Your average episode is just empty and boring, but with this there's at least a chance it's bad enough that it's worth paying attention to.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Please for the love of god give me Elon Musk doing Woke James Bond. Whatever that means, I need it. I need to see a product of apartheid, a gilded age robber baron, portray himself as Woke James Bond in a skit he seems to want to write himself.

    • aerides [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      the entire joke will just be women wanting to fuck him but woke james bond unable to seal the deal

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    3 years ago

    if he didn't have daddy's emerald mine money, he'd be the creator of a long-running, moderately popular webcomic about 2 gamers and their talking Aibo

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    3 years ago

    bad enough that it’s worth paying attention to

    I wouldn't be so sure. "Woke James Bond" is just going to be the same stupid anti-political-correctness jokes we've seen a million times already.


    but an actual "woke James Bond" where he realizes that he's a pawn of western imperial capital and decides to go rogue could be pretty 🔥

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Sketch idea- a billion/trillionaire and got their start from their parents emerald mine in apartheid South Africa.

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Character: Shor Stank, a Rhodesian billionaire and the scion to a diamond mine, who pays other people to do space stuff after making his fortune by failing upwards in financial services which he got his start in with hundreds of thousands of dollars in blood diamonds.

      Plot: he's handed a "flamethrower" (it's an off-brand supersoaker full of everclear with a zippo duck taped to the front) by an intern. He looks directly into the camera and smiles, then attempts to set the intern on fire. He's interrupted by OSHA and DoL investigators looking into workplace hazards and union busting. After some attempts at deflecting, he looks into the camera again, slowly smiles, and then starts trying to set them on fire.

      • emizeko [they/them]
        3 years ago

        his start (before PayPal) was an even dumber yellow pages website (funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars in blood emeralds) with a name so terrible I refuse to look it up

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]M
      3 years ago

      These are the ideas of a high schooler that thinks they're funny but it's actually just really irritating and everyone just laughs along because they're worried he'll shoot up the school of they don't.

  • aerides [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    "baby shark tank" is actually funny so I'm 100% sure it's somebody else's idea and Musk just stole it and added some shitty ones

    edit: lol like all his businesses

      • aerides [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        it certainly isn't the apex of humor but there is a striking juxtaposition between the first idea and the second two

        coming up with "baby shark tank" requires a certain cleverness I don't think musk possesses, which is reinforced by the fact that he feels like he has to explain it in the tweet

        the other two are barely even jokes and are exactly the kind of things a pompous moron would interject when someone else is in the process of being funny

      • medium_adult_son [he/him]
        3 years ago

        "SNL writers" and "talent" don't belong in the same sentence together. There are a lot of YouTubers that could make better sketches than the pablum they've been putting out lately.

        Although, that is probably due to the dictatorial oversight by the lizardman they've let control SNL for over 45 years now. Like how the NYT or mainstream press might have some good writers, but the editorial boards are dogshit.

        • CptKrkIsClmbngThMntn [any]
          3 years ago

          I honestly think some of the actresses and actors are pretty good, but you can't be funny with no funny material to work with.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 years ago

    they should do a sketch where he's inside that tiny submarine

  • MorelaakIsBack [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    He's in that thread crowdsourcing some actually pretty good jokes though. Par for Elon, the guy who wrote the textbook on stealing ideas and telling people they're his own.

    You go on Joe Rogan and he keeps bringing out crazier and crazier drugs to do on live

    this is gold and I will not hear otherwise

    • aerides [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      this is the ground pancreas of a 1200 year old Andean mummy. the active ingredient is extremely volatile and catalyzed only by human saliva, so I need to use my tongue and apply it directly to your butthole

  • Quimby [any, any]
    3 years ago

    The best sketches are the ones where you tell the audience the joke beforehand.

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    this is fucking stupid i hate this guy. i wish that device in black mirror was real where you can legit block people out of your life and never see or hear them again. i'd 100% use it on him and a few other awful ppl including a select few youtubers

  • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I think it’d be just as boring and unmemorable as the episode Trump hosted. I cannot name one sketch they did with him.

    Musk has even less charisma and the cast is even less talented.

    • Dingdangdog [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      They did one with trump where the whole joke was it was 5 years in the future and America was in a new golden age thanks to Trump and his policies, they then go around the room taking turns describing why each policy was good in various detail.

      They did this during his fucking campaign

      It was insane, a year later he was actually president and the same dumbasses were calling him Hitler but refusing to acknowledge their own complicity

  • anaesidemus [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Woke James Bond would actually be pretty funny to watch, he was written as just this horrible chauvinist, even more than portrayed in the movies.