"well I always thought it was a bad idea to give a bunch of guns to that small group of Nazis in Ukraine"
This will be the walkback if Ukraine wins, they absolutely cannot purge Nazis because they just helped win a war and that'd be political suicide (plus they have more NATO weapons), and either a terror attack hate crime happens in western Europe connected to someone who volunteered with Azov and used one of their guns to do it, or the Nazis gain more political power and overthrow the pro-EU hyper-liberals and turn into hungary/poland 2.0 with the antigay rhetoric but with more hate crimes.
I think the Uyghur thing will be forgotten about like the Falun gong organ harvesting. People will still believe it in the back of their heads even with no proof.
Arming the Moderate Militias
I think the Uyghur thing will be forgotten about like the Falun gong organ harvesting
Shenyun plays every year in my home town, like clockwork. I don't think anyone is going to forget that so long as it continues
“well I always thought it was a bad idea to give a bunch of guns to that small group of Nazis in Ukraine”
Literally passed a law banning arms sales to azov yet here we are
I mean, I've already seen the take "even if it turns out the Uyghur genocide isn't happening, it doesn't mean the tankies are right".
In 10 years when US goes even deeper into economic nightmare world and China releases their first microchip that's proof they can produce 1:1 with US/Taiwan partners: "Yeah China is the leading economy, and leader on every else like quality of life, but that doesn't mean the tankies are right."
I think as long as China is "an issue", they'll maintain the belief.
And I think China will still be an issue in 10 years
Holodomor has a key difference in that a lot of people did actually die. Uighur ""genocide"" has literally no deaths.
There's a huge difference between arguing that the Soviets did a famine deliberately vs accidentally compared to arguing for a genocide sized number of deaths that literally no evidence exists for.
Still tickles me that 90% of westerners believe the Uighur genocide mythology without even a single documented death or body. Not one. Absolutely absurd. There’s far more evidence for an American genocide of MAGA republicans because a few of them were actually killed on January 6th lol
American genocide of MAGA republicans because a few of them were actually killed on January 6th lol
:screm-a: aaa don't give them ideas, they will start claiming this is true and they'll use the covid deaths reducing republican voters as statistical basis for it, which of course can't have been covid because covid wasn't real it was all the dems secret genocide against the right!!!
The difference is that now everyone puts every thought that enters their head out on twitter or other social media for all to see and record forever.
Honestly that's what I think was the real op, sure twitter has tons of propaganda flooding it but it also acts as a mechanism for these vast data collection ops to gather all the little bits of discourse and opinions that everyone shouts into the void.
lose alot of credivality
it's been hidden with Iraq's WMDs for a while now
Projecting 10 years of additional plummeting in fascism:
"Look it's been ten years, there are still plenty of Uyghurs around, clearly there is no genocide happening."
"Nuh-uh, that's just because communism is so inefficient, but if we could've injected just a bit more neoliberalism..."
Some of my lib friends still think the US brought democracy to Iraq so I dunno.
It's probably better that they don't ever admit it because I'd be a complete ass about it. "Vhat?! Vhat da futz?! Oh, no vay, who could have guessed it!? Wow, I sure would feel like a dumbass racist piece of shit if I had ever believed something that obviously made up for even a second. Oh, no vay!"
Since the US didn't really do much about it it'll probably be memory holed or the claims will get more ridiculous and people will still be shouted down as genocide deniers for not believing them.
IDK, I get this weird feeling that even if they pretend in 10 years they didn't, they'll have it as "established fact, almost as bad as the holocaust" in 40 years.
If they invade, yes.
If this just never ends it will be another Tiananmen Square, brainless cudgel to pull out and shut people up with.
Yeah. The only way the liberals give up on this is if it becomes causus belli for another breathtaking imperial blunder. But it won't be the invasion which causes them to drop it. They will remain fully on board until they get the sense the war is being mismanaged.
I feel like the biggest assumption going on here is that a United States of America will still exist in 10 years and be able to generate all this propoganda. Like, climate change is going to really fuck up a lot of the United States and they are actively divesting from resources other countries might use to mitigate the coming disasters.
The real Uyghur genocide was the friends we made along the way. :wholesome:
They will never stop believing in the Uyghur genocide - at least not until the reeducation begins.