Fuck is it worth switching from la riva to hawkins if only to watch libs panic
Stein only got 1% imagine what 5% would do to their brains, a spectre haunting them for 2024
My vote is literally incapable of having an effect in any other way, so yeah I'll fuck with that.
Hitting that percentage can matter a lot in a bunch of states re ballot access as soon as 2021 elections. The matching funds thing matters less.
feels kinda bad that Biden's strategy of telling leftists "fuck off, I don't need your vote" is probably gonna succeed
At least sections of the left is finally admitting reality. Trump is getting routed baby.
Nah I think there was a pretty sizeable section wanting biden to lose. My hunch it is cus he represents the DNC consolidation that killed any chance at Bernie.
Edit: Not saying you specifically by any means. Just that they existed.
I think it's important that the DNC doesn't walk away learning that they can run as G.W. Bush and win the Dem/ "Progressive" vote. But I'm torn on who I want to win per se
You didn't ask, but I don't really want anyone to "win". I think we're fucked either way. I do think Biden buys the left the bare minimum amount of extra time to try and continue to grow and organize before whatever competent fascist wins in somewhere between 2024-2032 and kicks off real conflict.
I don't think given the current situation they'll run away with that lession. If things were close and Trump never got covid after a shitty debate performance alongside other bad October surprises, we absolutely would've seen the above analysis and I was deeply concerned about this back in like April.
This said, the only analysis of this election going forward now will be that it was a referendum on Trump that reached the point of no return because Trump himself got covid in October when people already started voting.
I'm pretty sure most people here want both of them to lose so bad they just decided to vote third party.
I don't think it was this clear that Trump was in this horrible situation for him until this week. Presidential elections are almost entirely about running out the clock and Biden had a lot of time to fuck up until now.
i mean yeah as a Seattlite no way im voting dem but it's laughable to think anyone will hit 5%
In NY it might actually be worthwhile to vote for Biden on the working parties line. I know people are skeptical of them re: Bernie vs Warren, but they do a lot of good in the state and them losing their ballot access now going into next year's city council races would be very bad.
I used to vote for them on their ballot line. Used to.
I think the Warren endorsement had more to do with just how good Warrens campaign was at winning over non profits than anything else.
WFP is still absolutely a net good in the world of NY politics
Lol, they didn't even release their vote tallies on that bullshit. Fuck them.
Yeah and their work helped expand rent control in a major way not seen in decades in the state. It helped make incredible progress on the issue of abolishing all bail and pre trial detention.
I was pissed about what happened in the primary too, but their ballot line is absolutely useful at whiping votes for left causes in the state.
It's not to going to be whipping any votes from me. Overruling your rank and file to nominate Elizabeth fucking Warren? And then trying to cover it up? If I wanted to vote for corrupt PMC's I'd just vote a straight Democratic ticket.
I'm not arguing for your vote, I'm just trying to say how there's more to this organization than just that one endorsement and they really do help advance left wing causes in ny state.
yeah right it was about Amelia Warren Tyagi and her Demos think tank paying WFP off
Amelia Warren Tyagi served as co-chair of the board of trustees of Demos, a progressive think tank, from May 2010 through May of this year. According to Demos’ IRS 990 form for the fiscal year starting July 1st, 2017 through June 30th, 2018, **Demos issued three separate grants to the Working Families Party totaling $45,000. These grants to WFP made up of 20 percent of Demos’ total grants ($229,523) issued for the fiscal year. ** he grants were first uncovered by political activist Sam Finkelstein online.
who gives a fuck about these shitheads, they can go die
In 2016 the polls weren't wrong, the pollsters were. The polls said HIllary would win by a small margin, and she did. It just isn't the popular vote that matters. The polls in swing states ahd results which included the actual results in PA, MI, WI in the margin of error. Now, Biden has a more massive lead nationally ans is winning in all swing states. 2020=/=2016
Just take a look at them, and compare them to the actual result. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationwide_opinion_polling_for_the_2016_United_States_presidential_election#Aggregate_polls
Basically: there is no difference. Trump has one percentage point more in real life. That's what you'd expect from a poll.
The point is if you want viable third parties you need ranked choice. Not that it means anything.
Ranked choice really doesn't do anything to defeat duopolies. You need to get rid of single member districts and have a national proportional representation thing.
what happened to those states i was hearing about where dems were trying to remove greens from the ballot?
They succeeded at least in Wisconsin and I think in Pennsylvania as well
JFC. Their intent alone in doing this while crying "don't let them take away your democracy" is enough reason to vote greens as a fuck you to dems.
but gies we can get them to five percent for electionbux. their gonna let us vote them out of power
Write Ins are worthless. True comrades have illegible handwriting
Are they even running anyone? Kind thought that was a planning thing.
They aren't running anyone yet. They're organizing for the 2022 and 2024 elections.