Anybody have any tips for keeping calm when a chud says their usual callous shit? I'm still a bit piqued from today.

Edit: Thank you all for your helpful comments. I greatly appreciate it.

  • Mokey [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    I work with them all the time, I usually just let them talk and hear whatever the new bullshit they have to say if anything. I had one guy tell me, first words, "I want to put all blue haired people in nazi style camps."

    The sense of pity usually gets me first because I have another human being by me whose entire conscious I can understand and see the limits of and it's pathetic.

    Oh you hate the government and liberals, and you want to live on a farm in South Dakota via VA disability, but you also want to be a government contractor? You have two fucked up knees and no feeling in your fingers? Huh.

    I've met you already. You're a kind of a guy, not your own person, its pathetic. You have lost the core human experience, instead you are just a kind of guy. You never woke up to this bullshit ass world and found the non-corrupted version of you.

    I think being around these people is an opportunity in someway, see evil for what it is kind of thing.

    • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Yep. Maybe I should try some sort of breathing exercise to keep calm. I hate anxiety, why do I gotta be like this.

  • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    i argue in my head with them while nodding and asking questions to see where they really stand. are they an actual nazi or just stupid?

    and then if i get comfortable enough with them, i'll ask mildly probing questions that result in them confronting some of their contradictory beliefs. it's funny.

    • Bobson_Dugnutt [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I try to do that, but the other day my co-worker basically said that prison slave labor is good actually

      • RyanGosling [none/use name]
        6 months ago

        Had a manager who recognized that Israel was committing genocide and said he “hates Nazis” but then says violent resistance is wrong capybara-theorist

        • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
          6 months ago

          Way better than one person I heard from who kept repeating to me the same anecdote of hearing some Iranian family saying one antisemitic remark 35 years ago to justify genocide on an entire population.

          Or the Michigan transplant who just wholesale refers to the Arab-Americans of Dearborn as "terrorists."

          God, it's maddening to even listen to them.

    • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I tried doing that to this coworker that just says wack shit constantly, it was fun until he started adamantly saying that the definition of Fascism changed since the 40s and and it now means woke, and my manager literally stepped out of her office to be like "No that's insane, the definition has not changed, fascism is still fascism".

        • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
          6 months ago

          Must be a younger manage in a different industry. My boomer manager has said sexist shit that would get him fired if he worked in a university.

    • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I kind of tried that and basically like a lot of them, they want to keep all refugees out of the country but, do nothing about the climate crisis that will lead to more migration. I try to mention the stability of the globe being threatened by these issues, says it's not his concern. Tried to appeal to sense of material conditions by mentioning trade, thinks trade will be fine because at the end of the day nearly everyone in this country thinks economics is divorced from political consequences. Basically thinks he can be separated from all society via conservative libertarian white man mentality. Then if you criticize these policies they say I should just leave it the country.

      • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        Sounds pretty stupid. You won’t convince him.

        Better to just not waste your breath.

        Only material conditions change people’s politics on a grand scale. Maybe try robbing him? Getting him fired? Running him over with a car? Haha jk.

        • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]
          6 months ago

          Then what the fuck are we doing when organizing? Doesn't all organizing really just boil down to trying to convince people to think our way? Sorry I am in a mood.

          It sounds like the "correct" strategy is to do nothing since talking to peoples does nothing, direct actions isn't working, and nothing I do matters.

          • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]
            6 months ago

            Plenty of people to be organized who already agree with us.

            But yeah, it’s hard to change the world when most people in the center of empire are bought off by treats and their material conditions create reactionary ideologies within them.

        • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
          6 months ago

          It is a waste of time to talk, especially when they just justify everything with "muh human nature." They think selfishness is a natural human condition instead of something incentivized by the socioeconomic regime we live under.

  • Kuori [she/her]
    6 months ago

    i don't, i just outwardly project an appearance or arch disdain for everything they're saying and try to stay in that for as long as possible

    but eventually, inevitably, the yelling starts, followed soon by the usual "you should be shot in front of everyone you love"-style rhetoric

  • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
    6 months ago

    I just remember that in that moment, their words don't really matter, and my words don't really matter. What matters are the material conditions of the world. They can figuratively stamp their feet and throw a temper tantrum about "woke climate hoax peddlers" all they want. It doesn't change the fact that climate change is very real.

    I save my words for other conversations where the other person has a more open mind.

    • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Sometimes I think none of what we say matters in the grand scheme of things. These people were shaped by their material conditions, incentivized to identify with the misanthropic ideology of the white settlers that built America. The only way I see them changing with material conditions is becoming more conservatized with the unfolding crisis of the 21st century. For any one of us to fight it is like trying to bail out the ocean. I have to keep reminding myself this to keep my composure.

      • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        And remember most people are mindless drones. There's no theory there. No critical thinking all. It's like talking to ChatGPT with human features.

  • ryepunk [he/him]
    6 months ago

    I usually just don't react, repeat what they said back to them, and they ask if I'm R slur and then I repeat what they said again for confirmation. Usually they walk away. I don't have the energy to engage people at work on any level beyond telling them where stuff is.

    I also wear a mask at work so usually they don't even bother talking because they assume I'm a blue haired woke lib.

    • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Probably best not to react. I should write a mantra of sorts and constantly repeat it in my head to remind myself.

  • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    My boss this morn said they recycle needles (i.e. sharps containers) so they can sell em to drug addicts.

    Man needs some alone time with me in Minecraft, s2g.

  • booty [he/him]
    6 months ago

    idk, personally I'm pretty good at emotionally disconnecting myself from a situation I'm in. Like when customers yell at me at work, I never really get mad or frustrated or upset, because the way I process it, they're just yelling at a drone performing x task for y money. It's very easy for me to just go "Okay, would you like to get this done with now? Yes, yes--Sign here please. Right, I get it. It's not a big deal, just need you to sign the paper." Even while they're busy yelling at me over nothing lol

    And so I think keeping cool when people are being racist or sexist or whatever around me is a similar situation. All of the "yikes" just stays internal and I usually disengage from whatever conversation but it just doesn't really get to me. In a similar way to customers yelling at the corporate drone wearing my skin, the racist is talking to a hypothetical fellow racist that they think I am. What do I care if they think I'm one of them? What's the benefit if I get into an argument with them?

    Obviously there's a certain level of risk management involved with that part. Like if I'm not at work or anything and I don't feel like the other person could be a threat, I'll absolutely call them out. But I'm not going to argue with them. Classic chapo tactics with the hardcore chuds, never take them seriously and never look like I care more than they do. The point is to mock them, not Win The Debate debate-me-debate-me

    I was playing League the other day and I joined some random's discord server that they posted in lobby chat, which is something people often do to set up communication for the match. I saw multiple pepe profile pictures so I was immediately like "this probably isn't good" but I was not prepared for how bad it really was. It really took me back to Modern Warfare 2, I swear. They were throwing around every slur you can imagine, calling me and my buddy who had joined slurs. It was straight up harrassment, honestly no idea why they even posted the link. They didn't seem like they wanted us there. But I just let them keep going, and then when the match was over I was just like "you guys are the absolute worst" with an actual grin on my face and left. The whole thing was so surreal, I didn't know they even made kids like that anymore. Thought that model was recalled around 2012. So when faced with the most over-the-top verbal abuse and bigotry I've seen in a long time, I felt nothing but pure contempt and amusement. It just doesn't make me mad.

    Idk if any of that is applicable to another person. But yeah, try focusing on just how fucking pathetic chuds are. Really channel your inner pathetic

    • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I'm sorry that happened. Never had that happen thankfully. It is pathetic how these people maintain a delusion that they can be divorced from the world. I guess the best thing to do is be quiet as I know trying to provide context or explanation is a fruitless endeavor. They're set in their ways.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    Ignore what they say unless it's personally addressed to me or about me. It's like listening to birds chirping. Though that's unfair to birds, at least they sound nice.

  • JayTwo [any]
    6 months ago

    I guess it's just exposure.
    There's more of them than there are comrades or fellow travelers where I am so I just get used to hearing the worst talking points imaginable and got a feel both for knowing when someone might be receptive to my POV and also knowing how much to and not to extend.
    Not really sure how to teach or explain it though.
    I basically default to telling myself I'm entering "enemy territory" when going into the general local population is probably the best way I can explain it.

    6 months ago

    Don't engage with them if possible. When someone says something provocative, they are looking for reactions, wanting to start arguments. Responding just encourages them.