What the hell is an Acronym

  • Torenico [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm such a nerd that I instantly recogznied the meme.

    IMO Bernie troops can take Cedar Rapids if they employ the new russian made T-90s from the 69th Proletarian Regiment, in support of the 18th Infantry Regiment 'Ocasio-Cortez'. I'm worried about the recent developments regarding the Buttigieg fundamentalists though

    • Sankara [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      Only the most online-diseased brains get this meme instantly lmao

      • Torenico [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Every time I look at these fucking maps this song starts playing, along with the voice of a woman with a really shitty mic that says "On the 1st of July, the Syrian Arab Army, SAA, and the National Defence Forces, NDF, captured the towns of Qomhane and Khirbet al-Hajama from Tahrir al-Sham, in the province of Homs". If your brain is as poisoned as mine, you would have guessed correctly that this is from "South Front" videos on the civil war. Also the videos from ANNA News when they strapped a fucking go-pro to Syrian T-72s that rolled into battle, like a fucking videogame lol.

        I seriously need to find a better hobby.

  • DeepPoliSci [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Critical support to the Warren Republic for splitting up Buttigieg forces and denying them port access.

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I know this is a joke, but god that was such a fun time to be part of the Chapo sub. You had the baby leftists like yours truly thinking Bernie was gonna win in a landslide. The DSAheads on a never-ending recruitment drive. The MLs screaming about how electoralism is a fuck, and Bernie can't win, and if he does he can't do anything (turns out they were right, who woulda thought?). Following the drama of the Iowa caucaus minute-by-minute. Simp Steyer, bloodbag Bloomberg, Stapler Amy. Our President Kamala Harris, who everyone forgot. whywhywhywhywhy. Big structural Bailey, and everybody's favorite ratboy and father disappointer Mayor Pete. And Bernie's ultimate defeat on Super Tuesday was so disorienting for me, and I realized I'd been placing faith in a faithless system, and maybe those cranky MLs had known something I didn't.

    Was all that just barely a year ago? Feels like a lifetime.