not sure if this has been posted here before, but it's not new. i felt like this was a pretty solid summary of the devolving situation in eastern europe. i think it lands where a lot of us are, which is that the working people of ukraine are suffering due to the profitable war mongering of capitalist powers (but also, the ukrainian state genuinely has a nazi problem, not that russia's invasion had anything to do with that really).

  • InternetLefty [he/him]
    2 年前

    The phonecall between the ambassador and the state department official is pretty damning evidence that the whole current Ukrainian government is a puppet regime of the US

    • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
      2 年前

      that was absolutely wild, hadn't seen that before. i already figured it was to some extent because maidan was clearly a color revolution of sorts, but i didn't expect it to be this obvious and explicit.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 年前

      Word. It doesn't get brought up anymore but the President's son had a free money job on the UA state gas company board. That's how in bed they are with the US.

      • edge [he/him]
        2 年前

        It doesn’t get brought up anymore

        Because like with Hillary's emails, Trumpists latched on to real instances of corruption and turned them into wild conspiracy theories to try to take down Hillary/Biden. So now anyone concerned with the actual corruption at the core is lumped in with right-wing conspiracy theorists.

      • barrbaric [he/him]
        2 年前

        Doesn't it? I still bring up the Hunter/Burisma connection all the time IRL.

  • edge [he/him]
    2 年前

    It frustrates me to no end that I can't get this through people's thick heads. Like these are the facts, not whatever fantasy they dreamed up about Putin being a mad man who woke up one day and decided to genocide Ukrainians. The US antagonized Russia for decades but they think it's all Russia's fault.

    • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
      2 年前

      the last time i really argued it out, it was with a lib that thought bringing up the holodomor made sense. shit is absolutely infuriating.

        • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
          2 年前

          Also tbf, I was arguing with someone who I thought would at least be a bit better than that, but boy was I wrong.

      • ssjmarx [he/him]
        2 年前

        Last time I argued about it, the lib I was talking to took the position that Donbas and Crimea should be ethnically cleansed. I also thought that she would be better than that, but people I'm related to think that I'm the fucking Nazi for arguing that a minority group should be allowed to separate from a country that starts attacking them.

  • MaoistLandlord [he/him]
    2 年前

    I’m surprised libs haven’t freaked about this being direct FSB propaganda after the host was revealed to be ethnically Russian lol

  • robinn [none/use name]
    2 年前

    ISSUE: The clip of Biden at the beginning of the video contains a cut near the middle where he says "and I don't mean military", referring to the "hostile reaction" from Russia. With this taken out, the comparison to the modern Russian reaction is more smooth but it also contradicts what Biden is saying in the full clip somewhat.

    • edge [he/him]
      2 年前

      The immediate reaction wouldn't be military, but I think it follows that if we continued antagonizing them after that there would eventually be military action. 2014 should have obviously been the point where they knew further antagonizing would cause war. And Russia actually held back for a long time anyway. But like the video describes, Biden and Zelenskyy started publicly acting like Ukraine would join NATO soon, which became the tipping point.

    • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
      2 年前

      yeah that's a good point. i'm not surprised that biden has just always been more of a ghoul than even this lets on, but i don't blame boy boy for cutting it like this, i guess.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 年前

    I really, really want to know how popular the Nazis actually are on the ground bc i really suspect their influence is disproportionate to their numbers and popular support. 1/3 of the country, the ethnic russians, I can guess don't support them. And it seems like their base of support is heavily concentrated in Galacia. President whats his name pre-Maidan was as legitimately elected as you can get in Ukraine, and in absolute numbers Maidan wasn't that big. And Ukraine has crushed all dissent; opposition parties, journalists, even satirists. With the media fully state controlled and the sbu and vigilantes hunting and torturing/killing dissidents, and full complicity from the western media, even if there were a significant body of people horrified by the Nazi turn of the country they'd be invisible.hell, i just had a thought; want to get rid of politically unreliable men? Form them in to a light infantry unit and make them lead assaults until they're annihilated.

    • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
      2 年前

      kind of horrifying in terms of civilian costs to get rid of them that way though, what with their penchant for taking hostages and occupying civilian locations.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      2 年前

      Form them in to a light infantry unit and make them lead assaults until they’re annihilated.

      I don't think this is as good an idea as you think it is. You're essentially creating thousands upon thousands of martyrs, viewed as heroes, and creating propaganda that permeates society for every single death. Killing off a generation does not end an organisation if the organisation continues to exist, it simply continues into the next.

      You are not thinking of the effect all of this will have upon the next generations, filled with fascist propaganda and images of their national heroes from the heroic and most patriotic of units. You need to abolish this regiment and then utterly denounce it, slanderise it, run its name through the mud, propagandise it to such an extent that even seeing any of its symbols is stomach churning for the population. You must in essence ensure that the line of succession through the generations is snipped.

      It is not in fact necessary to kill all existing members. You simply need 2 conditions:

      1. Activities to cease - this could be killing them, but it could also just be terrorising them into stopping or fatigueing them into giving up like european communists in the post-soviet collapse.

      2. Generational succession to stop - propaganda and terror work well for this but must be at an absolutely monumental scale of implementation.

  • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
    2 年前

    it was posted before but until the state withers away the branch merges back into main the old posting isn't accessible for technical server reasons.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 年前

    Alright so Boy Boy which hexbear account is yours?