Spread 'em!
Yes there is. You should be ashamed of yourself.
When I first heard about China doing anal swabs this was my immediate thought. A q-tip in the butthole would be way easier than up into the back of my sinuses.
:geordi-no: scraping my brain
:geordi-yes: scraping my prostate
Based. It's been super funny to watch all the diplomats whine about a procedure that's nowhere near as invasive as the lobotomy they do for nasal tests.
I'd take it. I'd rather rest assured I'm getting a more reliable test done and be a little inconvenienced than have to worry if I was getting back false negatives.
Is it more inconvenient? The regular way is pretty gross too, sticking shit deep into your nose and all...
I had two covid tests done in the hospital, was pretty painless honestly but like I said I have no problem getting the anal swab.
Yeah I know it is painless but many people have told me it was very uncomfortable and gross.
they should make american diplomats do anal swabs and then nasal swabs with the same swab, in that order, on cam and then be like lol
i've been tested like eight times and it's been a stab at my gag reflex every time
idk why those early videos showed them jamming it into your brain. The test i had didn't go far at all.
It depends on the nurse/facility. I've had friends who experienced both. Supposedly, some official instructions were to probe very deep.