Permanently Deleted
You have discovered Dahir Insaat!
I highly recommend the Retsupurae series of videos on Dahir's genius inventions.
That one with the bed that eats people cracks me up every time.
lol, full-time human cashier just waiting for someone to drive up and then doing nothing while the customer cycles through the food presenter: so efficient! :so-true:
there's just something about the combination of a fetish for automating things and an inability to identify things that can actually be automated that makes it feel like an idea from a cartoon in the Saturday Evening Post from the 30s with a caption like "The Green Grocer Of The Year 1992."
i love dahir insaat. i don't even know what it is they're selling. every one of their ideas are so awful but the creativity in their vision of like a Jetsons dystopia where humans have been all but replaced by 100' long VTOL craft and moving walkways with legs is stunning.
I can't speak for everyone with a recurring back injury, but repeatedly leaning out the car window to manipulate objects 1-2ft away would be considerably more likely to screw up my back than just walking around a store pushing a shopping cart, even if the cart is quite heavy.
The uncanny valley American voiceover accent reminds me of that Chinese anchor chain promo video
Reminds me of a slightly more practised version of the King Double Ceramic Knives accent.
Entirely misunderstanding the relationship between lift and speed, truly amazing. You could do this much more easily with an ekranoplan on a string, no need for moving the wings and turbofans.
nice concept but i think the sound from the propellers will be a problem
This is how the big brains think they can cut air traffic controllers.
Dahir Insaat's job is to come up with ridiculous transport concepts and sometimes grifting news companies into reporting on it. It's very funny.
Lmao, at them discouraging multiple brands of the same product and psychologal marketing.
I don't even know where to start with that bathroom concept. One of them isn't how pissing works and then the other one would be excruciatingly painful. Truly incredible equality.
The vid is 7 years old. Did they ever actually make that thing? I'm thinking the answer is no.
The cashier and I both going "Uhhhhhh" and stating blankly into each other's eyes as I peruse the goods while be both simultaneously start to lose consciousness from all the carbon monoxide
Dahir Insaat
IIRC this whole company just makes incredibly bad ideas like this to grift investors, critical support
Everybody gangsta at the drive through market until the drunk driver comes in and absolutely wrecks the place then it catches on fire from the Tesla exploding.
smh take the dahirpill
When I asked Semenov where he found inspiration for the company’s far-fetched projects, he told me that he “cannot say at all how it happens”, but that once he arrives on a new concept, he “cannot find peace until [he formulates] an engineering fit to implement the solution”. Despite some of the concepts seeming impossible, Semenov says he only publishes a new design “when I’m sure that the solution found is technically feasible, and there is not a single barrier to not realise [it]”.
The process of transforming his imaginings into physical realities is an uphill battle. Semenov estimates that he could build a working prototype for each of his twenty current projects with an investment of $26.5 million.
Semenov argues that “it is impossible that in a world where dozens of investment funds operate hundreds of billions of dollars … there is not even one … who will say ‘I’m going to invest in his ideas, I like it.’” Semenov argues it would be a worthwhile investment, estimating potential revenue for his collection at the measly sum of $5 trillion. “Some woe billionaires at the wedding of their children spend larger sums than I need to master all my projects.”
woe billionaires at the wedding of their children
In an intriguing twist, a now-deleted blog post on a gaming site claims that the company’s website is home to a “post-apocalyptic science-fiction web-series” which “takes place in the distant future” where lush greenery has reclaimed the Earth after thousands of years of nuclear war, and “the first long-term nuclear shelters have begun to unseal”. The post claims that the “implications of the first season are obvious to any observant viewer”; the Russian Federation and Istanbul are the only two remaining enclaves of human life, and Semenov is pitching his schemes directly to Putin in an effort to hold “every Russian citizen hostage simultaneously”.
I asked Semenov about the blog post.
The post was referenced in the Youtube description of some of the company’s videos. Semenov noted that it was included accidentally, which corresponds with the keyword-based, multilingual word-mash that make up the video descriptions for the firm’s other videos. After speaking to him, he quickly removed the reference from his own channel.
Some critics have accused Semenov of being a patent-troll, someone who copyrights and patents ideas with the aim of licensing the concepts to others, and no intention of building them themselves. He responded that “these are all children’s tales . There are no patent trolls, just like there can not be musical trolls, or trolls of artists.… Let the people that claim such things sit down and attempt to create anything in the field of engineering.” He attributes this to wider trends of online commentary. “There used to be literary critics and critics in the cinema, but now critics of other people’s ideas have arisen when he does not know the subject at all, but he has an opinion.”
The proof is in Semenov’s work. Facebook photo albums show that he has begun to construct buildings using his modular techniques. Semenov is undoubtedly creative, but his business acumen is sharp. He tells me that he is “in correspondence with several very large companies,” and doesn’t rule out that his catalogue may be bought entirely by “a very large Chinese innovative company”. He lists Samsung and Siemens as his dream investors, “the two most competent companies in the world”.
what are you going to say when China gets Dahirpilled?
just realized this interview could have been conducted by phone and they could have misheard him say "woke billionaires"
Looking into it
the Russian Federation and Istanbul are the only two remaining enclaves of human life
:michael-laugh: this got me good