hm yes if there were only another suspect. Someone with something to gain and the means to do it. hmmmmmmm. Perhaps they even found an opportune time to execute their diabolical plan. I suppose it could really only be Russia.
it can't have been the US. sure, back in February they said they would do it. but that's exactly why it can't have been them!
Why the utter fuck are capitalists of all stripes wishing for a goddamn fucking NUCLEAR WAR.
I keep thinking of the line from Futurama about global warming, "luckily Nuclear winter cancelled it out"
Conspiracy theory - they know humanity is doomed on this course and they hope to survive in a paradise built on our corpses.
Now that I said it out loud, this could've been an applicable quote at any point since the inception of capitalism.
But what I mean in this case is that they think they have a better chance surviving a nuclear war than a climate war.
But how would that even fucking work? It just... makes no sense. Capitalism is what it is today because it exploits over 7 billion humans. A nuclear war would mean the end of capitalism, too, because it would be the end of society.
Capitalism is literally a death cult where the ultimate goal is to be the last one to die. It would never make sense.
But remember the types like :reddit-logo: CEO. They have bunkers and think they'll use their wealth to control survivors and hoard enough resources to not need people. They're going to be in for a rude awakening when they find out their fortresses, being themselves products of capitalism, will inevitably fail them. A billionaire has to be lucky every day. Anyone else just has to be lucky once.
There was an article here a while ago about how out of touch a lot of bunker people are. If you want someone to protect you during bad times you need to treat them well during good times.
makes me want to [redacted] the little gusano sociopath all the more
You hear that Putin? NATO considers itself attacked. Better launch a full nuclear strike in preemptive self defense.
there's a nice way to say "please don't be misanthropic".
this is not it.
Ah, they don't gotta be nice to me. TBF the mods should probably also remove my post.
the animals don’t
lmao you think that person is vegan or at all receptive to vegan frameworks on the moral value of non-sapiens?
You made a profile for the exclusive purpose of "calling me out", lmao.
Wow you're right Marco, it would be ridiculous for those countries you randomly picked to attack the pipeline! I mean look at how nice, european, and civilized they are! But is there any reason in particular you jumped to the least likely culprits? Are you maybe trying to distract us from another larger, more suspicious NATO country? Hmmm.