She’s probably already compromised, or her staff are being handled by state department/cia, but maybe if enough people call she’ll at least be a bit more embarrassed. Worth a shot, because she’s not going away and her doing this shit is damaging.


  • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    Look deeper into her background. Very suspicious time at a US "aid" org in an African country that experienced a coup shortly after. Very suspicious employment in the powerful Ted Kennedy's Senate office. Very suspicious media coverage and fawning over someone who supposedly has politics they hate. This and convenient reactionary slander against her that helps to obfuscate her real background, lies about her being just bartender that she eagerly plays up to play the working woman. They blacklist Bernie Sanders but her they platform and gab about? I think she may have been an op since the start. Another false path to fool the western left into continuing irrelevance.

    • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Oh I 100% agree. She interned for USAID during a coup in Niger for fucks sake. She is very very suspect edit: when it comes to foreign policy and being pliable by the narrative that is told to her by ngos with bad motives . But she’s a net positive at this point if she shuts up about foreign policy, and she’s not going away any time soon. So the least we can do is put some form of pressure on her to shut the fuck up

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        She interned for USAID during a coup in Niger for fucks sake.

        We all know the CIA is famous for sending teenagers to do coups in places where they don't even speak the language, right folks?

        • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Where did I say she did a coup? She interned for a CIA front. They didn’t give her a fucking gun. But maybe just maybe she believed they were doing the right thing or thinks USAId is on the up and up? That’s the problem. That’s what makes her susceptible to their influence. Not because she was tasked with helping the opposition take over state media lmao

          And the Niger coup was one that didn’t have clearly defined good guys and bad guys, and if your notion of foreign politics and our place as an “ombudsman” is formed during such an event, maybe when a Bolivia happens and Bolivian opposition expats want a photo op, you take it... and then Venezuela, then Tibet, then Xinjiang, then Cuba, etc

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            Where did I say she did a coup?

            You know what an insinuation is. "She interned for USAID during a coup in Niger for fucks sake. She is very very suspect." = insinuating she was involved in the coup.

            Not every employee in an organization like USAID is a CIA agent. The whole point of doing intelligence work through a cutout is that (1) you gain deniability by doing plenty of mundane stuff, too; and (2) people like college kids will think you're doing good work and not CIA stuff. It's beyond ridiculous to CIA-jacket every teenager who interned there. We can't entertain nonsense like this if we hope to get anything done.

            • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
              4 years ago

              Sure there are college students who interned there who do NOT use their platform to be a useful idiot for imperial propaganda

              In other words, she’s suspect because of her actions and words given her background, not insinuation

      • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
        4 years ago

        To my knowledge though, Obama’s mom doesn’t platform literal anti-China propaganda. You can work for a cia cutout and still come out ok

        Edit: well, I guess her husband (sotero) is sus and fought the communists. Cool. Cool. If I recall from Obama’s first book it was implied that the relationship was short lived and he was abusive towards his mom potentially Barack

      • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, I take issue with the person you’re replying to saying the media coverage and interning in Ted Kennedy’s make her a Trojan horse. I do think her USAId background is deeply troubling. And she’s very suceptible if some cia front org lobbies her staff to get her to do a floor speech about an issue

        • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Oh I 100% agree.

          This is you responding to that person. We shouldn't be wildly, baselessly accusing someone of being involved with the CIA -- holy shit, how is this not self-evident?

      • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
        4 years ago

        LOL. She is meaninglessly "left". The western chauvinist's idea of "left" which is a few programs for the poor while the machine grinds on. She helps nothing, she builds nothing, she is a pressure relief valve and the CIA is happy she exists. It matters little whether she is literally on their payroll and can walk into Langley and flash a badge or just a stooge, the second is almost more shameful because the first at least gets paid to have a specific agenda and opinion (and to be clear I don't think she's CIA, but she swims in the same rivers and streams as them, she carries their stench and their foreign policy ideology). She's also in a position of power. I'm not in a position to cancel her or kick her out of an org or do really anything like that so SHUT THE FUCK UP. She's a favorite with liberals and the media but people like you -liberals in any way you like to see it- will continue to support her.

        Listen to me very closely: The only thing that matters, the only identifying mark of any merit for a western leftist is solidarity with existing-AES nation and anti-imperialism. If one cannot openly support AES nations for some reason of tactics to reach liberals then one should still oppose and disdain imperialist action and intrigue against them, not co-author bills with Marco Rubio to attack them. It isn't hard, just point out we never achieve any of the lofty human rights goals we achieve and that we need to fix our own backyard before telling others how to tend theirs. Yet that's too much because fundamentally she and many chauvinists in the so called left in the west (an impotent left, one taken to fantasy and compromise, one that has NEVER had a successful revolution or any revolutionary theorists as a consequence) have drunk the kool-aid. Repeat after me, I do not give a fuck if she gives you worker-co-opts in the US if it is built off the backs of the global south, of imperialized, neo-colonized nations, off death squads and neo-liberalism abroad for soc-dem policies at home you have done nothing but further incentivized the US proletariat to stay class traitor because of their position of labor aristocracy.

        Reformism (especially via electoralism) is idealism, is an idea that should have been cured from your head by Bernie Sanders and all that happened to him. When you sleep with the devil in Washington DC you don't change that devil, it changes you.

  • HamidPayaamAbbasi [any,he/him]
    4 years ago

    I just moved out of her district. She doesn't listen to people that live there why would she care lol.

    • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
      4 years ago

      You’d be surprised. If her staff got more than 50 calls about a singular issue from people who weren’t right wing cranks, the staff would at least talk about it amongst themselves.

      I guess, why the fuck are leftists to lazy to make a phone call or send an email on a coordinated basis?

      Getting her to shut the fuck up about foreign policy is much more important than force the vote tweeting

        • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Probably lmao. The thing is, she does have a notable Tibetan constituency in her district, but with the timing it sure seems like the cia or state department slipped a speech to her staff and trotted her out to change the subject since the Xinjiang narrative is getting mainstream critique

          Edit: folks when I say cia I mean their ngo fronts. Give me a break

            • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
              4 years ago

              Could be state department. When I say CIA I mean one of their NGO fronts. More likely the state department. If you don’t think that these entities are in close contact with congressional staff (who writes these speeches) as part of their routine day to day activities I don’t know what to tell you. A lobbyist paid for by Goldman Sachs may not get an audience in AOCs office. A lobbyist (or let’s call them an advocate/activist) representing USAID or similar certainly would (AOC interned for USAID).

              The only thing baseless, to be fair, is that this is timed to move the goalposts a bit from xinjiang to reiterate that China BAD! But here’s some talking points from someone other than Adrian Zenz

              • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
                4 years ago

                Why do you say that? If a USAID or NED “activist” for Tibetan rights got a meeting with her she’d turn it down?

                • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
                  4 years ago

                  If a USAID or NED “activist” for Tibetan rights got a meeting with her she’d turn it down?

                  You think this means she's involved in the CIA? This is honestly embarrassing.

  • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Is there an actual China lobby, or would this just be a few people emailing her?

    • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I mean they probably do pay to lobby to some degree not to lobby politicians but to lobby administrative departments for major Chinese business interests. but I’m saying we all should try to get a flood of calls to her office to tel her to shut the fuck up based on her logic here - she’s also telling people to do this for student loan relief, and it tends to be somewhat effective (the right does this a lot and gets their reps to cave on things or walk statements back)