• Red_Eclipse [she/her]
    21 days ago

    Capitalist fascist USA with its so-called "threat" from communist China and nukes... are we literally in the Fallout timeline? strangelove-wow

    • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
      20 days ago

      They committed the ultimate sin, the highest crime, the most heinous act of depravity: they're not letting Wall Street pillage their economy. The empire must punish them.

  • Lester_Peterson [he/him]
    20 days ago

    I used to think that one of the worst takeaway of the Nuclear Arms race was that if you do nothing about an existential threat to humanity long enough, it will eventually go away. Now I realize the average Western leader who lived through the Cold War has decided its real meaning is that the risks of nuclear weapons don't need to be taken seriously because there's no chance they'll ever be used.

    • Des [she/her, they/them]
      20 days ago

      especially not like that. very few of us will get the blessed lights-out "instant vaporization". the plasma fireballs are pretty tiny

      • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
        20 days ago

        Now would be a great time for the media in Europe to start re-airing documentaries about the survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nukings.

  • FreudianCafe@lemmy.ml
    20 days ago

    How are europeans not marching to take those ppl out of power and dismantle this shit? Arent you guys afraid of the conflict?

    • Droplet [comrade/them]
      20 days ago

      The European left had been fully and completely defeated by the fascists in the 1920s-30s. Fascism was literally invented by the liberals to stop communism in Europe. It took millions upon millions of lives to defeat that first wave of Fascism in Europe.

      Post-war European left took the completely opposite direction by aligning with Capital - the so-called Keynesian social democratic model - to distance themselves from the scary totalitarian “Stalinism”. It bought the European working class 30 years of truce with Capital, during which European labor re-built the subcontinent and enjoyed certain welfare and power afforded to them by Capital, until they were no longer needed and their effort instead paved the way to neoliberalism and the return of fascism which the European left has no answer for, because they were too busy distancing themselves from the Soviet Union.

    • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
      20 days ago

      From what I hear from people IRL?

      No. Not even because of a belief the west will win. Lots of people seemingly don't care if they die.

    • Egon [they/them]
      20 days ago


      • People believe the propaganda that China is doing something threatening, though I don't get what that would be.
      • They lived thru the cold war so they think nothing will happen and there's no reason to worry (because apparently the reason nothing happened during the cold war was that those who were against nuclear holocaust did nothing instead of political agitation and a lot more).
      • They say something like "eh they're just doing it to get reelected, besides all politicians are bad"
    • sgtlion [any]
      20 days ago

      Plenty countries marched for it en masse decades ago. Nothing changed. Marching achieves nothing anymore, not even riots (see: French pension law).

      Violent political suppression is just too strong in Europe, the people have little say anymore, even with direct action.

      • EatPotatoes [none/use name]
        20 days ago

        Like the 80s were wild. Incredible movies like threads or testament. Stay at home moms tiring themselves to military base gates and intercepting shipments and waste dumps.

        None of it worked and we got so complacent when the Cold War ended. Nothing threatens them. Unions and direct action campaigns are honeypots waiting to be turned inside out.

    • Brickardo@feddit.nl
      20 days ago

      Rather, we've ostracized the countries who know full well the power resides in the working class (for instance the French)

  • jackmarxist [any]
    20 days ago

    NATO demonstrates why the solution to the Fermi Paradox is that civilisations destroy themselves before they become an interstellar civilisation.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        20 days ago

        What if humans are famous galaxy-wide as one of the most brutal species on record and we've been under an age old quarantine so total and extensive that if we learned even a fraction of the details it would make our heads spin

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
            20 days ago

            In that case I hope someone pulls a Sentinel island on their goofy ass, the quarantine authorities are 100% correct, humans at this level of development cannot escape the earth

            lmao imagine this virulent strain of capitalism rampaging across the stars, fuck that nightmare

            • huf [he/him]
              20 days ago

              it'd explain all those scifi stories in which every other sentient alien species is better at stuff than us but we nevertheless win the war. it's cos nobody's as relentlessly and institutionally brutal as we are.

      • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
        19 days ago

        "Should we check on those bipeds that haven't achieved global harmony yet? Maybe they finally overcame their individual and regional differences"



  • chickentendrils [any, comrade/them]
    21 days ago

    The ultimate irony will be when the US starts a nuclear war and finds out most of that 50B$/yr arsenal maintenance just gets spirited away and there's only a handful that function.

      • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
        20 days ago

        The world won't end

        Even in a full scale nuclear war there's a couple places where enough humans will survive

        • sexywheat [none/use name]
          20 days ago

          I mean, you're probably right, but the main threat of nuclear war is nuclear winter - that is, if a major (or several major) city(ies) get nuked, the smoke plume from the concrete and charred remains will blanket the Earth for years to come, thereby preventing crops from growing and decimating agricultural production. Same shit happened with the dinosaurs (but this would be self-inflicted)

          • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
            20 days ago

            Oh definitely, I think the estimates are a few hundred million dying directly and then almost everyone succumbing to starvation a year or two later

            Only a handful of countries in the southern hemisphere would have the current agricultural capacity to maintain their existing population (capability being a critical unknown factor)

            Everyone else could probably survive on mushrooms and a couple other things, and it would be possible to support a small population with greenhouses and LED grow lights if you had electricity

        • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
          20 days ago

          We have absolutely no idea how nuclear warfare and fallout will interact with the already unstoppable climate change trend. Maybe its just me but IMO those old theories about how someone in New Zealand is going to survive in a bunker is just extreme copium, borderline delusion.

          • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
            20 days ago

            Maybe its just me but IMO those old theories about how someone in New Zealand is going to survive in a bunker is just extreme copium, borderline delusion.

            Unless the bunker-dwellers have a foolproof air supply independent from surface construction, they were always high on copium anyway. Some concrete down the vents will end their secret-bunker fantasies real quick.

          • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
            20 days ago

            The increasingly massive firestorm give a decent overview of what additional soot does to climate (not much to the long run impacts of climate change)

            This is an interesting article



  • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
    21 days ago

    If NATO keeps up with this the next population census of brussels will be 0

  • supafuzz [comrade/them]
    20 days ago

    Maybe China and Russia do need to first strike the West for their own protection, NATO is fucking unhinged

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      20 days ago

      When I first saw that title I thought this was about Russia, then I saw that preview sentence and it's like why the heck are you pulling the nukes out on China? And why nukes? Is genocide Europe's answer to everything?

      • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
        20 days ago

        Is genocide Europe's answer to everything?

        Yes, which is why europeans need to be taught a lesson. They need to be somehow weakened so severely that they won't pose a threat to human civilization.

      • peppersky [he/him, any]
        20 days ago

        Is genocide Europe's answer to everything?

        can americans just once in a while look in a mirror and see this is all the entirety of the "the west" has ever been?

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      20 days ago

      China needs to urgently reassess its no first strike policy and then number of warheads it publicly claims to have. It's rapidly becoming clear that both are seen by NATO only as a sign of weakness and not as a genuine desire for peaceful coexistence.

      If NATO wages nuclear war on China then it will not stop until Chinese civilization is wiped from existence. The proportionate counter value threat to that is not China wiping out the US, or the UK, or France, but all colonial vestiges of Western civilization, irrespective of whether or not those vestigages are nominally participating in the war. 300, 600, or even 1000 warheads are clearly not sufficient to carry out this exchange.

      • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
        20 days ago

        Don't worry. Russia would 100% destroy the west in such a situation, they've got more than enough nukes to do the job

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        20 days ago

        300, 600, or even 1000 warheads are clearly not sufficient to carry out this exchange

        what the fuck are you talking about. 'the problem with 2,000+ nuclear warheads exploding is that it wouldn't do enough damage'. go embrace a loved one or something this is disturbing shit to say

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          20 days ago

          Just because it's disturbing doesn't mean it can't also be true. If two guys are staring each other down with guns, the fear of the other guy shooting back is the main thing that stops either guy from taking the first shot. But if one guy thought the other was out of bullets? Or that their bullets can't get through his armor? Why not take a shot?

          America is entering a domestic and international death spiral. The best way to keep it from using it's nukes on the way down is to let every American know on no uncertain terms that if they try, they die.

          • Dolores [love/loves]
            20 days ago

            for this to be true it must be demonstrated that the very large stockpile & tot-for-tat meetings of american escalations from the Soviets meaningfully altered US belligerency. i do not think this is a clear or correct conclusion to draw from the cold war.

            • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
              20 days ago

              It's probably not super helpful to debate counterfactuals since they're not probable either way. I do think it's reasonable to say that Russia's nuclear stockpile deters NATO escalations in Ukraine even to this day. But again, not provable unless you've sat in on some top level NATO meetings.

      • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
        19 days ago

        If NATO wages nuclear war on China then it will not stop until Chinese civilization is wiped from existence.

        FIFY. The US had plans to nuke China in the event the US waged nuclear war against the Soviet Union. It didn't matter if the US wasn't nominally at war with China. When US nukes start flying, some of them will land in China. I suppose you could call this a "zeroth strike policy" in the sense that the US will strike China even if the US isn't at war with China.

    • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
      20 days ago

      Even a first strike takes between 5-30 minutes to arrive depending on what is launched. So the United States would fire all their shit by then.

  • JayTreeman [none/use name]
    20 days ago

    Talking with a friend who's very anti china and Russia, I asked what it would take for him to think that NATO was pushing Russia to use a nuke. 'Nuclear sabre rattling' was his response. Well, here you go friend.

      • JayTreeman [none/use name]
        19 days ago


        I haven't been convinced that was done by the Americans. Is it a thing they've done in the past? Yes. Do they have reason to do it now? Yes. Have I seen anything outside of anti-american sources talk about it? No.

        I try and give people a lot of leeway IRL. I always hope that helps convince people

  • healthkick [none/use name]
    20 days ago

    Who the fuck is Stoltenberg to make this decision for Europe?

    I hate AfD and the other right wing parties of Europe, they’re definitely fascist and a bad thing for Europe.

    But fuck man at least they don’t want nuclear war.

    I’m not even asking for an actually socialist left anymore just give me some centrist socdems who aren’t willing to send us all to the wall for the sake of US imperialism. Why is even that too much to ask?