And if there is, they're a sick fuck not worthy of worship.
Those men were created in the image of God.
You know, genocidal, homophobic, slave owner supporting, Old Testament God.
if there is a god, the revolution will just need to continue until we've overthrown that oppressor too.
Folks, we're building a tower of babel! We're building it, building it big!
That is why the concept of heaven and hell is so appealing.
I've asked myself this question: What's more likely, that there is a benevolent all-powerful being that controls everything and works in mysterious if not downright anarchist ways, or that humans made it up to give their own lives meaning?
if not downright anarchist ways
ahh yes, anarchism, that philosophy where one entity puts themselves as lord and master over everyone else for their own good
When confronted with the fundamental absurdity of a universe without meaning, people can choose to press forward in their materialist understanding of that universe or make a leap of faith and commit philosophical suicide. The people who figured it all out with a god who also specifically liked their ethnic group more than others are people who did not have sewage systems. Greeks came their tunics when one of them was smart enough to figure out how triangles work and now they hold him up as the only white Greek. I don't trust their conclusions.
Counterpoint: God is anarchist and wishes to let humanity do whatever it wants.
I probably have a bit more sympathy for the libs than most on here. Ascents to power either filters out the good people or turns good people in to monsters.
Can any human survive that process?
Or it’s a malicious demiurge who is the incarnation of egoism and worldly domination. Aka the Market. :matt:
I really like the idea that actually some people do sell their soul to the devil, and actually the reason all these old fucks are involved in child trafficking is not because they fuck them in front of eachother for mutual incrimination, but because they sacrifice them in the centre of a pentagram. This also explains why the fuckers won't just die.
I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Shit just happens nowadays, and for once, they could be the victims here.