Hi all,

Throughout the last few days there has been an uptick in arguments and turbulence throughout our site. This comes right at a time where we are onboarding new communities that are in danger of being banned by Reddit.

During this, we've seen that it would be beneficial to provide more clear communication around our decisions and stances on current issues. This post will be divided into two topics that have both come up: 1. BIPOC Comrades and Intersectionality and 2. Veganism

BIPOC Comrades and Intersectionality

We have an ongoing commitment to intersectionality. This will always be a continual process as we identify new opportunities for learning and process improvement.

Based on community feedback around BIPOC representation on the sitemod team, we have added two new sitemods who will bring additional BIPOC perspectives to the sitemod team.

While we had BIPOC comrades on the sitemod team previously, they made the understandable choice to not state this identifying information publicly and we support them in their decision. We will continue to increase BIPOC representation on the sitemod team over the coming weeks.

There have been concerns of implicit support of racism amongst the mod team. We hope that looking through the modlog will prove otherwise. Although we can't get to rule breaking comments or posts immediately, we will never tolerate racism on our site, we're sorry about this and wish we could do more. We encourage everyone to continue reporting rule-breaking comments and posts so that they are more visible to moderators.

To reiterate, any posts or comments that are exclusionary to our BIPOC comrades are against our Code Of Conduct and will be removed. Individuals should especially not appropriate comparisons that aren't from their culture. Do not use appropriative comparisons like:

  1. Do not use appropriative comparisons like chattel slavery or the holocaust if they are not from your culture.

  2. Implying indigenous people are barbaric/mentions of "assimilation" or "evolving" their culture. These phrases are outright xenophobic and have a long history as a dog-whistle for settler-colonialism. They are not allowed.

Our moderator team is made up of volunteers and works to remove reported content that violates our CoC as quickly as possible, but we are unfortunately not able to remove objectionable content instantaneously. Objectionable content remaining up following a report does not mean the moderation team endorses that content. We are continually working to build up the moderation team and number of volunteers.


Hexbear is a platform for all leftist communities. As a part of this, we're partnering with a number of vegan communities on reddit who are migrating over to the site. The mods of these communities are intersectional and have a number of BIPOC comrades on their teams including indigenous comrades and we're excited to work with them.

For those unfamiliar with the concept, veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to eliminate as far as is possible and practicable all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals. Veganism is about absolute liberation of our exploited and commodified animal comrades. Veganism is not a diet, although not eating meat and animal products is a common extension of this philosophy.

We encourage vegans to post throughout the site. Our sitemod team is a mixture of vegans and non-vegans, as are the mods of the !food comm. The mods of that comm made the policy change of requiring pictures of meat to be marked nsfw following feedback from multiple comrades who were uncomfortable seeing meat pics. After examining feedback on this issue, the sitemod team has made the decision to support the !food mods agency as moderators.

The "NSFW" tag is very much a "catch all" at this point, although more specific content tags are planned for the future. We encourage all comrades passionate about helping us develop this feature to check out !hexbear@hexbear.net for how to get started with contributing.

Vegans are allowed to advocate for veganism, especially in their own comm. This doesn't constitute sectarianism, classism, racism, etc. and will not be actioned against as long as it does not break the site's code of conduct or a comm's rules.

As with any comm, individual posts and comments will need to be moderated. The diverse team of vegan mods already has experience navigating this from running large subreddits and will respond as these issues are reported. Bad faith generalizations of all vegans will not be tolerated, nor the delegitimization of trauma expressed by our vegan comrades.

In Conclusion

We appreciate the passion our community has for empowerment and intersectionality. As a team, we hope to consistently embody the communal standards we outline in our code of conduct. We feel these changes uphold our goals of intersectionality and left unity and will drive the site forward as a general, inclusive leftist space.

Thank you and viva la hexbear.

  • cumwaffle [she/her]
    4 years ago

    i just dont understand what the point of this was. inviting /r/vegan over would be fine, but why invite a community that's out and proud of being toxic and shitty to people? like geez, who'd have thought that a subreddit known for shitting up other subreddits would immediately start shitting up this site once invited.

    now the actual users of this site all feel pissed off and alienated, mods and admins exhausted to the point where like 3 are quitting and all we got out of it is a bunch of mean reddit weirdos

    maybe in the future you could actually ask the fucking community what they think of inviting in new people, instead of making the decision for us and scolding us like usual

      • Dewot523 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The mods pretty clearly wanted to flush out the Chapo culture and I guess thought VCJ was the way to do it.

        A lot of them weren't around on Reddit enough to realize that chapo was huge because it was literally the only left sub that was both entry level and not alienating to the general public (or at least significantly less alienating than the rest of that transphobic, misogynistic and racist hellhole, I know the old sub wasn't perfect).

    • SadSoulja [love/loves]
      4 years ago

      The more context the more mind blowing it is the mods just completely let the dynamic of this place shift within days without any heads up or anything to the regular users... I’ve seen a lot of online communities fall apart but Jesus Christ that is some impressively poor moderation. Went from a chill place to Reddit on steroids in less than a week. Might have to just fully abandon ship on this place, this just proves AMAB stands the test of time. Handing the site over to a fucking Reddit circlejerk sub lmao


    • DirtbagVegan [he/him]
      4 years ago

      If we’re going to invite a bunch of new people, they at the very least shouldn’t be made mods until they learn the vibe here at a minimum. Never mind the kind of terrible stuff that has been flying with the new mods.

    • quartz242 [she/her]M
      4 years ago

      We were providing a community that shares similar ideological aspects a lifeboat community, there are a few others as well. This one rather than getting it's own comm decided to merge with !vegan@hexbear.net The mods of that comm and the mods for the lifeboat comm both wanted to do this.

      I personally think that we should be raising up the community moderators in their cultivation of community. There are mod drives so that those who are passionate about their community can moderate it.

      • cumwaffle [she/her]
        4 years ago

        so why didn't you ask the community? why does the admin team keep making massive decisions that everyone disagrees with and then scolding us after the inevitable backlash? it's actually infuriating

        • Crucible [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Haven't you heard? You're a wrecker if you disagree with the mods' unilateral stupid decisions

          • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Ask which community?

            The fucking userbase of this site, wtf are you even doing? This is insane.

            • quartz242 [she/her]M
              4 years ago

              I personally believe that the active moderators of a community have the choice of who to add as moderators and who to bring into their community.

              • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
                4 years ago

                This is where we are now, folks. Clearly stated, straight from the horses' mouth. "Community" my ass.

              • RandyLahey [he/him]
                4 years ago

                And if c/anarchism wanted to merge with r/enoughtankiespam? Wouldn't it be good for the rest of the community to get a say in this?

      • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
        4 years ago

        We were providing a community that shares similar ideological aspects a lifeboat community, there are a few others as well. This one rather than getting it’s own comm decided to merge with !vegan@hexbear.net The mods of that comm and the mods for the lifeboat comm both wanted to do this.

        And that was a massive fail. Are you going to admit that?

          • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Ok, cool. Now have a look at the comments on this post. Does it look like the userbase agrees with you?

            • quartz242 [she/her]M
              4 years ago

              I've been reading this discourse for days, that is part of moderating the site. On the topic of if animal liberation is a part of leftism I think that the userbase does agree.

              • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
                4 years ago

                The majority of the userbase wants the VCJ dipshits to fuck off. If you don't see that, you're not paying attention.

                Seriously, just look at the votes and comments. Not just on this post, but on any post on this shit in the past few days. Are you really gonna sit here and say that they are in your favour? When they so fucking obviously are not? You just gonna keep gaslighting us?

              • skeletorsass [she/her]
                4 years ago

                This is not about animal liberation. That is not the problem. This is the same deflection as always.

              • eXAt [he/him]
                4 years ago

                This literal day old account has so many of these quite frankly patronizing posts that suggest that the reaction here is somehow people just having a reflexive rejection of vegans and not the intentionally hostile behavior of a bunch of people who in honesty never should have been invited here.

      • longhorn617 [any]
        4 years ago

        If you want to provide them a lifeboat, give them the code and let them build a community themselves.

      • cumwaffle [she/her]
        4 years ago

        the original chapo was absolutely not this toxic lol jesus christ

        if the admins have indeed decided to push away their actual active users in exchange for a bunch of reddit vegan shitheads then alright i'll fuck off, it's their site

        • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Agree 100% comrade.

          What the fuck is even happening, it's like those of us who've been here from the start don't matter anymore.

        • Maaskarpone [they/them]
          4 years ago

          They haven’t even decided that. They want to have ethical vegans and non-vegan leftists on this site. You are judging veganism by its followers and not by the actual doctrine. Absolutely criticise the means of vegans if they are bad - but also engage with the doctrine and the arguments being put forth.

            • Maaskarpone [they/them]
              4 years ago

              Yet you only acknowledge one set of bad faith actors in the vcj-group. Very curious.

              The bad faith people are not just vegan, lol.

              • hauntedjetty [he/him,they/them]
                4 years ago

                my point is that the discussion usually wasn't in bad faith until vcj posters started stirring shit up. you can't start an argument in bad faith and expect a good faith response

                • Maaskarpone [they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  I think you absolutely can. If someone is bad faith, just smash that report button. Get the mods to ban them. Don’t lower your standards to a bad faith actor’s level.

          • skeletorsass [she/her]
            4 years ago

            This is entirely about the users who are being toxic. Veganism is a valid doctrine that has a lot of value to contribute to left.

            • Maaskarpone [they/them]
              4 years ago

              I am consistently seeing in the struggle sessions people calling out bad faith ‘vegans’ and not bad faith omnis. So many character assassinations of vegans. My first day on this site I was accused of racist, classist, ableist behaviours (despite veganism being a radical anti-ableist philosophy!)

              Nigh any criticism of a non-vegan leftist is being met with a wall of “I don’t give a shit!” or “you colonialist scum!” There are bad faith actors on both sides of the vegan/non-vegan divide, absolutely. We can all do with gaining an extra nuanced perspective.

              • skeletorsass [she/her]
                4 years ago

                There has been a very large amount of actual racism and denial of the racism by vegan users. If you did not do this I am sorry this has happened to you, but you are very eager to apologize for it.

                • Maaskarpone [they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  I will say: thank you for the apology. I am also sorry if I appear to be apologist for racist behaviour. I am ashamed if I am making excuses for someone. I’ll always try to do better.

                  I just want people to work with the mods to solve this. Not just polarise this further by becoming bad faith in the process of engaging with troll behaviour.

                  I hope this mess doesn’t continue to polarise itself, for everyone. The idea of this site as a pipeline for leftwing ideas is beautiful.

                  • skeletorsass [she/her]
                    4 years ago

                    This goal is what has kept me to the site. I learned most of my english from the reddit left, and I can not help but want to be a part of the growth.

                    I want to hear from vegan comrades. I want a pipeline to reach them as well. For that to happen respect is necessary. We had it and I know it can be had if there is will. I would march 25000 li to see it happen, but it will require explicit work.

                • Maaskarpone [they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  I am not eager to apologise it. If I haven’t seen it - I cannot call it out. I trust your word that it exists though. I am certain lots of horrible racist shit has happened this past week, and it is truly disgusting.

                  What I am not happy about however - is that the mod team is trying to address the matter. And many users cannot interpret them charitably. They already expect the mods to not act on racist behaviours, and not do better, when it seems like there was faith in them before. And I don’t also expect the disgusting vitriol I got from several users directed towards vegans that inflamed everyone which many of the casual older users of this site are not acknowledging.

                  How many posts have I seen about people calling out horrible behaviour in vegans - but then have an almost complete silence on the bad behaviour of non-vegans? Do you see how this paints my perspective of these people? It makes it seem like this place will never be friendly towards vegan leftists outside of c/vegan.

                  Or what about the consistent assumptions that all the vegans here are white? Where’s the god damn nuanced discussion!?

                  • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
                    4 years ago

                    Here's some nuanced discussion. You VCJ assholes came and shitted up the site. You're not comrades; you don't believe that non-vegans can be leftists. You should leave

      • htz [she/her]
        4 years ago

        i have no real horse in this race, i just want people to chill out.

        but i've seen more antagonistic comments/threads on this site in a week than i saw in the chapo sub in literally years, and i do not think that is at all a coincidence.