Literally the meme without the punchline.
How I defeated Fascism With the Power of Love by Luigi
Chapter 1: The Power of Love
The first step in my journey was realizing that it is impossible to defeat fascism with the power of love.
Chapter 2: The Power of Incredible Violence
:rust-darkness: Scrolling down in Hexbear comments to discover that the thing I just posted is already there with 74 votes
No. We defeat COVID by blaming poor people for not using the right kind of mask.
Ah yes, Hitler was defeated in 1945 when...
Checks notes
...The Red Army loved their way west from Moscow all the way up to Berlin's adorable little toesies
Hitler did an act of incredible self-love to end the rule of nazi germany
Lebensraum was just self-care, sweaty! :maybe-later-kiddo:
"Fascism is never beaten - it's always there...." :stalin-gun-1: :stalin-stressed:
They managed to not answer with :vote: so that already puts them 0.0001% closer to the solution. Baby steps.
i was gonna say lmao, i'd rather they go out and vooooote than start going out and smooching nazis :kombucha-disgust:
then the libs and the nazis die of covid and monkeypox from smooching each other
It's not entirely wrong. Love for our fellow human beings compels us to fight fascism with overwhelming force so that it will never hurt anyone again.
It is wrong. Once the classes and conditions which compose fascism are gone, fascism will cease to manifest.
This is just Christian morality with a veneer of paint
No, they will only be there so far as there is a bourgeois class. Fascism did not exist before the widespread existence of capitalism. How could it be this eternal human evil if it just spawned into existence as part of the petty bourgeois class
You are giving fascism some type of mystical eternal power that it simply does not actually have, and playing right into the narrative of the fascist that they are acting out “natural law” and that “all humans are fascists deep down”
Authoritarianism is not real. Insofar as class conflict exists there will be a state apparatus of the ruling class to suppress the other classes.
If you meant capitalism why didn’t you say capitalism, instead of some made up liberal brainworms?
The problem with capitalism is not that it is “authoritarian”. It’s all of its contradictions and it’s rule by the bourgeois class. I fully expect and hope that when the proletarian class comes to power they are even more merciless and “authoritarian” in their suppression of the bourgeoise
Literally who?
Robert Anthony Altemeyer is a retired Professor of Psychology at the University of Manitoba. Altemeyer also produced the right-wing authoritarianism scale, or RWA Scale, as well as the related left-wing authoritarianism scale, or LWA Scale.
Yes I’m saying that’s lib shit idealism. What’s next, linking me political compass ?
some sort of hierarchy to distribute resources, especially when they are limited or scarce
That’s not what fascism is though, and this could describe communism it’s so broad. The specific claim in this thread is that fascism will be around forever. It will not once the petty bourgeois class it arises from ceases to exist.
This distinction is important and not semantic because it is the underlying difference between liberal idealist “anti-fascism” and Marxist materialist anti-fascism and proves which one works. It’s not the eternal love and arguing in the marketplace of ideas against forever satan
I think is far too mystifying and flattening. Defeating fascism is a possible goal that can be reached and measured. What you are talking about cannot and will be automatically mitigated by communism and the eradication of different classes
I wonder if Cracker McLoveFest would have the same opinion if the US was on the verge of being seized by a Black Fascist group whose stated goal was to kill all the Mayos.
I know I'm bad about using too many hyphens as punctuation, but three in one tweet is ridiculous.
You shouldn't use any hyphens for this sort of punctuation, what you want is an em dash
- Vs —
Word processors usually put the em dash in automatically if there are spaces around it. I don't even know how to type out an em dash
It's easy you just google "em dash" and copy and paste it :mission-accomplished-1:—:mission-accomplished-2:
Yeah this is what I do for work but the only people who even notice are other graphic designers.
Two consecutive hyphens are usually treated as an em dash, hence auto-correct doing the conversion for you. (This site does it, too. Hit View Source on my comment, and the next sentence should have two hyphens instead of a unicode em dash.) Otherwise, if you're on a US keyboard layout, you can hold down the Alt key and then punch in 0 1 5 1 on the numeric keypad -- that will give you a Unicode em dash if you're not in a word processor.
Regardless, this jackass has serious punctuation issues in the first place. Their grammar is about as consistent as their ideology.
The scene from the sandman where the devil and dream are "fighting" except it's this liberal and a fascist and the liberal says "love" thinking they're going to win but the fascist just starts bludgeoning them with a bat
what no material analysis does to a mf
:maybe-later-honey: "Hitler came to power because people were insecure. THE END"
Harry Potter actually ends with violently confronting evil, though.
Nah Harry wins on some rules lawyer technicality of property ownership and then becomes a wizard cop to enforce the same Wizard order that lead to fascism before with no changes
Just saw a Hunger Games movie for the first time the other day. is Hunger Games just Girlboss Harry Potter?
dont they lead a violent uprising to overthrow (the) Capital in that? the main cast is literally from Coal Country?
They do, but (surprise!) the revolutionary leader is actually corrupt, ruthless, and just as bad as the last president. Shocking
liberalism! no author is free from it! :lib-status: lmfao we love our emotes dont we
I assume that's where the story was headed. It just has that same "written for tweens" feel as HP. I admit, I wasn't really paying attention
well theres like 4 more movies i only remember this because someone brought it up in comparison to HP once here lol
How is this not incredibly offensive to the millions of victims of fascism? "Oh, sorry you died, but did you ever try hugging your way out of the camp?"
He should have continued loving all the way West until he got to Vladivostok.