For shooting into other apartments. He wasn't the one that shot Taylor.
This is worse than no charges at all
Oh yeah, it's no wonder they've been bracing the city for the impact of the decision.
officer's bail: $15,000 Breonna Taylor's boyfriend's bail: $250,000
Chuds will be able to cover $15k instantly, this country is a cruel joke.
bail was conceived to benefit poor people but has turned into a way to punish poor people over time
Honestly it is such an insult that they only charge for wanton endangerment and don't even mention how someone fucking died in the charges
I'm sorry... they're charging him for PROPERTY DESTRUCTION but not for murder?
Fuck this country, I wouldn't be shocked if a police station burns by the end of the week.
It's actually parody, in America property is worth more than human life even in the legal system
From what I gather he is not even the one who shot her. The actual killer gets no charges.
She should go and then cross the lines and join the protest. Damage morale.
Please tell your friend to record some conversations when their co-workers talk about how they want to murder protesters, and leak them to the intercept or something similar. It's the most useful thing they can do while being in the national guard.
Hey here's your system, Dems and Libs. Here's your fucking system. Totally worth preserving in the face of all this racist misery and violence forced upon Black America like so much unwanted baggage.
the fact that one can still say but not all cops in the face of this will inevitably astound me
Supreme leader Kim Jong Un, our country yearns for freedom!
Correction: A grand jury indicts 1 police officer for property damage.
Correction: A grand jury indicts 1 police officer for property damage.
Literally even worse than not doing anything at all.
In a few hours, it is going to be terrifying over there. This makes me feel hollow in my stomach. I'm heartbroken.
when are people going to learn that protesting doesn't matter?
When you go to a protest, you are risking your life for virtually no gain.
Why wouldn't you instead risk your life for something that is equal or greater than what you're putting up for risk?
If I'm going to risk $1000 for something, the potential reward should AT LEAST be $1000 at the very minimum.
uh, what?
If you go to a protest, you are necessarily risking your life.
If you're going to risk something, the reward you potentially get should be at least equal to what you risked.
I'm kinda putting some ((((subtext)))) in this one.
In other words, harvest pork
Obviously you should dig up some examples of the same thing happening during the Obama years.
Or ask them if the name Rodney King rings a bell 😜
They always just handwave away it as "not as bad" when it happened under Obama.
Sure, the cops might have been on a shorter leash, but they still maimed and killed plenty, and the same goal of crushing protests without conceding to a single god damn demand was achieved. Things WERE better and NOW they're worse because NOTHING was done.
They'll ignore anything so long as an authority figure acknowledges the problem in a reassuring voice ~ "We tortured some folks."
afaik, she is where the "say her name" thing came from because of the media blackout on her death
Investigation found that two of the officers were justified in the use of force in Breonna Taylor's killing.
How, and when is it ever fucking justified to kill an unarmed person who is fucking ASLEEP?
An unarmed sleeping person who has committed no crime can legally be killed by the police, apparently
I guess it shouldn't be surprising considering how much they've been prepping, but holy shit. The apartment complex drywall got more justice. Preaching to the choir here but jut more confirmation that the law values property more than Black lives.
ZERO charges related to the Taylor raid according to the Courier Journal in Louisville
not good. if anyone knows any bail funds in the area, could you post them? things are gonna get nasty... posted by TransComrade69 yesterday
Came here to drop this, thanks for doing this! Good work spreading the message, I'm so proud! <3