“Don't compete! — competition is always injurious to the species, and you have plenty of resources to avoid it!”


Edit: Did U Kno: If this post gets 100 upbears, all sports worldwide will be outlawed.

Sorry, but I don’t make the rules.

All competition is now forbidden.
If you engage in it, please report to the nearest reeducation center immediately.

  • JayTwo [any]
    4 years ago

    Nah, how you create a mass movement is by realizing capitalism and competitiveness are bound to each other in a base superstructure relationship, and first try to encourage cooperation amongst the working class, both through workplace organizing, and through pushing back on the entrenched idea that competition is the only way to have fun and cooperation is boring.

    But that's not how you start a struggle shesh, tho.

    • ComradeMikey [he/him]
      4 years ago

      yeah good luck telling people football is bad and they need to have “cooperative” recreation. lol

      bringing up the premise at all is just out of touch imo

      • _else [she/her,they/them]
        4 years ago

        you can have sports. more local leagues! gets people social and fit and playing, fuck yeah!

        but pro sports are nonsense bullshit based on toxic ideas.

        • ComradeMikey [he/him]
          4 years ago

          oh i think most people would agree pro sports could be done better and would go local if given equal options. or at least its a MUCH better option than you’re a bad person for enjoying thing you like bc its abstractly competitive thus anti kroptkin or something

          • _else [she/her,they/them]
            4 years ago

            and playful competition is cool. that was never the problem. kropotkin had reasons behind his arguments, they were mostly illuminated, and so should not be taken as dogma, even if some of them only make sense at a scale where there's a gap between cause and effect where a dollop of faith in your reasoning/humanity/whateverelse may be required in leiu of patience.

          • _else [she/her,they/them]
            4 years ago

            hey, maybe this isn't the place I go to spout watered down lib shit coddle-the-feelings-of-the-complicit-to-ween-them-off-fascism bullshit, and im using this as a space to be honest about what I feel because not every single fucking place on the internet has to be so fucking precious about telling people who liked fucked up shit "yes, I know you love cheap shoes, but concentration camps aren't quite the greatest, wouldn't you rather they just be work camps where you got to have new shoes?"

      • JayTwo [any]
        4 years ago

        Just as out of touch as telling people who don't ever think we'll progress beyond capitalism, that we need to?

        A society where we no longer play competitive leisure sports doesn't seem any more far fetched to me than a society where the law of value is abolished.

        • ComradeMikey [he/him]
          4 years ago

          i hate struggle sessions so much lmao let me know how that pitch for socialism goes for you. because you literally sound like a dystopian version of what they think the left is.

        • Bruv [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Sitting in circles playing pattycake is like a jordan peterson strawman argument come to life

          • JayTwo [any]
            4 years ago

            If competitive pattycake exists, it shouldn't.

            That's my genuine belief, btw.