The rest of it is typical civility fetishism that we should all expect, but this part stands out for me:
to pretend that they are evil is disingenuous
Pat Robertson was openly and unambiguously hateful towards all the people the libs claim to support. The shittiest shitilb with the worst opinions you can think of should still categorize Pat Robertson as an evil person by any and all criteria that they have for evil. If you have liberal values, Pat Robertson was a bad person, objectively. It is disingenuous to pretend he wasn't. It's not an insult, it's just a description. Honestly baffling. Who is this for?
Good American patriots can never be evil to this kind of person. It's like the temporarily embarrassed millionaire of morality. The only people who are actually evil are those who threaten the status quo.
If I offended you with this post, look in the mirror.
live mirror reaction: :gigachad:
If you want to be respected in death, don't be a fucking asshole in life. A pretty reasonable trade I think.
For some reason this logic makes the civility part of lib's brains short circuit.
The same thing happened when trump got covid. All the libs came to his defense on the astral plane after calling him Hitler the previous week.
These people are hollow, grifters, or hollow grifters. They will never be our allies when it matters and are a shining example of the importance of understanding materialism and material harm. He can rest in piss and I look forward to the groundbreaking of another gender neutral bathroom.
:geordi-no: "you mustn't speak ill of the dead"
:geordi-yes: "i'm gonna varnish his ass and use him as a snowboard lmao":maybe-later-kiddo:: “Watch what you say, the right thinks we’re a bunch of vengeful SJWs if we act like them.”
Maybe they should turn the other cheek to my vengeance-seeking.
Remember that guy who made a quadcopter out of his dead cat?
Someone should give him a call.
Only a loser does this ceremonious "turn the other cheek" and "be brave/be better" horseshit.
Glad this fuckhead is dead and I wish it happened sooner.
to pretend they are evil is disingenuous
Absolutely no pretending involved. That asshole corrupted a religion to sow fear and hate toward disadvantaged communities to enrich himself. If that's not evil I don't know what is
Nooo, bu…but….you’re the left. You’re supposed to be the bigger person, I get to bully you, I get to exclude you, and I get to kill you because I’m the bad guy. The good guy has to forgive me or else you’ll be just like me! Just silently put up with my bullshit until I get bored, and then you have to forgive me!
By the definitions of Pat's own nominal religion he is clearly and unambiguously an anti-Christ, vehemently and violently opposed to everything taught in the Gospels. Even judging the man by the standards he allegedly believed in he's a villain with few peers.
Fucking christ. Choke to death on this performative bullshit you fucking weasel.
With allies like this who needs enemies?
Pure engagement bait, complete with the "If I offended you" stinger.
He's just Liberal Steven Crowder. I'm amazed he hasn't become a regular guest on a talking heads show, yet.
Absolutely. They believe nothing. When one of the great lords of the enemy dies you celebrate, it's not that complicated. Take the wins where you can.
Of course this is all abstract to him.
Moralists don't really have beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child's toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded.
Gracefully enters the marketplace of ideas
Excuse me, Mr Pat Robertson, I have one question for you. Have you considered breathing? No? Well I guess you are defeated in the realm of lively debate.
Victoriously moonwalks out of the marketplace
I never cared for the whole "be the bigger man" mindset. I do not want to do that. I want retribution
Word. I don't want to be the bigger man. I want my enemy's flayed skin nailed to the walls of my fort as a warning to others. I want a drinking bowl made out of his skull. I want to win.