• LeZero [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I want to believe it's a bit mocking the childfree subreddit

      But also it's reddit-logo so...

      • worlds_okayest_mech_pilot [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Only reddit-logo could make a subreddit like r/IHateSunshineAndRainbowsAndPuppiesAndIceCreamAndNiceThings and somehow fill it with people who actually feel that way. It's that kind of phenomenon that makes me unironically think they make Redditors in an underground lab somewhere.

    • fox [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      I'm betting it started off as a joke sub and then a bunch of misocynics showed up for real

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Why the fuck is there a subreddit called /r/dogfree? Dogs are rad doggo-matapacos

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Some people make hating something other people like their entire personality. These people are called "redditors"

      • Florn [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Is this not the joke that the subreddit is making?

        • Egon
          7 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • Egon
            7 months ago

            deleted by creator

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      1 year ago

      my theory is that someone started it as a parody sub of /r/childfree, but by creating it immediately created a new identity for insane freaks to latch on to.

    • The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I'm not a reddit or about it but I think dogs being everywhere in public is kind of annoying.

      Furthermore, I think dogs being treated like people in a society which has such extreme poverty is emblematic of a deep sickness.

      • Duży Szef [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        And what's the solution? Treating the dogs worse?

        The solution is to fix poverty not complain about dogs, like right wingers complain about immigrants.

        • CTHlurker [he/him]
          1 year ago

          It's the classic western thing where we acknowledge a problem and then decide on the dumbest possible solution, which we somehow make 3x as expensive and also individualist.

          • The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Right because recognizing that pets consume a massive amount of industrial meat products means I'm being reactionary. Maybe go read!

        • The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Animals aren't people. So yes they literally should have less care and resources put towards them.

          Note: I'm not saying abuse dogs or some shit but the average suburban golden retriever in the US has better living conditions than 50% of the people on the planet. Nothing pisses me off more than when we have entire industries that revolve around pampering wealthy people's pets. I see advertisements with sad music whining about animals eating the same processed food and instead you should feed them fresh meat or fish. Pet food consumption would make it the 5th largest country in terms of consuming meat products. Guess what the biggest driver of deforestation is? Part of fixing poverty is removing wasteful bourgeois elements in society. In wealthy dominating nations there needs to be reduced consumption across the board. That includes Fido.

          Fuck off with the comparison to rhetoric about immigrants. You're showing your entire ass.

        • The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Saying that dogs being fed and treated better than people is fucked up is not saying abuse dogs. "emblematic of a deep sickness" is not making any moral claims besides stating that "it's kinda fucked up we treat dogs better than people". I really don't think that's controversial.

  • jayWL@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Honestly if ppl are malding at a dog getting a seat at the Oscars and them not getting one, then that's fucking hilarious

    fuck all those celebrity circlejerks lol

  • BlueMagaChud [any]
    1 year ago

    PissedCaucasian just feels threatened by celebrity dogs for the affection of white women

  • VapeNoir [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Imagine being all "WE'RE LOSING THE CULTURE WAR" but it's about the domestication of the dog.

  • whatup
    1 year ago

    The post is silly, but western dog culture is still misanthropic, gross, and hypocritical. I will never trust people who say they like animals more than people (weird how they usually eat meat…). They remind me of that lady who demanded the removal of homeless people at a public park because they scared her dog. Also, Reddit doggo language is like nails on a chalk board.

    • Cowboy [any, des/pair]
      1 year ago

      I only agree with the latter half of your post. Being a misanthrop is a bad thing now? If you discriminate against everyone equally on the basis of their humanity, there is no problem. It's pretty based, actually. And dogs are based aswell. Introverts, autistics, anti social mentally ill people... they all probably like their dog more than the people around them because they cannot participate in normal human to human connection. Through their dog they get a chance to still socialise somewhat. So I believe the misantrophic "I trust animals more than people"-people should not be treated as a bad thing

      • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
        1 year ago

        Yeah, as someone who's mildly autistic I feel much more comfortable around dogs, whose feelings and wants are clearly communicated without speaking, than humans, who don't even directly communicate their intentions with the ability to speak.

      • whatup
        1 year ago

        Being a misanthrope is a bad thing now?

        I dont think it’s a progressive mindset personally. I assume most people on here are against capitalism because they care about people and their well-being and believe that humanity is worth saving in spite of its flaws.

        I don’t think being autistic automatically makes someone a misanthrope. Yeah, it’s harder to process social cues, but at the same time I don’t want to believe that I’d chose the lives of my gerbilles over a human if my apartment caught fire or whatever.

        • Cowboy [any, des/pair]
          1 year ago

          I also don't think being autistic makes you a misanthrope, in fact, I think that is a harmful stereotype. Autistic extroverts exist. I'm autistic myself.

          But people rejected by society and forced into solitude due to their noncomformative behavior exist (some of them are autistic) and I understand why these guys would rather not socialise or have anything to do with humans

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Please, Hollywood is too sophisticated for that. Clearly there will be separate “Bestest Boy” and “Bestest Girl” awards.

    • oregoncom [he/him]
      1 year ago

      no they have a guy laying under the seat move two prop paws so it looks like the dog is clapping.

        • fox [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          Shittily made, shittily animated paw puppets are a top tier bit no matter the context

    • Grownbravy [they/them]
      1 year ago

      I was staring at it an hour ago before figuring out what it was supposed to be

      • Bobson_Dugnutt [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I thought for a moment that they folded that poor dog in half to fit it in the seat

  • soiejo [he/him,any]
    1 year ago

    Imagine hating dogs enough to post on "r/dogfree".

    Imagine caring about the oscars having a dog in it.

    Imagine your vision of a tragic future being "they will have a 'best dog' award at the oscars"

    • Egon
      7 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • CTHlurker [he/him]
        1 year ago

        You have to admit though, that it's a very accurate username. Caring about that type of shit is equally as white as the people who kiss their dog on the libs.

        • Egon
          7 months ago

          deleted by creator

    • booty [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Imagine hating dogs enough to post on "r/dogfree".

      Over 4.5 million people in the US alone are bitten by dogs every year. Dogs are fast, strong, vicious animals which can and do maul people. All the time. Why pretend not to understand why some people fear or hate them?

        • booty [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Having empathy for victims of violence is being a "nerd?"

          Straight up, fuck you. Terminally online irony-poisoned redditlord.

          • Duży Szef [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            It's one thing to be afraid of dogs, and it's another to be a fucking jackass hating all dogs unconditionally to a cartoonish point.

            So yeah, fuck you :nerd:

            • booty [he/him]
              1 year ago

              My next door neighbor has one of those giant neglected murder beasts that sits in the back yard all day and barks non-stop. Every day I leave for work, I have to listen to it barking at me and scrabbling at the fence and wonder, "Is today the day that it jumps the fence and literally eats my face?" (cw: the pictures are not particularly pleasant)

              I then get to work, and my coworker, unprompted, for the fifteenth time, tells me that I should adopt a dog and how great dogs are. And I tell him, again, that there is no chance of that happening whatsoever.

              Then I log onto the internet on my phone and see, "Biggest red flag? When someone doesn't like dogs. I mean what kind of freak would you have to be not to like heckin puppers? They're so wholesome! Better than people!"

              It is no wonder that there are places where people vent about not liking dogs.

      • soiejo [he/him,any]
        1 year ago

        Did I say "imagine being scared of dogs"? No, I said "Imagine hating dogs and dog owners so much that you post on a toxic subreddit entirely dedicated to that hate"

        It's like someone said "r/incel" is a toxic community and you went and said "Well actually loneliness and depression among young males is a serious problem, why are you making fun of them?"

  • Egon
    7 months ago

    deleted by creator