jesus fucking christ what was wrong with having separate versions, why are they forcing this hideous mobile-centric design onto every device
i won't even complain about it defaulting to mobile if i can just have this, pls :cri:
i'm so bored of this world. just once, i want the new shitty thing to be part of some delightfully zany plot to carve a dick into the moon or something
It's literally the same data with a different style that already exists.
Mobile websites are the :corporate-art: of websites
Mobile websites are the baseline. Most people use the internet through a mobile device most of the time. Desktop versions of websites are, at this point, a relatively niche version not used by the majority.
You literally cannot dismiss the "this website looks better in the app" nag if you don't have an account. Death to Silicon Valley. Fucking soulless demons.
I think it's meant to be white space, which I don't mind, but something about it just looks really shit and poorly executed.
Idk it looks fine to me aside from the “You should use the app” bar
Oh fuck, they finally did it. Wikipedia has a long history of beta testing shit on the French version of the website; this javascript atrocity has been the norm on that version for months now. I was hoping they were gonna drop it but no, it's now everywhere. It fucking sucks. I hate it with a passion. Less information density, you have to enable JS, switching language for an article goes through an insufferable drop down CSS thingy, everything about it sucks.
German Wikipedia is still using the old design - I think I'll use that one for a while, until it inevitably reaches this place too.
wow this is dogshit, so much wasted space
anyone got css to remove the empty space????
edit: removing margin of class="mw-content-container" fixes it
en.wikipedia.org##.vector-feature-page-tools-disabled .mw-content-container, .vector-feature-page-tools-disabled .mw-table-of-contents-container:style(max-width: none !important;)
en.wikipedia.org##.mw-page-container:style(max-width: none !important;)
to ublock origin filter list
for removing that hamburger menu on home page:
en.wikipedia.org##+js(ra.js, id, input#mw-sidebar-checkbox)
Or just go here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering and pick "Vector legacy (2010)"
abusive and patronizing practice called A/B testing
Why? Practical data on the effect of a change is 1000x better than asking the user or more commonly, just guessing.
For most bad interface parts, when you ask the UI guy why it's like that, you either get:
That's just the way they made it
Some imagined use case literally nobody follows
They watched users using it wrong and stuck guide rails in
abusive and patronizing practice called A/B testing
this is absolutely unhinged. log off
Death to America
at the end of a Wikipedia url would get you what Wikipedia looked like yesterday. There must be some sort of extension that makes you do it automatically.Okay just so we’re clear, at this point mobile versions of websites should be the default.
Yes, please get it right when detecting my device and give me the correct version. But if you don’t know, mobile will be correct more often than not and y’all thinking desktop should be the default are giving big “Hello fellow kids” energy
If a website is being opened, it is more than likely being opened on a mobile device. My computer gets used for work and particular games, that’s it. The rest is my phone. Making mobile the default is just reasonable.
Also empty space is good, and helps you identify the important information. Windows 95 and basic HTML are not good design standards please stop having nostalgia for them
Empty space is good to a point. Margins are important for readability but if a half of your screen is just blaring white nothing with only a thin column of text you've made it worse.
In terms of site visits, mobile is still barely ~60%. In terms of time spent on a site, Desktop use is still the majority. So with all due respect, nuh uh.
Apparently this was majority voted against but still pushed through lmao.
Was this a public wikipedia consensus discussion thing? Anyone got a link if so?
Why does everyone always fucking do this? Youtube is still a shittier layout than it was 10 years ago. As is Reddit. Some new features are good, but the layout is piss poor. This new wiki layout literally displays as ~40% empty white space on my screens. I basically never use my phone to browse sites, and when I do, I almost always have to pick desktop mode anyway because mobile layouts are awful.
It's apparently a modern UX mantra that any UI change will create a lot backlash, and then it will die down and that means the change is good. It's the stupidest fucking thinking, maybe people just realise you're not fucking listening so they give up and put up with a worse interface?