• Spirit_of_Communism [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Comrades, I think I just won reddit bingo. I was called an "iPhone commie" for pointing out that Venezuelans actually do have food. Where do I collect my prize??

  • hellyesbrother [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Biden going straight down to $10,000 for student loan forgiveness BEFORE INAGURATION shows that the Dems don't give give a fuck about compromise or the mechanics of politics.

    They are fucking LOSERS.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 years ago

    So I did mushrooms on Thursday and it immediately and dramatically alleviated the severe bipolar depression I've been experiencing for like 8 months now. I'm just reveling in the experience of being not-depressed right now. If this ends up being a reliable, repeatable thing I'm going to Tajikistan, climbing down the burning hell-mouth in to Hell, and I'm going to find Richard Nixon and drag him out of the underworld and then strangle him to death again for starting the war on drugs and making my whole life an unbearable hell when I could have just eaten some fucking mushrooms off the floor and been fine.

  • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
    4 years ago

    the internet itself has fucking doomed humanity. i thought it was a great idea for a while, because information is so free, but propaganda is free-er. it's like a fucking brainwashing square dumbfucks hold in their hands constantly.

      • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
        4 years ago

        i dont know whether to upvote you or down vote you, because a lot of people use this as a fucking insult, but with the way cocporations have taken over the internet, yes we would be better off without it.

    • Ketamine_device_tech [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      it’s like a fucking brainwashing square dumbfucks hold in their hands

      Metal Gear Solid 2 copypasta https://i.imgur.com/jswxMum.jpg

      • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
        4 years ago

        it could have, but with the way for some reason most people are, where they'll just accept shit without thinking, outlooks not so good.

          • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
            4 years ago

            well, i won't try to convince you to be a doomer on it or anything if all that's driving you is hope, but remember that even if people aren't quite optimistic and know they're going to fail, to fight a losing fight if the purpose is righteous is still a decent thing to do.

  • CommunistFFWhen [he/him]
    4 years ago

    DAE remember back during the primary, around the Nevada caucus, there was a native Japanese dude who traveled to America just to canvass for Bernie, imagine that. And when during the Iowa Caucus, the Bernie campaign convince a bunch of meat workers and small immigrant communities to vote for the first times and help secure his win there. Or when the union members in Nevada voted overwhelmingly for Bernie despite their leadership threatening them. Call me a lib, but those kind of little stories like that really made me hopeful back then. And then SC and the Super Tuesday happened, all that efforts, all that positivity and hopefulness just up and disappeared, how fucking sad is that.

    • DirtbagVegan [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I saw the gif of Bernie giving that speech on wall street when the package delivery guy walking by patted him on the shoulder and gave a thumbs up and I just got unbelievably pissed of that the entire establishment "left" came together to destroy that man's chances of being president.

    • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      The intro to this article comrade https://espressostalinist.com/2017/05/25/communist-party-alliance-bourgeois-democracy-and-proletarian-democracy/

      However, what U.S. imperialism seems to have discovered is that it has enough wealth and power that it can in many situations at the present time promote individuals, buy a bandwagon of raz-ma-taz and build a movement for optimistic change which can persuade enough people to vote for whoever. This has worked particularly in Poland, Eastern Europe generally and parts of the old Soviet Union.

      ‘Democracy’ needs to be stripped of the humbug that surrounds the word. Before the emergence of classes and the consequent emergence of the state which comes into being as a product of the irreconcilable nature of class contradictions in class society, that is in order that the ruling class can hold down the subject class, there would undoubtedly have been contradictions among the people of the gens and tribes. Contradictions that may have lead to violence. Almost certainly between contending tribes. There would also have been discussion and consultation to handle disputes within the tribes and families of whatever form with the elders holding particular authority. Engels’ brilliant work on the ‘Origin of the family Private Property and the State’, needs to be read and re-read to get an adequate grasp of this subject. ‘Democracy’, is not “allowing people to have their say” as it is commonly understood to mean. Democracy is a form of state. The word emerged to describe a form of slave state in Greece and Rome. The franchise did not extend to the slaves. Nor would any thinking person reasonably expect slaves, who are merely the property of their owners, to have a vote. I make this point to paint a more vivid picture of ‘democracy’ being a class question. A class question which is obscured under the rule of the bourgeoisie which came to power waving the banner of general freedom and democracy. However, my knowledge of Greece and Rome is scanty and not a subject of detailed discussion here. But I have no doubt that there are people here who can speak in depth on this subject. Democracy is a class question and always has been. It can be nothing else.


      The other is that real power resides in the executive authority of the bureaucracy, civil service, police and standing army. Parliaments come and go, but this powerful body, handpicked for its loyalty to the existing social order, cannot be removed by the legislative assembly.

      Both the RNC and DNC are bought and sold to lobbyists representing finance capital.

      If voting changed anything they'd use South American coup style tactics against candidates and screw them over using the the DNC

      Oh wait they did that twice now

  • Nik [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So I’ve just started working my first real job post-college graduation. The reality that I’m always going to be this miserable, this tired, and this stressed is really starting to set in. It wouldn’t be that bad if there just weren’t so many hours. I work 45 hours in a week plus an hour commute one-way. Which might not be as much as some people, but I’m just too tired after work to enjoy the 4 hours o have left in the day. I’m considering that I might just be more happy if I work a job with less hours and have no disposable income. The dollar could collapse on itself any day now anyway and it would’ve all been for nothing

      • SSJBlueStalin [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Study: Adding 20 Minutes to Your Commute Makes You as Miserable as Getting a 19 Percent Pay CutResearchers have found a link between the time you spend commuting and how satisfied you feel at work. BY TANZA LOUDENBACK, BUSINESS INSIDER

        Even the people who like capitalism cant abide that one.

    • crushendo [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I have been in your exact position, and three years of it almost killed me. Took another position that pays way less but I have my time back, and I'm infinitely happier

  • ArmedHostage [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Redditors have been talking about how hard it is to get a job on /r/dataisbeautiful. Quite a few people have been saying stuff like "I applied to 300 to 400 places before I got an offer", one poor soul has been looking for years and estimates they probably have sent easily over 1000 resumes and got 2-3 interviews. Brain dead PMC types are saying that that can't be possible and something must be wrong with their resume or something, lol.

  • Koa_lala [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I hope Chomsky lives to witness Biden doing absolutely nothing what so ever about climate change while pandering to the republican party.

  • 777 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I like having two presidents. Not the turmoil it brings, but from a cosmic literary standpoint it's absurdly funny. There's a strong pope/antipope energy to it and also illustrates the inherent ridiculousness of the POTUS' status as "most powerful man in the world".

    Anyways I got my fraud accusation cleared up, so in theory there is nothing stopping me from finally receiving PUA payments, except it's Thanksgiving week, so the Department of Labor might be closed and just not send payments anyway.

  • Blottergrass [he/him]
    4 years ago