One of the funniest posts I've ever seen
If a girl buys a vibrator, why its seen as a bit of naughty fun.
BUT for a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, hes called a pervert?
Honestly that might actually be the reality. I could see some misanthropes from the chan's convincing eachother to eat the horse paste and then here we are
It didn't occur to me to right now but all the media explainers about why people are taking Ivermectin could be all wrong. Maybe the Chans are influencing (if not outright creating) reality on a nationwide scale. What's next? Global domination?
Really poor readings of Nietzche leading into misanthropy were some of the foundational philosophies leading to german nazism so maybe
Absolutely. They would've been tricked into making Krokodil + chemical weapons in their bathtub, followed by a visit from the feds
This is a possibility too....
How to create a nuclear weapon and bend governments to your will.
Make this chemical weapon in your bathtub. [link]
Make the container for the bomb. Start with a kitchen blender. This is intentional. It's for pysops. [link]
Get plutonium - it's not as hard as you think. [link]
Mix the chemical weapon and plutonium to create a super-powered regular and dirty bomb at the same time. [link]
Add electronics. [link]
Arm the bomb by putting the chemical weapon and plutonium in the blender. Careful! This step is dangerous. [link]
The list continues.
One is actually the heart of the joke The rest is gravy.
Start with a kitchen blender. This is intentional. It’s for pysops.
This is how you kill the chud. Got to put the blender closer to the end, they won't make it otherwise
Man, I remember when 4chan was posting about how you could charge your phone by sticking it in the microwave. Amazing that they shaped American politics to the extent they have.
U know the female orgasm is dangerous because I’ve never managed to make one.
I've gone back to look at this post 4 times now. Goddamnit this is so fuckkng funny lmaoo
You know in their :galaxy-brain: they really thought this was like the ultimate gotcha. Just oozing pure, unfettered brilliance
Lol. If horse cum is so safe why can't I make it myself? Checkmate chuds.
They really are just so afraid of needles that they've invented the entire schizophrenic conspiracy world of anti-vaxx land
Tbf the conspiracy world of antivaxx land was invented because granola moms would rather have dead kids than kids with autism
Meanwhile I'm getting every vaccine I can to see if I can take my autism to the next level, I've already got an eidetic memory for spoken information and it'd be dope to get photorealistic artistic recall or something too
Soon she will undergo the Vaccine Agony and become a Reverend Mother.
Common_sense_king does bring up a good point. Abolish copyright and make the vaccine recipe open source so that the vaccine apartheid can end.
The pfizer/moderna vaccine was reverse engineered:
If the King is this funny, wait until you see what the common_sense_jester has in store for you.
some of the replies were amazing I liked the one about if mustard gas is so dangerous why can I make it with household chemicals
Are they actually synthesizing this stuff like Walter White or is he just talking about diluting it?
They won't release the recipe for the covid vaccine because if they did people would find out that it is just ivermectin without apple flavour.