"Beijing thinks Washington is using human rights as talking points to pester them"
In Hamilton, the protagonist uses slavery as a talking point exactly once to call someone else a hippocrite and win a rap battle
So maybe one should watch Hamilton to understand Washington. Curious :expert-shapiro:
In Hamilton, the protagonist uses slavery as a talking point exactly once to call someone else a hippocrite and win a rap battle
I will never understand Lin Manuel Miranda's decision to cut Cabinet Battle #3 , which would've been the only track in the entire show to actually focus upon slavery, in favor of the first two which are essentially just joke songs. Cabinet Battle #3 would've really highlighted how hypocritical/shitty all of the founding fathers were, though, so I'm sure after he was invited to the WH in 2014 to promote Hamilton he axed it.
The idea that the US and China are inevitably bound for armed conflict is a specious notion. The "thucydides trap" that political analysts love to talk about made little sense with the USSR, and even less sense with the PRC. People still haven't gathered that war has changed, and the odds of war occuring over something like civil rights is incredibly unlikely.
On the other hand, I think that there is an elevated likelihood of the US and China entering armed conflict. Not for any rational reason, but rather because the peaceful rise of China goes against US exceptionalism and white supremacism.
I think that's why the US will pull out all the stops to try to get China to fracture or break apart, but won't go for all-out armed conflict.
It makes no sense if you look at it rationally, but wars don't always start rationally.
All the major European powers thought that WWI would be an extremely short affair and that the troops would be home by Christmas.
Hitler thought that the UK and France were not going to honor their guarantee with Poland after hanging out Czechoslovakia to dry.
Imperial Japan thought that they could just sink the US fleet and their vastly economically superior opponent would just give up.
America was literally warned by China that China would join the Korean war if US forces approached the Yalu River and that dipshit MacArthur did it anyway.
Wars aren't rational because people aren't always rational.
Well, that's not really "all the stops" then... Also the US isn't gearing up for direct conflict, it would be a proxy war under the guise of humanitarian aid to block the BRI. The unsure factor is how China will respond. If the US started aggression too close to China's boarder, I feel like most of the world except 5 eyes would support China in anti imperialist struggle.
Total conflict is indeed unlikely, but I still think there's a certain likelihood of the US shooting down a Chinese plane or sinking a Chinese ship and China lobbing a few missiles at Guam in retaliation.
Kinda like what happened with Iran at the beginning of the year.
I sure wouldn't want to be on a US carrier in the Pacific if China gets big mad
The only way war happens is if America does something incredibly stupid and attacks China, and that is the possibility all these maniacs are gearing people up for.
bruh xi literally lived on an iowa farm for a bit he knows about how america works
That's more to understand the average Middle American than most Presidents have done
This is a man who somehow convinced a publisher to let him write a book about how China sees the world. Literally "the China understander has logged on".
Edit: you know what, Xi should watch Hamilton. I'm sure Xi is already very familiar with what America is really about. Hamilton will give him insight to understand how fucking stupid Americans are and how we desperately need to feel like we're the good guys and our country is some city on a hill, when of course it's just were a country founded by bourgeois capitalists who stole a bunch of land and used that to build the biggest military ever, which allowed our bourgeois to rape the planet.
No one cares about human rights hand wringing anymore this isn't the 80s. Everyone has been throughly disillusioned with "humanitarian interventions" by now
Reddit might disagree with you. At the very least, theres a lot of people who think we should be "tougher on China". Dont be surprised if it doesnt escalate as the US gets more desperate
Well Reddit is like the most lanyard-strangled 2% of the country so that's not super important. Of course the true believers are still going to buy into the notions of foreign policy on the basis of "defending human rights", they're the turbo-rubes, the lotus eaters
That's true, though I believe they use their "concerns" about human rights to mask their true motivations for going after China, usually racism.
Oh of course. Nobody in the US government or media give a shit about Uyghurs or social credit scores, but it still makes good propoganda
tougher on China”.
well USA started a trade war with a dumbass in charge of it and it seems to have failed
"I have seen one piece of media and so that media must apply to the world at large! I am very smart."
insane to me that this is not satire, that a human could experience a lifetime of watching the US destroy half of the world and still think relations between states are based on anything but power blows my mind
"Us cares about human rights! US cares about human rights!" I shriek, as my head turns into an egg.
As a turtle-american, I wish you wouldn't be so racist toward my people.
Oh fuck you bigot. If you were in the desert, walking along the sand, what would happen if you looked down and saw Mitch McConnell crawling toward you? I bet you'd flip him on his back. He'd lay there with his belly baking in the hot sun, beating his legs to try to turn over, and he wouldn't be able to without your help. I bet you wouldn't even help.
We need to ban men with egg-shaped heads until we can figure out what's going on
lol I hadn't seen this and dropped the same link on the other thread about this guy
I think people should watch Hamilton to understand Americans better too, but not for the same reasons.
If Xi did watch Hamilton, it might bring him one step closer to launching the missiles. So that's good.
Or he will conclude that Americans are so stupid and deluded that state collapse is imminent and he dosen't need to launch anything.
One problem is Beijing’s leaders think Washington uses human rights as talking points to pester them. But democratic ideals are deeply ingrained into the American political psyche & they aren’t going away. I’m not sure Beijing appreciates this reality. 4/
How, how is it possible to be a grown ass person and still be this fucking naive.
It sounds eerily close to "subservience is ingrained in the Asiatic psyche" but just flipped to sound less racist.