It's entire gimmick is landlords taking advantage of tenants and raping them.
Mao, where are you? These parasites desperately need your boot and to be reminded what fear feels like.
Normally I don't kink shame, but I do find this kind of content repulsive. Openly pausing exploitation. It often takes on a racial fine as well.
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
there's a lot I don't like about mao. but his heart was in the right place, and he knew how to treat a land lord.
/r/landlordlove or whatever that accursed subreddit is, is still seething over Chapo calling them out
I thought r/loveforlandlords was a bit? god please tell me it's a bit
It might have been at one point, but all you have to see is the makeup of users and you'll quickly realize it isn't anymore.
from what I've seen posted here before, it was a bit to start with but then became overtaken by legit neolibs, loveforlandlords seems just too ridiculous to not be a bit still, though maybe with some unaware terrible people mixed in. I choose to believe these people don't exist.
It's a bit in the sense that they're exaggerating their actual beliefs to the extreme to try to be funny. The users there are all chuds and neolibs who genuinely love landlords.
Yes, it’s a bit. It was started by people from /r/drama, and they have a thread laughing about how mad it makes us like once a week.
idk i know some radical pornstars, knew them before they got into it... they do legitimately enjoy doing porn and quit their well paying jobs with degrees to do it. there is obviously exploitation that is heinous and cruel in the industry, but there are also people who legitimately enjoy doing it, like with almost all capitalist industries.
also, frankly, pretty tired of listening to men on here lament about porn.
I am sure many do, but I am unconvinced that consent is possible when money and the implicit threat of starvation is on the table.
im a victim. i have ptsd. im well aware of what consent is. im well aware of how fucked capitalism is, it has fucked me over in hundreds of ways, some crippling.
many jobs can give you ptsd. being a nurse can give you ptsd. being a doctor can. getting a limb gnarled in a machine in a factory can give you ptsd. interpersonal violence in a workplace can give you ptsd. i dont really think my form of ptsd is particularly special. in some cases, i think i have it easier than other people with ptsd from something more common (one person i know had ptsd with gunshots, anything loud can set them off) despite having been raped twice already. so, these things are all occupational hazards. what exactly makes rape as an occupational hazard more sacrosanct than other work hazards? i bet youll say: ah yes, it's because i was raised in an anglo-saxon protestant society and sex is bad therefore yada yada yada oh my god thats your genitals its so much more personal than having your limbs brutally ripped off!
yes, in an ideal society, we would have zero occupational hazards. i just want puritans to shut the fuck up.
ok, then you understand that sex work should be legal but in a socialist structure while doing everything possible to mitigate hazards?
I think sex work should be legal even under capitalism tbh, the exploitative elements of sex work are not caused by sex workers or sex work itself. It doesn't help anyone to criminalize it.
I await and dread in equal parts the week we struggle over porn/erotica because I'm probably gonna get banned for being a puritan (not to be confused with a SWERF, to be clear)
Oh I'm horny as SHIT and on their most wanted list. I just don't think incest porn is cool
I am sure many do enjoy their jobs, however at the end of the day they are being coerced with money so you can never be sure. Someone who is doing porn because they want to eat food but hates the work would be encouraged to say that they like it actually. also has before trailers in which they go over safewords and boundaries before every scene. I watched a podcast the other day with one of their directors in which he showed the detailed worksheets they fill out before every scene, to outline exact boundaries and permissions. Shady shit happens a lot in the porn industry, yes, but isn’t a good example of that.
Also, lol, lots of people are actually really into being subjected to “contrived rope torture,” so I don’t know why you think it’s almost certainly bullshit.
if money is involved consent goes out the window lets be real. They need to say yes to eat at the end of the day. Every time that they fill out that sheets they are being encouraged to participate in actions they aren't comfortable with. This is very different from negotiating a scene with a partner.
this is being said as someone who is into bdsm. I just don't think one can consent to sex with the threat of starvation.
for some reason I always assumed this series was about vapid real estate agents and I was pretty much okay with that
Why are you so horny. I knew this post was yours before I even saw it was yours. :volcel-vanguard:
ntire gimmick is landlords taking advantage of tenants and raping them.
PMC class traitor psychologists: "kulaks aren't real and they can't hurt you"
What about “Expropriating Property Sex”
“Well you hunky Bolshevik, if you’re going to seize my means of production, you might as well also seize my means of reproduction...”
Quick question, if it doesn't break up the circle jerk, why are they parasites but NEETs aren't? Communism wouldn't be better if you have to work.
Landlords are parasites because they receive a passive income solely from having access to an existing pool of capital. Briefly illustrated, CorpoRent is a company with a lot of money from investors or start-up funds or even just slow acquisition, doesn't matter. CorpoRent notices property is pretty cheap in Chapo Town. So they take that much larger pool of money, buy properties, and then hold them. The more properties are bought, the less available for purchase, the higher the cost. The working class, without an existing pool of capital, has to take a large portion of their wage to secure temporary housing which enriches the already rich directly off the backs of people working.
NEETs, on the other hand, are "parasites" only to people who consider the use of social safety nets as parasitical. If a person is unable to work because of physical, mental or social barriers, they are rarely happy or getting much out of this arrangement, they're barely given enough to function, and are not stealing large portions of wages from the working class.
TL;DR: One needs support and isn't really given it, one doesn't need support and gets lots of money for doing nothing.