I teach at a public high school for "profoundly gifted" kids, and work pretty much exclusively with 16+ students. They're all very smart, and range from libs to somewhat better than normal libs (we had one open ML, but he graduated a few years ago). They all think Trump is a fucking dumbass. As with every election, a big crop of our seniors is going to be eligible to vote for the first time this year.

For the first time in the decade or so that I've worked here, pretty much every single one of them has said they don't intend to vote. They hate Biden almost as much as Trump, either because they condemn the genocide in Israel or just because they (correctly) believe that he has done nothing to actually benefit them. This is a population of kids who are much more politically engaged than your average teenager, and vote turnout in previous years has been high. I was actually very surprised at how many of them expressed contempt for the whole process this year, and indicated that they were totally uninterested in supporting Biden (and of course would not support Trump). I'm guessing this is part of a big trend that we're going to see this year, and I'm preparing myself for libs blaming young people--for whom Biden has done little but make their future demonstrably worse--for Democrats' loss.

I'm trying to convince all of them to vote anyway, just for some third party that speaks to them. Yesterday, we talked about PSL, Cornel West, the Greens, and Afroman for a bit. It would be incredibly funny to see young people reject Biden/Trump, and yet turn out in record numbers anyway. The narrative that kids are just too addicted to their phones to vote would fall apart. I'll keep working on it.

No real point here, just im-doing-my-part

    • Sasuke [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      "if you don't vote for biden enjoy having your family deported!"

      least gleefully racist liberal

    • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Your man Genocide Joe had no issues sidestepping Congress to send billions to genocidal demons on the other side of the planet, but suddenly had no money to actually provision for the promises he made to get to the point he could cosign a genocide. Biden was never going to do anything for protection of synagogues, churches, was never going to close the concentration camps on the border, was never going to stop the Cop City monstrosity, was never going to let out the protestors who tried to fought against it-- and they're all going away on RICO racketeering charges in one of the most egregious miscarriages of justice that Amerika's seen in a hundred years.

      Typical settler monstrosity, but Biden has always been a segregationist monster ever since the '94 Crime Bill; and settler monsters are all this system of electoralism lets get to the brass ring. I don't care who you put up next. They'll just be another symptom to a far greater illness. Even Trump is nothing more than a symptom of the same white supremacy that spawned Biden. Your redditor pith, is nothing more than a symptom of the same illness. And I don't give the first fuck anymore. May you reap everything you've sewn; and may you die nameless at the end of that harvest.

    • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Philosoraptor is just reporting conditions on the ground. If you want to convince everyday vulnerable people to be enthusiastic, why don't you actually implement policies to help them instead of constantly whipping them with the negative partisanship whip. Because it appears by the OPs post that potential voters are getting wise to the con the party has been playing since Hillary lost in 2016.

      • hotcouchguy [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Since 2004, probably earlier. After you get fooled by the same thing 10 or 15 times eventually you start to feel like some kind of mark.

          • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
            7 months ago

            There was a brief moment in 2020 where I actually considered voting for Biden with the hope that he'd stop the poor treatment of migrants. With hindsight and knowing the trajectory of climate change, I now understand they'll never do that and most likely make it worse to win votes

        • Anne_Teefa
          7 months ago

          Literally all of them have skin in the game by namely being a u.s. citizen. Costs of living have gone up and refuse to ease back down, rent is astronomical and gotten worse under Biden, there's the genocide in Israel, there's the unwavering support to Ukraine (supporting the genocide of Ukrainian Russians, which is yet another reason why Russia invaded), and there's the possibility of war and bringing back the draft to send the young adults to die for other peoples wallets. They shouldn't have to settle for two different kinds of shit sandwiches. They need better options that'll guarantee a better life for not only them but for the generations after. Where's the m4a, free college, people complain about all the Tik Tokers and no tradesmen, why not start an initiative to send people to pick up a trade FOR FREE to help ease that eventual labor shortage. Y'know instead of blowing people up. Just a thought.

          • Anne_Teefa
            7 months ago

            Just realized you're a shit lib by reading the comments further down, no skin in the game, far right party gaining traction in your neck of the woods. Maybe go figure out what's going on there before commenting here. Or better yet fall into a curb and catch yourself with your skull. Bai

        • FourteenEyes [he/him]
          7 months ago

          Yeah man remember how in your country everyone held their noses and voted for Hindenberg, but at least they never had to worry about that Hitler guy ever again

        • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
          7 months ago

          I don't know if there is anything they can do but post about it. Many are seeing that those metaphorical leavers in the voting booth don't change anything but, have been so atomized by the progress of capitalism that they can't really mount any effective resistance to it. This difficulty in organizing seems to exist with non electoral strategies too, like trying to build organized labor. This is something I think leftists should get together, discuss, and strategize how to overcome.

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      7 months ago

      How many will be deported/have family deported?

      Stop. Stop this nonsense. https://amsterdamnews.com/news/2024/01/03/deportation-numbers-under-biden-surpass-trumps-record/

        • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
          7 months ago

          Name a single thing Biden has done or proposed that would make any impact on food availability or income for Americans.

        • AlkaliMarxist
          7 months ago

          I admire your willingness to murder Palestinians in order to have a polite fascist at the wheel of the murder machine. Oh wait, no I have utter contempt for you.

        • Rojo27 [he/him]
          7 months ago


          "A lot of the programs that had buffered people's experience during the pandemic were retired or rolled back in some way," Waxman says.

          You don't have any ground to stand on this one either. But please keep showing us what a prime example of an out of touch lib you are.

        • VILenin [he/him]
          7 months ago

          Good of you to just come out and admit you don’t view brown kids as “real children”

    • blight [any]
      7 months ago

      shooting synagogues bad

      bombing mosques good

            • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
              7 months ago

              user from German instance

              asserts that Americans in America have no skin in the election

              stunning, flawless, perfect internet liberal doing projection

            • Rojo27 [he/him]
              7 months ago

              What is Biden doing to lessen the suffering of the people of Gaza? Leaking how "upset" he is with Netanyahu while publicly supporting him politically, materially, and militarily? You still haven't said how he's better than Trump on this. And that's the fucking point.

                • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
                  7 months ago

                  Oh boy, I made it to a live 100+ comment thread that's going to end up in a banned liberal! Go do something else with your time, debate pervert

                • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
                  7 months ago

                  My school is probably 10% trans, at a ballpark guess. They're mad as hell at how much their safety has eroded under Biden. It's not surprising that they're unwilling to support someone who has barely even just given lip service to their safety and their friends' safety. They've also watched the economy get worse just as they're about to head off to college, housing get more unaffordable, and the climate smash new heat records. These things are all literally existential threats to their generation's ability to have a good life, and Biden has taken exactly 0 meaningful actions on any of it. Trump wouldn't either, of course, but that's why they aren't voting for him either. I think it's perfectly rational to look at someone who has done nothing to help you and is harming people like you and say "no, I don't think I'm going to show up to support this guy."

                • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                  7 months ago

                  You have yet to articulate any way at all in which Biden is protecting whomever you consider to be on Trump's shit list. Biden ran against Trump's border policies and he's fuckin worse on the border than Trump was, by deporting way more people in his first year than Trump did in four. Biden waived a couple dozen conservation laws just to get the border wall construction going again, yet another thing Biden ran against. The child detention centers that Biden ran against are also doing better under Biden than Trump.

                  You have constructed a fucking fantasy in your liberal brain of a Biden who is in opposition to Trump. That Biden does not exist.

                • Rojo27 [he/him]
                  7 months ago

                  I selectively choose what to respond tosmuglord <-This is you

                  See the articles that I've posted in response to you. Family food insecurity was at a decade high in 2023. Biden has deported more people between May-December of last year than Trump did in the entire years of 2018 or 2019. Its not about one issue. Theyre both equally bad on several issues. But again, please continue making an ass of yourself on here.

                • Wakmrow [he/him]
                  7 months ago

                  You don't know anything about anyone in this thread. It's ridiculously asshole to assume that people who disagree with your shit political takes are just privileged white boys with no skin in the game or whatever you want to call it.

                  Even us cis straight white guys have skin in the game, way more skin than you'll know.

            • kleeon [he/him, he/him]
              7 months ago

              I live in a swing state and I'm voting for Trump. I also convinced all 30 of my uncles and nephews to vote for Trump as well. We are getting that dang cheeto back into the white house

            • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
              7 months ago

              Oooh how did you wind upf in here? Did you mean to come here? Are you prepared?

              Are you the lib who prepares by collecting links and arguing or the more common type, with only snarky comments from reddit and a finger firmly in each ear?

              Won't you tell me?

        • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
          7 months ago

          Did Biden move that embassy back? No? Weird. How about the nuclear deal with Iran? Did Biden get back into that? No, he wants Iran to make more concessions to restart a treaty America broke, not Iran.

          It's almost like they have exactly the same policies but one of them is more rude.

        • footfaults [none/use name]
          7 months ago

          Biden kept the embassy in Jerusalem, so what is the difference between him and Trump?

        • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
          7 months ago

          Trump could absolutely be convinced to do something for Gaza in the right media cycle.

          Some bullshit deal that slightly improves conditions so that Trump can brag for the next 4 years that he "Solved the Middle East Crisis that the Democrats couldn't do in 60 years." Biden is a full-throated supporter of the genocide and won't back down.

    • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      If the democrats were interested in not having Trump getting elected maybe they should be less dogshit instead of trying to guilt trip people into supporting their genocidal bullshit.

      Spoiler: they've never actually been interested in being in power, aside from siphoning money from their constant warmongering, they raise way more money from rubes when they're out of power

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      7 months ago


      Look I'm sorry that the only good thing to ever happen in your country was subsumed by western meddling GDR please do not take it out on others...

    • AlkaliMarxist
      7 months ago

      How many of those things will happen under Biden?

      Fucking lib.

    • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
      7 months ago

      The same amount that do under Biden but it'll be 2% worse.

      They just think that a full-throated approval of genocide isn't worth whatever temporary concession Biden will immediately water down.