Edit: Guys the point is this isn't newsworthy and that the News is posting clickbait, you don't have to solve the maths lmao

  • math_tutor_throwaway [any]
    2 years ago

    why is there so much math content on chapo dot chat. i never expected to get mileage out of this username except in that one circumstance I made it for.

    • goatmeal [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Mainly because this is a fuckin stupid article

      To Millenials the answer is 1 and to Zs the answer is 9. Aren't numbers wild when put in confusing math problems.

      The people bitching about postmodernism should poiint to this neoliberal clickbait BS.

      I liked the revolutionary economic BS one.

      Maybe all us nerds are celebrating pi day for a week because we don't drink.

        • Yeat [he/him]
          2 years ago

          yes because we were taught PEMDAS but 90% of us remembered it wrong, a lot think that multiply comes before division and addition before subtraction but it’s multiply OR divide (whichever comes first) and so on

            • Yeat [he/him]
              2 years ago

              i have no idea tbh, i’m gen z so i’ve seen a lot of people my age make that mistake and remember PEMDAS incorrectly

              • mar_k [he/him]
                2 years ago

                Oh same, I thought you were saying millennials are the ones misremembering PEMDAS because they haven't been in school in like 20 years.

            • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
              1 year ago

              I was taught whatever is in () first then multiply divide, then addition subtraction. [()] [X,/] [+,-] There was no hiarchy between multiplication and division or addition or subtraction.

              , so distribute the two 2(1+2) = (2x1) + (2x2) or 2+4=6 or solve and distribute 2x3=6 and 6/6 =1

              I've never heard of "pemdas."

          • mar_k [he/him]
            1 year ago

            a lot think that multiply comes before division and addition ... but it’s multiply OR divide (whichever comes first)

            Wait how is it not 9 following in that case? Following what you described I don't see how you could get 1

            Starting equation: 6 ÷ 2(1+2)

            Step 1, parenthesis first: 6 ÷ 2(3)

            Step 2, division, because it comes first: 3(3)

            Step 3, multiplication: 9

            If you assume multiplication should always comes before division then you get 1: 6 ÷ 2(3) = 6 ÷ 6

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    2 years ago
    The answer is 11.

    I respond to all badly written tricky math questions by simply adding all the numbers together :gigachad:

  • geikei [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    These are always annoying cause the way its written is just invalid from a strict notation/algebra sense and thats why there are "2 answers". But maths arent up to interpretation and notations shouldnt either and you would never find something written like this in a math textbook or problem . You will find

    6/(2(1+2)) =1 or (6/2)(1+2) or 6(1+2)/2

    Mnemonic rules are useless when the notation isnt clear on whether the (1+2) is multiplied with the denominator or the numerator of 6/2 or worse yet if you use a division sign no one uses for even simple maths

  • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Every time you see one of these, know the intention is to be deliberately vague with notation so that the answer becomes ambiguous.

    There isn't a soul on this planet who uses the division symbol when representating anything serious mathematically...they would opt for fractional notation which includes implicit parenthesis that make the calculation unambiguous.

    You should associate the division symbol with this artificial ambiguity.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      1 year ago

      This is why graphing calculators usually come with a booklet explaining how they process order of operations and sometimes tell you to reduce ambiguity by breaking the expression down into multiple calculations.

  • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I hate these so much because no one would write an equation that unclear.

    Usually fractions are used instead of a division sign, and usually implicit multiplication (the part with 2(1+2) ) is done first in how things are normally written.

    My first reflex is 6÷2(1+2) = 6÷2(3) = 6÷6 = 1, even though that's wrong.

    If it was written as 6÷2×(1+2) everyone would get it right.

    Normally it'd probably be (6/2)(1+2). Or 6(½)(1+2).

    • stinky [any]
      2 years ago

      Don’t you have to open the brackets first?

        • stinky [any]
          2 years ago

          So it’s (1+2) first, which is 3. Now you open the brackets, which means 2*3, which is 6. Then 6%6 is 1.

          I know if it was written like 6%2*3 then it would be 9 because you divide first.

          Im confused.

            • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
              1 year ago

              We were taught when you put a number in front of brackets 2(1+2) it means to distribute it as in (2x1)+ (2x2) = 2+4 = 6

              Since it is written 6/2(1+2) it is also written as



              Thus the separation. So the end 6/6 = 1

              • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
                1 year ago

                You're treating the ÷ (aka /) like everything on the left of it is the numerator (top) and everything to the right is a denominator (bottom).

                When equations like this are written in a single line, you don't assume this, you only assume that the numbers touching the division are part of the fraction. So the 6 is the top, 2 is the bottom. What you did is 6/(2(1+3)). The trick part is that you'd probably know this if the original was written as (6/2)×(1+2)

                You were taught to use the distributive property first, which is weird because it makes these calculations harder. It makes later algebra (with letters instead of numbers) easier which I'm guessing is why you were taught that way.

                The distributive property comes from how addition and multiplication interact with each other, since the 2(1+2) is actually the same as 2×(1+2), we just don't usually write the × explicitly.

                You should do operations IN the brackets first, but your distributive thing is equivalent if you're careful. The distribution is equivalent to doing a ×, and it doesn't take priority over other × operations, or the ÷ operation. × and ÷ are done in order as they appear left to right if using BEDMAS.

                Brackets first, then exponents, then division/multiplication (in order as they appear left to right) and then addition/subtraction (in order as they appear)

                In this bullshit trick question, the ÷ and the implied × in 2(1+2) are the same 'priority' in the usual order of operations, so you just do them in order as they appear left to right.

                Way I was taught to do BEDMAS (order of operations):

                     = 6÷2(1+2)
                     = 6 ÷ 2 × 3
                     = 3 × 3
                     = 9

                If I wanted to use your distributive property with fractions then I'd do:

                     = 6÷2(1+2) 
                     = (6/2)(1+2) 
                     = 1(6/2)  + 2(6/2) 
                     = 6/2 + 12/2
                     = 18/2
                     = 9

                Distributive property no fractions:

                     = 6÷2(1+2)
                     = 3(1+2)
                     = 3(1)+3(2)
                     = 3+6
                     = 9 
  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Brackets exponents division multiplication addition subtraction

    Division and multiplication are on the same order of operations, so after you solve the equation in the brackets you can just do the sum from left to right. 6/2 *3 = 9.

    At least that's what I remember from school

    Where people get confused is that they believe that multiplication should be done before division or vice versa, usually because of the acronym they used to memorize the order of operations. Or they try expand the brackets. Or they see everything to the right of the division sign as part of the denominator. Or they grew up in the 80s when calculators were programmed incorrectly because of something called implied multiplication. (I'm not sure about the calculator one, I wasn't alive back then).

  • Abraxiel
    2 years ago

    Once again an expression confusing due to poor notation.

    • goatmeal [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Correct answers are 1 and 9. It's a division problem with an additional 1 kn the problem. So the correct answer is 9/11

  • somename [she/her]
    2 years ago

    The lesson here is that any notation system with operator signs for multiplication and division is shit.

  • SovietyWoomy [any]
    2 years ago

    This is why public education is bad. Children could be working and covering the cost of their own meals, but instead they waste all day learning math memes and acting entitled to food.

  • Dryad [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I really don't feel like this one is even ambiguous. Without further information why would you ever divide before multiplying? And even then it's not ambiguous, it's just a matter of what order of operations you prefer (arbitrary, a matter of notation rather than math).

    If you're a weirdo who does prefer to divide first then it's 9. Otherwise it's 1. Where's the confusion?

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      2 years ago

      If you’re a weirdo who does prefer to divide first then it’s 9.

      The way I was taught the order of operations (BEDMAS: Brackets Exponents Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction) makes me divide first :kitty-cri:

      • Dryad [she/her]
        2 years ago

        :farquaad-point: everyone look at this weirdo dividing first, I love bullying :sicko-pig:

      • ssjmarx [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I was taught that division/multiplication were the same step and you do them left to right. But I also never saw that dividing symbol again after 8th grade

      • Sen_Jen [they/them]
        2 years ago

        I learned BEMDAS in school, so I always multiplied first, but also I would just do this wrong anyway by counting multiplying as brackets

    • Gelamzer
      9 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • Dryad [she/her]
        1 year ago

        It is alone. It's a 6 which you divide either by 2 or by the result of 2(1+2) depending on order of operations. All you're saying is "divide first and then you get 9" which I already said.

        • Gelamzer
          9 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • Dryad [she/her]
            1 year ago

            But those mean the same thing. The problem is six divided by two times three. The problem is that regardless of what symbols you use to represent it. The only question is whether you treat it as (six divided by two) times three or as six divided by (two times three) which is purely a question of order of operation.

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    frankly the division sign is why this is dumb. its 9. normal people write it with a slash. its because they treat the 6/2 as a fraction that it is 9.

  • NeelixBiederman [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Regardless of getting the oRdER oF oPErAtiOnS right, why would knowing how to do this ever actually matter in real life? I've made it 20 years in my professional life and don't need to know shit like this. It's like expecting people to remember what color the curtains were in novel