My feet hurt. I wore this stupid costume for nothing. I want to go home and stream from the office supply closet I turned into a secret bunker situation room.
I can't get over his child in a sailor suit routine. It's like he's a lame version of
. Either commit fully to the bit and wear a sniper ghillie suit or dress like a normal person.
Fuck dressing like a normal person i dress like a hobo, because i cant be bothered to buy new shirts. So they are all full of holes and i have to wear several at a time. The pants somehow are ok after 20 years. But if i were president i would dress like gandalf. But in brugyndy with pink highligths.
I'd do what Zelenskyy is doing but dress as a pilot. Wear the helmet everywhere and address people as wingmate in solidarity with the air force.
Maybe carry around a cool model of the kind of plane I'd fly to save my country if I knew how to fly a plane. I could show people and say pilots dress just like me.
Better yet; print those paper plane modes from old checz magazines and hand them out.
That'd scare Vladimir Shithitler. I'd know all the plane facts if I read about them and he'd know I could 1v1 him any day in a plane fight.
Congrats on your useful idiot career, big Z. You're no longer needed. Hope it was worth it.
why does he look like he's been photoshopped into this image lol
The insistence on wearing the discount GI Joe outfit is one thing, but the fact that he has obviously been bulking up and trying to look like a military strongman is hilarious - compare him now to when he first came to office (even at the start of the conflict) and looked like mashed potato squeezed into a tight H&M t-shirt.
on the side there "hon hon hon sacre bleu ah almost stepped into a poor pershon, mon dieu!"
Why does he insist on wearing a military uniform when all he does is show up to his friends' houses and mooch weapons off of them