the emissions, most recreational air travel should be stopped.
Um sweaty just try having a literal Baron as your dad it's not that hard :maybe-later-kiddo:
these young people need to just tighten their belts and wait until their trust matures, like I did. now I can afford several homes and property managers to collect the rent checks they generate.
Love to buy a mold infested house in Dwight, Illinois and drive 90 minutes into Chicago every day so I can earn money to pay the mortgage. You can afford a house you just need to add 15 hours of driving to your work week. Bootstraps!