fuck, i've just realised its sky news. they're not going to challenge her on a single fucking thing, not even one slightly difficult question
Hey, dumbass here, what does freeze peach mean?
Edit: Free speech, thanks gang. I always thought it was the "trump is IN THE PEACH HAHA" thing that went a while ago.
Free speech, specifically when you use it as a shield for being a terf/racist/misogynist/etc.
Me waiting for the TERFs to go on the news:
Can someone record it for posterity? I'm probably gonna be busy later but I'd love to see this.
@Beatnik @itsPina @quartz242 @TransComrade69 could one of you do this please and thank you
Great idea, I dont really know how to do that but I'm sure someone can figure something out.
Not going to bother watching it because it’ll either be the front page topic for the next week or we’ll never bring it up again.
Why would you willingly subject yourself to this :transshork-sad:
Holy shit I've never heard of this network but if half the shit on their wikipedia is true they suck major ass
I am alone on https://cytu.be/r/chapochat
I can’t even use that on mobile it just repeatedly full scteens the music video that’s playing
starting to type an emoji with "terf" gives the best autocomplete :dumpster-fire: