I've felt absolutely tired for the last few months. Everything is falling apart, but I'm not surprised by anything anymore.
Trump admitted to downplaying covid? That's nice.
Border camps go full nazi? cool.
I don't feel anything anymore, just tired. I get up, go to work and then go home, repeat the same thing tomorrow. I read about hellworld, and just feel absolutely helpless. Fuck, I just want to do something meaningful, y'know?
I hear ya, but every day our ranks grow, and with your help they will grow faster until maybe we CAN do something of meaning.
That being said, if you're feeling low, take a day or two off from the hellworld spin cycle and do something you like doing, and don't feel guilty about being engrossed and not thinking about the injustices of the world for a little bit.
There are days when I get this to work, and then there are days like today where I'm a total hypocrite and am unable to focus on anything other than hellworld.
Just remember that your pain and tiredness are only temporary, and that as long as you stay alive, you will get better at dealing with all of it. You have to trust yourself in saying that, because regardless of its truth, its all we really have until we're connected enough to form real community.
Stay safe comrade
I feel like we can do something, but we can't save the planet anymore. It's past the point of no return, the feedback loops are active. The world is treating global warming like the USA treated covid, run headfirst into it and then claim it's not happening until it's no longer possible to ignore, then just continue to kick the can down the road by hoping some future technology will save us.
Well we are still here. Someone has to do the fighting might as well be us.
Not only might as well, it has to be us. No more generations to pass this problem onto, we're the unlucky losers of generational musical chairs.
Also, how much have you been inside? That can cause a vitamin D deficiency, and a big symptom is exhaustion.
Vitamin B deficiency too can also cause exhaustion. If people are indoors a lot you really gotta take daily vitamins you'll feel slightly better.
i just buy the generic wallgreens adult multivitamin ones, they're all the same exact thing, they also taste really good for some reason lol
I've put a lot more focus on helping out at the local scale. Sure covid makes things a bit difficult, but youre helping others get through it instead of worrying about the problem itself. Could be helping a foodbank for a day. It keeps me from feeling defeated. Im with you, comrade o7
thanks comrade. I attempted to join a party a while back, but after an interview they've absolutely ghosted me lol. I was really hoping to use that as an avenue for organizing.
Which party if you don't mind my asking? Thats strange, usually the hard part is getting the interview set up.
Definitely reach out. There are soooooooooo many people applying these days, they have been absolutely swamped. I can't think of a reason they'd just ghost you other than having to juggle 30 email chains between prospective candidates per one party member. Its a good sign but its certainly frustrating to those trying to become a part of it. Growing pains
Maybe try reaching out to a different member. I know in my org, individuals can get swamped all the time, so that person may have been in a dip as well. Im sure theyd be happy with more members regardless.
Thanks for this comment. Super long story I'm cutting short, my neighbor, who (in her words) was almost pushing up daisies and suffers from chemo brain (after a successful battle with covid+cancer) asked me to walk her dog, since she is pretty much locked down inside. It's not much, but it gives me a small sense of community that I've been lacking since I've been working from home in March. She thanks me everyday and I keep thanking her for giving me reason to wake up and do something that benefits our neighborhood. At the same time my neighbor with the McMansion is going to war with me because her dog and my dog piss on his grass, but it keeps me on my feet.
That's awesome man. I'm glad you have something like that. Even small shit like that makes a difference.
Another word of advice for you, Thomas: every now and then you run up on one of those days when everything’s in vain … a stone bummer from start to finish; and if you know what’s good for you, on days like these you sort of hunker down in a safe corner and watch.
Guess whose parasocial relationship with a leftist forum turned into an unhealthy coping mechanism? Mine did, bitches. This thread was exactly what I was feeling and this post is exactly what I wanted to hear. :soviet-bashful:
Good this reached you in a moment of need. earth can be lonely, doubly so in capitalism. Be kind to yourself and live outside the law. Breathe deep, seek inner peace, and harden your liver.
If that's not a direct quote, you captured his voice pretty well. Rad. :cat-trans:
idk dude i just got a used chromebook and installed tachiyomi on that bitch
im reading steel ball run in full color and it FUCKIN SLAPS
Steel Ball Run is probably my favorite part, I just couldn't stop reading it. Stayed up until like 3 am to finish it one night.
absolutely. I'm a pretty clean person, but my room and kitchen have been so much messier the last few months.
Try a new hobby, make something... log off for a few days..... go on a weekend camping trip.
Sounds like you just need to unplug from hellworld for a few days
I mentioned this in another thread but yeah I just stopped subscribing to everything news and politics related on reddit, aside from a select few casual leftist discussion subreddits. It's just too exhausting to hear about every detail of the world going to shit day in and day out. If it's something I really care to know about, I'll hear about it on here. Otherwise, I'm just trying to focus on enjoying the fact that I'll be done school soon and I've been making an effort to stay in touch with friends, read (especially fiction), go for daily walks, and just generally relax. I really do think it's helping. While it's important to be informed, it's also good to take a step back every so often. Stay strong comrade.
if you really want to max-score that feeling, turn the lights off in the room and listen to this at high volume
What kind of rat bastard would play that song- right now, at this moment?
i've been looking for a grindcore redub of this youtube video I saw on twitter a couple weeks ago but playing it alongside that one also works.
I about wrote out a whole spiel about what my day to day life is gonna be like in the near future and then erased it all because I decided its idiotic to invite a competition.
We're all there. We're all at the end of our fucking rope. All hanging on...and the worst part of all is the feeling that all this pain and stress and heartache is isn't even in service to a better world.
I can't quit...but I don't know how much longer I can keep it up.
I'm with you, hellworld is fucking exhausting on every level right now, and as individuals there's not much we can do about it. It's easy to look at how shitty everything is and internalize that, hell I've been doing that all day with the latest ICE stuff.
It's kind of a basic suggestion, but meditation helps me ground myself when stuff gets overwhelming, whether it's the freaking news or my social anxiety or whatever. Even if the revolution isn't tomorrow, may as well do what we can to put ourselves in a healthy mental state for when the chance arises to really do something, you know?
Find a way to take care of yourself, whatever that means to you. Hang in there.