Democrats doing everything in their power to lose the election.

  • CommunistBear [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Honestly, good. The fact that elected officials can exist in the world without any consequences for their actions is one of the most frustrating parts of our society. Sorry AOC, no movie for you while you support genocide

    • jackmarxist [any]
      6 months ago

      Politicians in America especially Democrats are elected by taking entire policies hostage and being like "If you don't elect me then the republicans will take away your right to exist" then proceed to do nothing to actually protect the policy until it gets taken down and then they go "If you don't elect me then the republicans will take away your right to exist but worsely".

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I'm definitely not defending her, but she's doing this to avoid getting primaried again. Amerika has a billion little ways to maintain control of things.

      (Edit: I'm not saying that avoiding a primary is worth it to ignore mass murder)

          6 months ago

          If the democrats truly cared about winning they would loudly and proudly champion things the majority of Americans support (ie, not wanting a fucking genocide).

          • Kaplya
            6 months ago

            That’s not how it works in America. Campaign contributions win you elections. Without a stream of cash flow from campaign donors, you’re not winning anything. That’s how the system is designed to work.

              6 months ago

              I mean, I don’t not agree with you. The democrats clearly care more about winning corporate donors than elections. And if they do win then they govern in a way to keep those corporate donors for the next election.

              That doesn’t change the reasoning that democrats could leverage public sentiment to win election after election. It’s just that that same public sentiment goes against the interest of capital.

              • Kaplya
                6 months ago

                I also don’t disagree. What I’m saying is that the system is rigged to give disproportionate power to the campaign donor class.

          • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
            6 months ago

            Chinese FUDmongering. If Trump gets monstered in November he will literally drink a LBGTQ IVF baby milkshake.


        • Tabitha ☢️[she/her]
          6 months ago

          I could see it either way, I just don't know the demographics of her district. I know a neighboring district has various degrees of anti-hamas posters on every telephone pole, not that some organized poster spamming should be presumed a fair representation of the constituents.

          • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
            6 months ago

            And those people would already never, ever vote for her. All this achieves is alienating the diverse, progressive base that brought her to power.

      • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
        6 months ago

        She's in one of the most progressive districts in the country, she doesn't do anything because she doesn't want to

    • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
      6 months ago

      The more this goes on the more I'm persuaded by the theory that she was an op from the start and this is just the mask dropping

      • SSJ2Marx
        6 months ago

        Chapo had a guy on semi-recently who advanced a pretty compelling narrative, not that she was an op, but that she was just never as progressive as her support base wanted her to be. Same thing basically happened with Bernie, everyone who is even just center-left really wants someone to glom onto and these are the best options the system is capable of spitting out.

        • Kaplya
          6 months ago

          She fired her activist chief of staff who fought for her during the election, and replaced him with a former Kamala Harris’s foreign policy aide.

          She could deny all she wants, but her initial electoral success was built on a progressive base who volunteered and staffed her campaign office.

          • SSJ2Marx
            6 months ago

            Yup. 100% pure ghoul origin arc.

        • NewLeaf [he/him]
          6 months ago

          I think this is a pretty sane read on it. People love projecting their hopes on the young, new upstart (see: Obama) and it makes them feel like there's some momentum, and maybe some room to get them to back more progressive stuff.

          Any "progressive" democrat that retains their seat after one election is sus to me, because we have seen how the DNC destroys all things leftist.

        • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
          6 months ago

          Idk wearing an “eat the rich” dress, openly id’ing as a socialist, the chief of staff issue mentioned below, feels demonstrably more left-signaling than the Biden term

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        I've had this hunch for a while. Her initial win came out of nowhere and she defeated Joseph Crowley, a very embedded Democrat who had been around for a while. He was even Democratic caucus chairman at one point. I thought it was a case of Democrats accidentally leaving the door unlocked but now I'm more tinfoil hat

        • NewLeaf [he/him]
          6 months ago

          It's probably also a situation like where Tlaib finds herself. A very safe district with a demographic unlike most other districts

      • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Isn't her 'bartending' job kind of stolen valor? Like how we were lead to believe Fetterman is just some working class hero from a humble background.

        • emizeko [they/them]
          6 months ago

          she only did it for six months and had already had an intership in a senator's office iirc (Ted Kennedy?)

        • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
          6 months ago

          100-com it was. She interned for fucking Ted Kennedy on the Hill. Her whole life is PMC lanyard track to a T, except for 6 months working in a restaurant. Exact same thing as Mayo Pete's photo op as a troop. Stolen valor

          6 months ago

          Also worked with 2 Israeli VCs (sorry for linking times of Israel, it's the most comprehensive source I could find)

      • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
        6 months ago

        I doubt she's an op, I think she's just a massive pushover and was always more Lib then her base.

        Somebody on here a while back read a book about her and did a pretty good write up, made it sound like she was just a habitual people pleaser, when talking with more left wing people she said more leftwing stuff, when around Lib colleagues she said Lib stuff. It's simple as that.

      • JuanGLADIO [any]
        6 months ago

        What’s this theory? I think the system is transforming people like AOC because they probably realize you can’t get shit done when you’re outnumbered by hundreds. It’s not her fault change can’t come from within. But this doesn’t excuse her or anyone of condemning a genocide.

        • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
          6 months ago

          I don't remember a whole lot of specifics but I read an article someone posted on here looking into AOC's career at Boston University (she interned for Ted Kennedy) and noting that her career as a bartender wasn't particularly long. I think it's mostly speculation but the idea that she picked up some establishment connections during her internship doesn't seem very outre.

          • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
            6 months ago

            I feel like more people should run on platforms that basically say "I can't promise I'll get what we want done, but I'll fuck their shit up any way I can and be your eyes and ears in that cesspit. There will be no second term anyway".

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    She's running so she can make it on time to the next DSA anti-china public lecture series on how everything that's being accused of Israel is actually happening in China, sweaty

  • Flyberius [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    I really like the "just stop" bit, like they're aren't 2 million people in Gaza begging for that exact thing.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    6 months ago

    No one who holds even a modicum of power in this rotten country should enjoy a moment of peace


    • NewLeaf [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Which is exactly what they would be saying if these people were protesting McConnell or Kavanaugh.

      The current treatment of protesting by the supposed "left wing party" in this country will be the final nail in the coffin for protesting for another generation.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    6 months ago

    I can't believe that I thought her and her bf were cool 5 years ago.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        6 months ago

        Sorry to say but he's engaged to a tubolib and that makes him a lib at best

      • ButtBidet [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Was he not the one telling the protestors to back off? Maybe I'm confusing people, but he looks like the same bf from 2020.

  • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Like 3 years ago I was on Twitter and I saw a tweet about how AOC would have enabled the rise of Hitler. I thought it was inflammatory and hyperbolic then, but that dude was 100% correct.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      I remember in like 2016 all the people saying things like Bernie killed Rosa Luxemburg. Back then I thought it was a little hyperbolic, that maybe compromise with social democrats could still be done. Now I'm 100% with the Stalin quote

      • Adkml [he/him]
        6 months ago

        I would honestly be fascinated to see an honest interview with bernie where somebody asks him how he feels that his legacy will be convincing two generations of progressives that electoralism is a dead end.

        Something something power levels 4d chess something something.

    • Kaplya
      6 months ago

      President Ocasio-Cortez, reluctant as she was, summoned the Freikorps Proud Boys to crush violent leftist uprisings across American cities demanding for single payer healthcare as medical bankruptcy skyrocketed under her watch.

      “You’re not helping.” Her words when addressing the nation on live television and justifying the use of violent force to restore law and order.

  • Fishroot [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    she should scream at people to go back to China, to follow her mentor's footsteps

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      I love how Hexbear has embedded certain phrases in me. I'm gonna repeat things from this site on my death bed and no one will know what I'm talking about

          • Adkml [he/him]
            6 months ago

            People are going to keep having kids right up until the moment where they all very suddenly are not.

            Hell the worse things get and every other distraction, treat, or spectacle becomes unattainable the more fucking is going to happen.

            People have been trying to get other people to stop screwing for all of history and not one of them has ever come close.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    6 months ago

    "Just say the word" is a classic bit of Monstering. But given the context, I can't say him sorry to see her day ruined over this.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      6 months ago


      Unrelated but for some reason at first glance I always parse your profile pic as yeonmi-park

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        6 months ago


        The art of abusing people. Of ambushing them with questions, following them with questions, hounding them with questions, driving them to their fucking graves with questions. It’s sort of being like a photographer, except no ones' killed any royalty doing it…yet.

        I don't think Garth Enis Warren Ellis coined it in Transmetropolitian, but that's definitely where I heard it first. A popular method of British media harassment.

        Unrelated but for some reason at first glance I always parse your profile pic as


  • NewLeaf [he/him]
    6 months ago

    So hang on. Libs now love AOC and hate interrupting peoples nights out?

      • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Not Republicans though. They were all about protests outside their house and interrupting there dinners. Now though... leopards, faces, etc.

        I for one unequivocally think it's good across the board.