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        • Deadend [he/him]
          4 years ago

          It needs to be kept in Chicago as the only appropriate way to consume it is at 1:40 am, already drunk while visiting your friends and they drag you into Neisi Lounge or another cheap bar, and you all do a shot with the bartender.

          You take the shot and feel the slurry off flavors and it triggers your gag reflex, but if you puke now, you won’t be able to visit the 4 am bar next around the corner.

          Everyone watches you and laugh, and then cheer when to don’t puke. You wash it down with a can of old style.

          Any other situation for drinking Malort is just self abuse.

          • garbology [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Any other situation for drinking Malort is also self abuse.

  • WahooManiac [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Classic Marxist-Leninist with Hulk Hogan characteristics.

    Edit: The immortal science, brother.

  • ComradeRat [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    I'm a social-left-humanist-orthodox-anarcho-marxist-leninist-stalinist-maoist-trotskyist-communist-with egoist-syndicalist-posadist characteristics and an underlying armchair-dialectical material understanding of theory. The rest of y'all are libs

  • ComradeSankara [he/him]
    4 years ago

    "Huey Long is a thot. He's a freaking nasty hoe. He looks good. I'd love Huey Long to bust my pussy open and tell me about sharing the wealth. If a guy shows up with a fucking clenched jaw and a transcript of the Share the Wealth Plan he can hit my back walls any fucking time of day dude. If a guy's like "Every man a king, but no one wears a crown" I'm like "rip my pussy to shreds like its Carl Weiss being shot by Huey Long's bodyguards"."

      • ComradeRat [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        There's definitely bad stuff about long, but he has some damn good quotes. Here's some more:

        "They've got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side, but no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen."

        "A mob is coming here in six months to hang the other ninety-five of you damned scoundrels, and I'm undecided whether to stick here with you or go out and lead them"

        "Hoover is a hoot owl and Roosevelt is a scrootch owl. A hoot owl bangs into the nest and knocks the hen clean off and catches her while she's falling. But the scrootch owl slips into the roost and scrootches up to the hen and talks softly to her. And the hen just falls in love with him, and the next thing you know there ain't no hen"

        "Raise all the hell you want to, print what you want to. But we're going to have that medical school and every qualified poor boy can go."

        "They say they don't like my methods. Well, I don't like them either. I really don't like to have to do things the way I do. I'd much rather get up before the legislature and say, 'Now this is a good law and it's for the benefit of the people, and I'd like you to vote for it in the interest of the public welfare.' Only I know that laws ain't made that way. You've got to fight fire with fire."

        "I'd rather violate every one of the damn conventions and see my bills passed, than sit back in my office, all nice and proper, and watch 'em die."

        Long definitely wasn't a leftist, but we should definitely learn from his populism. If Bernie had run using this sort of rhetoric, he'd still have lost because bourgeois elections are rigged, but he would have been cooler, and reached more people.

          • ComradeRat [he/him, they/them]
            4 years ago

            For one thing, the American Communist Party did not like him, and he hated them right back. They distanced themselves from his "share the wealth" programme, for example, and when the right called "share the wealth" communist, Long replied "Communism? Hell no! ... This plan is the only defense this country's got against communism." The programme was also pretty much just wealth redistribution. He was most similar to a populist in the style of Vargas in Brazil or Peron in Argentina in my opinion, attacking people on both the left and right if it increased their power.

  • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    We don't need that many hyphens. Global warming will leave us no choice but Marxism-Leninism-Submarinism, the dialectic materialism under the sea. Our flag will be an equally logical choice, bearing the hammerhead and sickle.

  • Owl [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Anarchism grew so many hyphens that anarchists rebelled against them (of course) and invented anarchism without adjectives.

  • grilledSoldier [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Transhumanist, economically ai-based, ecological marxism with technological semi-hivemind characteristics.

    In all seriousness though..