i guess this is the only path left open for police reform. self-defense. if public policy won't change, maybe a body count will put them in line? i wish it weren't this way, because it will also mean more people being killed by police as they start doing retaliatory killings. which i guess will escalate the riots. to what end, i do not know.
have to say i am pleased to read the replies, too. some bootlickers, but looks to be a lot of people defending the guy who shot the cops.
it seems pretty clear from the video, they pulled the dude over for expired tags and decided to give him a hard time. no reason at all to demand he get out of the vehicle. he told them "give me my ticket and let me go" but they insisted on escalating. he was more than justified in my opinion, to have a reasonable fear they were doing to either kill him or do "serious bodily harm" which is the Oklahoma statutory requirement for lethal self-defense. though i would not be surprised for cops be some special exception. i hope at least someone on the jury panel has the courage to hang it.
We need to start telling conservatives that every time a cop is killed, the government becomes smaller.
yes. apparently they wanted him to get out of the car for no reason other than escalating the situation. apparently, he didn't jump right out and so they decided instead of letting him go with his ticket, they would escalate to use of force because ensuring compliance to an officer's command is more important than any other consideration.
Was this really just a normal traffic stop? What's even the point of cuffing and taking away someone for, a traffic stop?
Some did say that he was in prison before. Just look at what being in prison does to you. How you oftentimes struggle acting rationally around cops. (You really should check out his Youtube, as an ex con he's pretty based on his opinion of the police, not perfect, who the fuck is, but definitely an interesting perspective)
he was in in for at least a year and a half, not sure if it was jail or prison. i did a rundown of his criminal record in another post: https://hexbear.net/post/26176
A year and a half would most likely be a stay in prison. Jail is for shorter terms in the majority of states. Generally under 12 months.
it kinds depends on what the delays are getting a bed in the state prison. how long he in pre-conviction, a lot of other factors. i can say for the local jails, you would most likely just serve out 1.5 years in the jail. hardly worth a transfer to prison for someone who is going to be getting out a month or two after they finally get transferred. especially considering there is a month or so of (i forgot the exact term they call it) "grading" prisoners to see where they are sent long-term (like what pod, but also low security vs medium vs high, are the going to cause trouble, etc.)
i know there was one guy who was in the local jail for over 4 years. my god, i don't know how he survived. county jails can be worse experiences than state prisons, though it's really all hit or miss depending on the jail and prison. there are virtually no standards of care.
but yeah, the general rule is 1 year or less is served in jail, longer sentences in prison.
damn i felt that dude's fear when he was crying for help but tbh I'm surprised he managed to A. grab his gun (literally I couldn't see it at any point in the video) and B. actually manage to fire at and hit both officers successfully. holy fuck what a guy
man fuck this stupid ass country, I just looked into the case more because I was curious as to how young the guy was - and turns out his friend, who he called to pick him up afterwards (literally all he did was pick him up and take him home; the officer that died didn't even die until 21 hours after the fact) was arrested and put in jail too - and tried to commit suicide as of July 7th, and of course the pigs charged him with accessory to murder.
Records show Matthew Hall attempted suicide in his cell around July 7. Law enforcement provided treatment until an ambulance arrived and he was taken to the hospital and returned to jail after being checked out.
Hall is charged as an accessory to a felony and accessory to murder for the shooting death of Tulsa police Sgt. Craig Johnson and the shooting of Officer Aurash Zarkeshan.
Bullshit. Hope his lawyer manages to get the charges dropped and him out of there.
I'm wondering if he didn't get hold of the officer's weapon which would make those cops even more negligent.
That's what it looks like to me. This whole incident is like the opening of Queen and Slim.
yeah. so many people are just fine with a "comply or die" police state. only because they imagine it will never be them the cops target.
I think I might have actually gotten through to him. Asked him to hit me up in DMs after he listens to Behind the Police which he agreed to.
The OP in that thread is calling for the torture victim to be publically executed.
The people in that thread are aghast at the notion that people would get some kind of catharsis or satisfaction from someone being harmed are the same people saying they wish this guy was hanged. Like...maybe I am going to come off sounding like a sociopath, but like...everyone is okay with murder, it just depends on the context. I am sure plenty of Americans would love to watch and jack off to the footage of Bin Laden being shot. I'm not saying these impulses or feelings are healthy, but I am atleast cognizant of the fact that I have them.
For once these goddamn scumfucks felt the same fear they inflict on others every single day. If this happened every time these goddamn bullies tried this shit, maybe they'd think a bit harder first. That scream as he realized what was happening was morbidly satisfying.
lol get rekt. Love to hear that piggy squeal.
...How long til' the guy "commits suicide" in custody tho?
That motherfucker went from powertripping barks to spotting a spider on the wall really quickly.
Never mind
The guy did attempt suicide on July 7, but he got medical attention and was sent back to jail.
i hope at least someone on the jury panel has the courage to hang it
The cops will murder him before then.
most likely this is what will happen. though with nationwide riots it might be hard to just do it without any scrutiny like they are used to. even the libs are upset at federal marshalls killing that one guy who defended himself against a proud boy. a lot of that is because Trump's dumb ass said on national TV it was "retribution" but still.
what would scrutiny do? didn't stop them from killing Reinoehl
That guy was absolutely right to kill those cops. Cannot put it into words how outrageous this is. There are no steely noble heros, but I can only hope that when pushed to the absolute limit, in that moment of pain & fear, more people will stand up for themselves.
I don’t know who that is, but I can tell you Capybaras are the genuine deal.
Took the words out of my mouth. Fash need to learn fear if anything is to actually change, and the enabling of cops that has gone on for decades if not centuries will not be peacefully protested away.