You know, I'm normally extremely against kink shaming, but for this I can make an exception.
"So I went home with this guy I've been seeing and while he was fucking me he looked over at an iron man figurine on his shelf."
Because consumerism has replaced the need to actually develop a sense of self
I'm picturing the bit from American Psycho but it's a funko instead of a mirror
That is... exactly what it is, isn't it? lol it has to be, you've convinced me
I absolutely fucking hate how all that plastic is wasted on shit that in almost every way up and shits on the hard work of the artists who actually put effort into making a unique design
I can only imagine the existential dread that fills them when they see their hard work molded in cheap vinyl and knowing that for a brief moment, their eyes become as dead as the beady black discs staring back at them
I'm surprised that he didn't lost his virginity to the Funko Pop itself
have you seen the size of the heads? a virgin's not gonna be able to insert that