Boy, that shit sure ain't worth defending. I cannot believe the number of struggle sessions where people told me just to give it a shot and I didn't get the context or whatever. Jesus Christ.
Being too sensitive means you're just sensitive enough and others are dead inside.
He looks up briefly and speaks. "Quit being so sensitive," he says, as he resumes burning ants with a magnifying glass.
Honestly Last Podcast on the Left is funnier if you're just looking for edgy humor.
They've also toned the edge waaaaay down since the early "Hong Kong Henry Zebrowski" days.
I haven't listened in a while I might have to check out their more recent stuff. It always struck me as a more crude and irreverent version of behind the bastards.
Tbf, I got into them and mainly listen for their occult/alien stuff. Their "heavy hitters" (aka serial killers) is probably more in line with how you see them, but they are one of the few podcasts I've found that can both be goofy and do deep dives on weird shit.
Also, know what was super telling about that podcast? That their subreddit was full of fucking chuds, they didn’t think it was a “joke” or “ironic”
yeah and /r/chapotraphouse was full of petite bourgeois "socialists", what's your point?
Hearing Nick talk makes me cringe because I know the exact kind of guy he is. He and I kind of ran in similar circles at the same time here in Baltimore though I don't recall ever meeting him. Tons of chauvinism with a veneer of progressivism and an inability to take anything seriously except your own image. It's what happens when a millennial chud grows up in a diverse environment.
These are the guys I don't trust if the revolution comes, basically. It's what puts me off about brocialists and it makes me to my core fear we'll never have a viable left, because wreckers like this embed themselves so deeply and then all their useful idiot friends defend them to death.
I don't want to hear Amber talk about wreckers ever again when she's friends with loathsome fucks who no right-minded person would trust, as if that shit isn't divisive as fuck
I don’t want to hear Amber talk about wreckers ever again when she’s friends with loathsome fucks who no right-minded person would trust
Chapo Chat, like /r/cth, is an enemy of dirtbag leftists. "Amber can't talk about bourgeoisie infiltration of workers movements because she's friends with some douchebag" KEEP LOSING
wreckers like this embed themselves so deeply
wreckers are the people who tried to cancel Amber for attempting to organize for M4A
It's fine if the humor's not for you, that type of offensive humor is always going to be niche. But doubting Nick or Stav's leftism is dumb as shit
Yeah Nick's a leftist he's just always saying shitty jokes that undermine any trust that you could engender with a marginalized person, NOTHING wrong with that! Why we'll have America organized by next week!
If you're looking to get offended, you will find it because that's the humor. The humor is insanely offensive shit. What you're missing is Mullen's actual political views, which he rarely talks about on the podcast so I don't blame you. When he talks politics, he's straight up uncompromising leftist. He's a surprisingly smart dude, when he's talking with right-wingers he sees right through their bullshit and casually dismantles their culture war fake outrage talking points to their face
I'm not looking to get offended, so where's your argument?
I know Nick Mullen. I know his politics. He's a doofus stupidpol socdem dipshit and a wrecker. There's not much more to say about it than that. His podcast on top of all of that is intensely unfunny and attracts chuds like 13-year-old loli porn.
"They should absolutely be protesting, they should be rioting, they should go fucking kill that cop ... You should be looting Target". From a clip I just found looking for him talking sincerely about politics
That's socdem? Or you're clueless and already made up your mind and refuse to be reasoned with
That’s socdem? Or you’re clueless and already made up your mind and refuse to be reasoned with
Or as I said before I know the dude and he'll talk a big game but he's a dipshit coward who doesn't believe anything he says and is just on the left until he gets his healthcare. Just because he'll say something that sounds good doesn't mean he even believes it.
What you're doing here is literally the "it's just a joke bro" thing that right-wing shitstains do to try to excuse their bigotry.
And that shit isn't even offensive, it's just low effort shock "humor" that requires no creativity or effort at all.
Even if it is "just jokes" it desensitizes people to shit like that and it's basically pushing people in the opposite direction we want. Humor that punches down is always bad even in the RARE instance it's funny.
Also isn't it telling as fuck that a bunch of chuds glommed onto their shit
Also isn’t it telling as fuck that a bunch of chuds glommed onto their shit
/r/chapotrahouse is full of middle class 1st world socialists, i.e fascists
when you career
yes he's a working class comrade, unlike many members of Chapo Chat!
I didn't know who he was, just a lot of douche bags exactly like him. A common fixture of substance abusing millennial hipsters in Baltimore about 10 years ago.
what happens when a millennial chud grows up in a diverse environment
*petite bourgeoisie, please use class analysis instead of fascist generational theory
There is a tendency for people to act as if class is in a vacuum divorced from other factors that is very undialectical. They're are material differences between people who grow up in different eras of capital conditions. The fact that boomers grew up in probably the most lopsided economic environment in history is going to change the way they think. I would say this is no less materialist than speaking on the differences between white Americans and black Americans; sure neither is a class monolith but they do have general shared characteristics.
The material differences between generations absolutely informs their ideological rifts and it isn't fucking fascist to acknowledge that. Just because you acknowledge that people who grew up in a near uninterrupted period of transfer of wealth from the global south to the US are different than people who grew up in a period of stagnation and redistribution of wealth upwards doesn't mean that you believe the premise if the Strauss-Howe horseshit generational theory lmao.
Every now and then I'll listen to one of these and on top of being disappointing, it turns my recommendations into wall-to-wall Cum Town clips until I cleanse my watch history
Ugh yes and they do every single topic and bullshit on fucking nothing consequential so there's just thousands of them.
nick "california is basically trying to legalise pedophilia"
stav, 15 minutes later "hey maybe i should move to california"
Up until this post I thought that the existence of Cum Town was a bit.
A pair of bazongas but it has an enormous cock and is also Albanian
I forgot we have to do this every month. Honestly warms my heart the tradition is still alive.
Ahem.... Sir, you are incorrect.
They get too close to "stupidpol" territory for my tastes.
Hearing people In the old sub defend the edgy racist humor in cumtown while calling out Pewds for his edgy racist humor was literally that neckbeard orgasm meme in text form
defend the edgy racist humor in cumtown while calling out Pewds for his edgy racist humor was literally that neckbeard orgasm meme in text form
Liberal idealists think racism is like an evil spirit. Materialist Marxists understand history and see racism as a result of the values of property owning bourgeoisie like Pewdiepie. The only thing the cum boys own is a house full of exotic birds
“Nah bro your just a lib bro these white guts don’t own anything so they can say the n word and make racist jokes that normalize stereotypes bro it’s irony bro.”
how to use humor solely as a coping mechanism for political trauma
In my experience middle class socialists use irony as a distancing technique, coping with their tacit support of fascist imperialism.
For someone that absolutely refuses to listen to any shit called "CuM tOwN" can somebody give me a TL;DL coles notes
One guy who isn't terrible, one guy who I have no clue about, and one loathsome piece of shit all talk about boobs and make racist jokes
Life is short and there's like a billion other podcasts to listen to. I'm gonna pass.
lol so on one hand you're like ugh how do people get all worked up all this shit all this ENERGY UGH and then you're asking someone to take time out of their lives to listen to a podcast they already clearly don't give a shit about so which is it? What is it about investing time and energy?
Stav said he's an idiot socialist, Adam is like a human who was up until 5 minutes ago was actually a rat, and Nick Mullen can go hug an atom bomb.
Oh, is Nick the one who started an episode singing "Bill Maher the (n-word) guy"? Someone posted a clip of that on the old sub a long time ago, and I remember thinking, holy fuck this is bad, why does anyone consider this left-adjacent?
Yes but you see Nick isn't the bad one because Bill Maher said it first so it's okay!
Stav has always seemed likeable enough from his Chapo/TMR/tmbs appearances.
Adam is like a human who was up until 5 minutes ago was actually a rat
Honestly, I'd say either listen to it and form your own opinion or don't bother with the discourse. It's obviously polarizing among people who like leftist podcasts so you can't really take somebody else's word for it.
recently like every person i meet is into red scare / cumtown... how did i deserve this. I'm up to 5!!! people now, what the fuck
I did listen to stav's stand up though and it was funny
i keep walking into them unknowingly though. like from people you'd never expect!
I've been getting into podcasts lately. have you ever heard of... cumtown?
Have them explain a bit to you until they realize how shitty the bits are