The horror film follows a "feral" Pooh and Piglet as they go on a slasher rampage after Christopher Robin abandons them.
This only became possible this year when the first Winnie The Pooh book entered public domain.
This should be a creepypasta, not a whole ass movie that costs money to make
Non-zero chance there will be a Xi Jinping joke made by liberals/reactionaries
don't tell them about Disneyland Shanghai and its Pooh themed gift shop !! 😱 😱 😱
Non-zero chance there will be some sort of China joke in the script.
Disney is actually behind this as evidence of why copyright forever is good.
It's a pretty solid argument. Not enough to win me over, of course, but credit where credit is due.
Everyone complains about grimdark but that is why fairy tales were before corporate media force sanitized everything. Complaining about dark and gritty is the liberal inside your head reminding you they exist.
It takes place in an enchanted forest of wonder. It totes is fairy tail though.
Not exactly. Pooh does have a landlord, mr sanderz so clealry some bad stuff is going on
tried to drive us out, bring in creatures from the woods downriver.
Pooh isn't just volkisch, he's anti-immigrant and a believer in the Great Replacement conspiracy theory. Does the Hundred Acre Wood have Q, too?
But you can see how the uneducated media consumer would see the two as similar and not have strong feelings about the differences tho?
It is an over correction true. But this is how we are provessing decades of right wing indoctrination.
Plus pooh did invent that one porn genera. He gets stuck suspiciously
It's the Hundred Acre Wood, which is not even that large. It's not enchanted, it's just a forest.
I feel that Pooh didn't deserve this. But hey, internet sociopaths love this sort of shit. It just has that "Barney the dinosaur is the SPAWN OF SATAN!!!" chud vibe all over it.
its totes fairy tail
You can tell because the power of friendship and comradery always win
"Stop putting grimdark into my stories about witches eating children and girls sawing off parts of their own feet to fit a shoe!"
True. That said, subverting the happy and lovable into the terrifying and horrific has been a horror trope for a long, long, long time. Killer clowns and creepy dolls are so commonly used in horror that they're a bit cliche now.
this movie is good because it raises public domain awareness
This world needs anthropomorphic/sapient bears.
Imagine if Smokey the Bear was real. No one would be leaving campsites with ashes unburied once a few campers were eaten as examples.
Grizzly bears don't attack people. Only on rare occasions, and it's usually bears that are starving and humans who leave food out. Or if you camp out directly in the middle of their highways like Timothy Treadwell.
For real? I thought that was only true of black bears because they're more docile, but that could definitely just be regional folk knowledge.
Imagine if Smokey the Bear was real.
Come join us!
:speech-r::hexbear-shining: :cube-cub: :bear-despair: :downbear: :bear-chill: :chonky-bear: :sicko-hexbear: :ursus-hexagonia:
it’s actually real what
like seriously why make a horror film based on winnie the pooh
oh boy i sure bet the libs wont be unbearably insufferable with this!
I hope there's a scene where he eats a bunch of blood out of a jar labeled "blud", and he ultimately gets defeated after he gets stuck halfway in a trash compactor or something.
If there isnt a scene with Piglet in a wind tunnel, its a 0/10 from me
I enjoy those things as well, but do not have high hopes.
Thankfully even more than good horror movies I loooove shitty horror movies
I know Pooh is public domain but this is clearly based off the Disney design. Are there legal issues with that?
How come there's not a single blood and honor joke ITT
Something easy like "looks like they changed the original title "blood and honor" and I guess the film no longer takes place in the Ukraine now???"