
  • sovietknuckles [they/them]
    1 year ago

    My guesstimation is that [Hexbear] is a disinformation machine based on useful idiots.

    We need the current time in Moscow re-added to the sidebar, this is important

    • uralsolo
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
        1 year ago

        One is convinced we're a 'brainwashed cult' and they're not trying to be hyperbolic. They sound genuinely confused and terrified.

          • VILenin [he/him]M
            1 year ago

            They think it’s censorship when they’re told to shut the fuck up about things they know nothing about, which offends their sense of objective superiority

            • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
              1 year ago

              B-B-B-BUT that's my OPINION. Everyone is ENTITLED to an OPINION. The individual is the sacrosanct unit of being in a society, so my atomized brainworm addled dipshit beliefs HAVE to be taken seriously!

        • Mirya [any]
          1 year ago

          Hello Mr. Putin.....
          This man here.. I think he wants to talk to you 📞

    • Biggay [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      I was so fucking pissed when they took that away, it was surprisingly helpful to know what time of day it was over there.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      We certainly are idiots, no argument here. Useful? Well, my friends do like the memes I send them.

    • VILenin [he/him]M
      1 year ago

      The words of a person who actively refuses to acknowledge reality

      • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        My mom saw a BBC documentary about how Stalin was literally enslaving most of the Soviet population. I asked her why he did this, and of course there was no explanation. He was just a mad man that somehow was able to compel literally everyone to do whatever he wanted. Also, he wasn't motivated by Marxism, but by crippling insecurity because he was a short king (like me).

        I pointed out that he definitely didn't seem insecure.

        This was 2 years ago. Cold War myth making is still happening.

        • VILenin [he/him]M
          1 year ago

          Sources? Standards of evidence? Nope, “BBC said so” will do.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          1 year ago

          The "He's just insane and does bad things for inexplicable insane reasons" is very popular with American Liberals. Like we clown on them for not having material analysis or even having a concept of material analysis and then they largely prove it by ascribing the behavior of any world forces that oppose their regime to mental illness. Saddam? Putin? Xi? Fidel? All of them insane! Stark raving bonkers. Because the world runs on vibes, not the competing material interests of classes and states.

          • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            The other mode of thought that I often encounter (through my mom, who pre 2016 media overdosing actually had some class instinct) is that you can't counter any negative assertion made about someone "bad," even if it's not true. It'll manifest with her saying something like "well, on top of everything else, Putin doesn't even do anything. He's really lazy." Then I'll say something like "How the fuck do you know?" Then you get accused of defending Putin. It's anti-materialism.

            Don't even bother asking a question like "why did 9/11 actually happen?" If you try to find a solution by starting with the reality of a situation you might as well be Osama himself.

  • Nagarjuna [he/him]
    1 year ago

    tankies are when the communist ideology has become diluted with western globalist wokeism.

    Oh man federation will be fun

    • JuryNullification [he/him]
      1 year ago

      After reading a bunch of that poster’s replies in the thread I think they might be doing a bit. If they’re not, it’s still pretty funny that they’re equating “woke” and “tankies” and the liberals are having a hard time with that.

      • sovietknuckles [they/them]
        1 year ago

        100% a bit, their profile bio is simplified Chinese that translates to "The Maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, leading to a redistribution of land with almost complete equality among the peasants"

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        1 year ago

        Watching liberals slowly realise that kicking out communists is voting in the face-eating leopards never fails to amuse.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        1 year ago

        Horseshoe theory is when, fuck, idk everything I don't like is basically the same, right?

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          1 year ago


          • 30K word masterpost about how Republicans and Democrats could not be more different
          • Nazis and the country most responsible for stopping them? Indistinguishable
          • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
            1 year ago

            The way Libs tell history, you'd think Dwight D. Eisenhower and Winston Churchill did the fusion dance and super-punched all the Germans off of Dunkirk in a single blow. Then we immediately won the war and were just about to create Globalist Utopia when Stalin stole our nuclear weapons technology and brought on a new generation of insidious evil we'd spend the next 40 years valiantly #Resist-ing.

            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
              1 year ago

              Be careful with "Globalist" though, it's a dog whistle for Jewish people and generally shouldn't be used.

              • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
                1 year ago

                Americans only think globalism is a Jewish conspiracy when treat prices go up. If it means cheap textiles and foreign electronics and cruise liners full of drunk yuppies, they never seem to mind.

    • VHS [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Yeah uh… what do we do other than have generally positive opinions of AES countries?

        • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
          1 year ago

          I would never. Now I'm going to count down from 60, and if you don't apologize by then, you're not gonna like it! countdown

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          1 year ago

          Idk about you but back when I was active in the News thread we were mostly just pointing out that Russia has legitimate, grounded reasons for what they're doing, that NATO provoked the war very intentionally and deliberately over the course of decades, and that the situation on the ground was largely provoked by the coup Rada's immediate decision to signal their intent to ethnically cleanse Eastern Ukraine of Russian culture and presumably of Russians.

          It's not about supporting Russia, even just saying out loud what was happening is generally an unforgivable sin.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        We dig up statistics and relevant documents about stuff like the 1932 famine. We link people to the UN investigation in Xinjiang. We provide grounded material analysis of world conflicts that go beyond "so and so is a dictator and a madman!". We're relentlessly critical of the Democrats and their refusal to wield power or help anyone. We point out that now even the Wiki says only about 300 people died at Tienanmen square and almost all of them were PLA soldiers or insurgents fighting on streets blocks away from the square.

        God, what other unforgivable sins do we commit? Explaining that Cuba's family law is vastly more progressive than anything in the US?

    • daisy
      1 year ago

      I do worry a bit about the usual wrecker tricks that people like them use against sites they can't otherwise shut down. They won't ignore us. Our mere existence outside their control will gnaw at them. They're going to go full scale dirty-tricks.

    • OrcaAntiyachtVanguard [they/them]
      1 year ago

      They consider their ideology to be vastly superior and that ideas should be debated in an open marketplace to see which is better.

      Yet they're terrified of letting a few hundred commies post.

      Curious very-intelligent

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      If only they would submit and learn our ways. We could increase their posting a thousand-fold!

  • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
    1 year ago

    Shout out to Comrade @Lenins2ndCat and her Protracted People's War against the abyss of liberalism in that thread.

          • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
            1 year ago

            There's a couple I've suspected from occasionally lurking in a few of the slightly less shit bits of Reddit in the past. I've just been referring to Lenin's2ndCat in other posts as I didn't want to blow up your spot if you weren't being explicit about it. Anyway, regardless, you're a top tier poster and I have no idea how you keep your chill in those places.

            • Awoo [she/her]
              1 year ago

              Yeah I can't really say about reddit accounts these days because it's tenuous ground. Any exposed accounts will be subject to bans because reddit has deemed me persona non grata. I'm convinced any communist that becomes powerful enough for Ashooh to recognise the username of ends up targeted for expulsion from the site, so the goal is to be as unmemorable and to blend in as much as possible. Names like "Awoo" are simply "Lenins2ndCat" far too memorable and impactful which led to me eating shit.

              Have not had a single problem posting and moderating from my unmemorable-named accounts so I'm convinced it's a factor. You don't want to be a name that people remember inside reddit's own team.

              • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
                1 year ago

                That makes a lot of sense. I've never been prolific enough to attract that kind of attention on Reddit and have probably only posted about 8 comments in the last two years. Back in the day I was a lot ,ore active on actual standalone forums. I think that's why I vibe with this place.

              • emizeko [they/them]
                1 year ago

                this rings true, am pretty certain my last account was personally targeted for banning

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    1 year ago

    lmao how the fuck we have a reputation and we haven't even done anything yet?

    Libs are the whiniest babies on the internet

  • LaBellaLotta [any]
    1 year ago

    Lol at all these fucking dorks acting like this is some pre-emptive anti brigading measure. These fucking losers don’t know the meaning of being brigaded. We do, not because we do it, but because the brigading has been incessant since this place started.

    Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t being federated make brigading MORE difficult, not less? If nothing else it seems like it would have 0 effect either way.

    Honestly fuck these clowns anyway. I was and still am open to federation because I love seeing this place grow but by the same token we knew shit like this would happen. Although I’m surprised by how quickly. Hopefully the reasoning is technical and not ideological. But seeing the kind of brain genius politics understanders in that thread makes me feel like we aren’t missing out. The curious and open minded will make their way here or to the other leftists instances on their own.

    I lurked on Reddit for literally like a decade. Never once made an account. Just seemed like a waste of time. I remember realizing early on without having the vocabulary for it that; social media, while an amazing tool for connecting people in theory, under capitalism, it ultimately only ever serves to deepen our alienation from each other by creating a means to commodify our social interactions. Again, didn’t understand it in those terms, but I just had this feeling in my gut that I have since been able to put words to thanks to Marxism. Reddit was no exception to that feeling and really worse in a lot of ways because of its utility as an aggregator. It has had this incredibly hegemonic effect on the culture of the internet that has made it very hard to avoid, even for someone like myself who avoids social media as a rule.

    And I’m glad I made that rule for myself, because unsurprisingly social media has become almost unavoidable as the rate of profit continues to decline. It represents too much theoretical profit to not try and steer everyone in like a cattle chute. And what I have observed from my passing and vicarious observation of social media as it has developed is that it has only become shittier and more alienating. Reddit being a fantastic example of this. I’m glad I didn’t invest a significant amount of my time and energy effort posting (seems to be my only mode of posting) into the void without even the reward of real human relationships. Real names and faces and human warmth.

    The internet is a deeply lonely and alienating place and it has only gotten worse during the time I have been alive to observe it.

    I was intrigued when I observed the hushed tones the CTH sub was discussed in and to my surprise I found nothing truly objectionable. it Is objectively cool and good to kill slave owners. Mainly it seemed like people who were painfully aware that things didn’t have to be this way and that it was better to at least have a laugh about how fucked things are. It felt like people who desperately wanted to be hopeful but knew how far this world is from a path worth being hopeful about. But knowing all the while that path was and still may be possible. It all just felt very human. When R/CTH was banned I had a feeling my days of lurking on Reddit would soon come to an end.

    Then through a link in a comment section I found this place, and after lurking a little I did something very out of character for me, made an account and joined the discussion.

    This has to be one of the last oasis of human warmth and goodness on the internet. Not a place full of people trying to get famous and start a media career. Not boomers driving each other insane with literal fake news. A place for people to spend their precious unalienated time and labor discussing and posting about stuff they love. And one of the big things being how to make human society a better and more equitable place while we’re still alive. There’s something beautiful about that. The early internet was full of stuff like that, less ideological, but still hopeful. Now those days are all but gone. And I must say what keeps me here over lemmy grad is all the other stuff, the daily music posting and just sharing of interests. Charming characters like @Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net Even as I become more ideologically rigid, it is that human silliness that keeps me grounded. This place has a lot of that and it’s why I’m so grateful for the users here and the hard work the mods and admins put it cultivating and maintain this culture. As a cis person I love the culture of enforced tolerance. I’ve gained so much from being exposed to the nuances and challenges of the trans experience thanks to the users here.

    I guess all I’m trying to say is that almost every other social media platform I have ever used ultimately leaves me feeling empty, alienated, and one little bit closer to madness. This place is the complete opposite and coming here everyday helps me remember that I’m not alone in thinking that things don’t have to be like this. And that we should fight for a better and more equitable society while we’re still alive. And that I am not alone in that fight, indeed the fight cannot be fought unless we work together.

    I’m rambling here but I just get so misty eyed when I get exposed to another instance because it feels so much more alienating to me. And this thread really set me off because of all the smug assholes acting like they can read one post and understand our elaborate brigading and disinformation operation/cult. (Sic of course)

    I’m just very grateful for this place and when I see all of these shit libs utterly misinterpreting that post about being well behaved in other instances it just reminds me of how insane some of the other corners of the internet can make you feel and specifically myself during the 2015/2016 election cycle. These people have really just completely lost all connection to reality and so who fucking needs them. If they find a way back on their own, good, we can’t make anyone change their mind. A big o7 to @Awoo@hexbear.net for trying their damndest though.

    • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      brigading has been incessant since this place started.


      Also we are literaly on a list now, some dork researcher is regularly writing research papers on social media sites like ours, I made a post about him months back.

      • Azarova [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Also we are literaly on a list now, some dork researcher is regularly writing research papers on social media sites like ours, I made a post about him months back.

        "The sharp rise in Violent/Aggressive Discourse in the Extreme Left is an artifact of the inclusion of Hexbear.net."


      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        That was so cool! We single handedly accounted for all the increase in "violent rhetoric" on the Left! All by ourselves!


        (because there is no meaningful amount of violent rhetoric on the Left. Remember that only comments with at least fifty words get counted so pad your comments out with Megadeth lyrics)

    • reverendz [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Like you, I discovered CTH out of curiosity. It was so ridiculous and funny. Mostly, I was shocked at the attitude people had towards it.

      I have since seen this pattern repeat. Leftist spaces are banned quickly. Meanwhile, libs hem and haw about free speech when it comes to openly fascist spaces and their views.

      I already considered myself a socialist when Bernie ran in '16, but the viciousness with which the dems attacked him stayed with me. Meanwhile, they say things like "we need a strong republican party".

      The more I saw these things, the further left I got. Nothing frightens centrists more than the left. Not fascists, not dictators, nothing.

      Am glad to have found this place! I missed the humor and irreverence at CTH. So many socialist/communist places are serious. It's nice to take the piss every once in a while.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        I have since seen this pattern repeat. Leftist spaces are banned quickly. Meanwhile, libs hem and haw about free speech when it comes to openly fascist spaces and their views.

        Parenti even has a line about this in one of the Yellow videos. Something like "The day after the revolution liberals start asking if the fascists can have free speech and political parties and newspapers"

    • sovietknuckles [they/them]
      1 year ago

      As terminally online as we are, it would be nice if the stats showed comments per day like they show for users, since instances that have been large for a longer amount of time will just have more comments.

    • Mirya [any]
      1 year ago

      Perfectly sums up their "reasoning"

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This confirms we are stronger posters than lemmygrad lmao, we have to wage a proacted poster's war against the libs in lemmy and lemee

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Those terrifying Hexbears want to do more with leftism than get free college and legalized weed. omori-afraid

  • daisy
    1 year ago

    They're afraid.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      1 year ago

      geordi-no Cancelling /r/ChapoTrapHouse to Own the Leftists

      geordi-yes Cancelling yourself to Own the Leftists

  • Washburn [she/her]
    1 year ago

    There is a spectre haunting the fediverse.

    The spectre of r/chapo Hexbear

      • Salamander [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        Why do you think that? Or are you just being playful? I'm the admin there and I'm reading through Hexbear and found this comment, so I made an account to ask because I'm curious. The focus of the instance is science and nature, but it is more about appreciating the world more than it is about debating things. We try to stay away from polarizing topics within the instance, and almost every polarizing post that I have seen has been posted to the science communication community (/c/scicomm), and they are usually papers that try to define "misinformation". I don't love that content but an active user likes it, so I tolerate it, and for the most part discussions are civil.

        I think you would need to make a considerable effort to be denounced as unscientific there. Since most of the content is not really about debates, but rather users talking about their houseplants, sharing cool astronomy papers, and asking for mushrooms to be identified, I think the communities can be enjoyed without adhering to the 'dialectical method'.

          • Salamander [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            Aaaahhh no no worries, I talk a lot 😆 Sorry for making you read that then!

            I'm just out of the loop. I haven't interacted much with Hexbear and I'm a bit confused about the response from Lemmy World, so I'm trying to get some understanding. I look forward to federating! maduro-coffee

    • Awoo [she/her]
      1 year ago

      I'm honestly for promoting and helping any instance outgrow lemmyworld now if they will take a stance against this dorkness. Ruud's position when I first contacted him seemed really good but he has clearly been pressured into this shit by Antik, who is clearly an ideologue libshit.

      • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
        1 year ago

        On a more serious note, this cements lemmy.world inevitable slide towards fascism. There's very little reason why anyone would use a Lemmy instance instead of just sticking with Reddit or migrating away from Reddit clones altogether. Much like the Windows vs Linux debate, Reddit is technologically inferior but has the huge advantage of being what everyone uses.

        The only reason to stick it out on a Lemmy instance instead of just returning to Reddit is because:

        1. They are ideologically socialist.

        2. They are unhinged fascists. (Cryptofash are more than welcome on Reddit)

        3. They are trans or a member of some other marginalized community who want a refuge away from dipshit bigots.

        4. They are pedos.

        5. They want to resurrect /r/shoplifting and not be constrained by Reddit's ToS.

        6. They want to openly discuss the purchase of drugs.

        7. They want to openly discuss piracy.

        8. They want to discuss miscellaneous illegal shit.

        These are the people who legitimately have no place on Reddit and need to find somewhere else if they want to use a Reddit clone. 1 and 2 are self-explanatory. 3 and 5 are fellow travelers with 1. 4 are fellow travelers with 2. 5, 6, and 7 can be lumped into 8. So the simplified version becomes:

        1. They are socialist or a fellow traveler (marginalized communities, shoplifting)

        2. They are fascist or a fellow traveler (pedos)

        3. They want to openly discuss doing illegal shit (drugs, piracy, shoplifting, adventurism) that goes against the ToS.

        Attracting these 3 types of people are the primary means for a Lemmy instance to grow. However, most large Lemmy instances are filled with (ex)-Redditors with snitch energy. In other words, loser squares who are nowhere cool enough to attract 3. And it goes without saying that you can't attract both 1 and 2 no matter how much enlightened centrists want to try.

        In the end, your average Lemmy instance has to either:

        1. Ideologically commit to either socialism or fascism in order to attract more people who don't or can't use Reddit.

        2. Stagnate and wither to nothing.

        By preemptively defederating from the largest socialist instance while at the same time digging their feet to reluctantly defederate from a fascist instance, lemmy.world has chosen to commit to fascism in order to grow its numbers. Beehaw has chosen to cling to their liberalism and stagnate. I also wonder whether lemmy.world orientating itself towards fascism has to do with beehaw being ideologically committed towards liberalism. After all, instances compete with each other for members. Two liberal instances compete for the same pool of users, but if one of those liberal instances is far more lax about fascism, then they're no longer competing from the same pool.

              • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
                1 year ago

                Oh, I got confused lol. We are already a lot more open to passing around piracy websites than a generic subreddit. Calls for adventurism will just get you called a fed. As for having our version of /r/shoplifting, I've seen threads about shoplifting before. It seems like the admins here condone talk of illegal shit outside of adventurism but don't want it to be the focus of the website. I mean, I think it would be pretty cool if we had a /c/shoplifting that attracts people.

              • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                1 year ago

                We openly discuss doing illegal shit all the time. It's just not a major focus. Admittedly I have not read the Hexbear TOS and did not know we had a TOS until last week.

      • ImOnADiet
        1 year ago

        next to be libshit? they already block lemmygrad so they're already there lol