lets all please line up nicely and yell at each other now :)

  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    5 years ago

    Having kids is morally unjustifiable, that is unless you're in a rocky relationship and you think it might help

    • DasKarlBarx [he/him,comrade/them]
      5 years ago

      All other comments that aren't this (and mine responding to it, obviously) should be deleted because this is the only correct answer.

      • BASED_BALL [none/use name]
        5 years ago

        All other comments that aren’t this (and mine responding to it, obviously) should be deleted because this is the only correct answer.

  • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
    5 years ago

    I believe having children is a moral imperative, after all I can't find any adults small enough to work my diamond mines.

  • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
    5 years ago

    Antinatalism is hipster AnPrim.

    It's anti materialist, anti dialectical, radlib bullshit that instantly loses to anyone just willing to say "nah" and follow a basic biological instinct.

    Leftism is dead in the water if it's about moral haranguing. You have to actually fix the fucking world, not yell at people for being Humans in it doing the best they can.

    Plus, it has shit memes.


      • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
        5 years ago

        It works like this.

        You have no kids.

        I have ten.

        You die with nothing.

        My lineage multiples exponentially.

        Dialectics ain't just a mouthful, it's basic fucking cause and effect reasoning.

        You lose. Therefore it is a pointless, self defeating position based in lib logic about what's "morally right" in an evil universe you haven't bothered to fucking fix.

        It's like shooting yourself in the head instead of doing your chores.

        Now the house is dirtier and you're dead. Good job.

        • frompeaches [she/her,they/them]
          5 years ago

          People forgetting kids are their own people and aren't your fucking toys to pour your thoughts into and that you can also adopt kids. Peak shit is unironically calling biological kids lineage.

          The rest I agree with, don't kill yourself etc – but children are not yourself. Children are other people you brought into the world for fucks sake.

          • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
            5 years ago

            I think you're not paying attention to the extreme extent to which ideology follows familial patterns. People, in the vast majority, are basically what their parents raise them to be, with very few exceptions.

            • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
              5 years ago

              I think this is a generalization that is losing valence with modernity, and was largely caused by people gaining most of their life experiences or "wisdom" through their familial relations. With information more readily accessible than ever before, it's become effortless to get your hands on whatever information you want (whether it's reliable or not.) It's been easier to amass experiences completely distinct from your parents than ever before.

              • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
                5 years ago

                I think it is and isn’t. I think people are mostly educated into being who they will be by the time they’re five, like psychology indicates.

                Political beliefs are largely just emergent properties of our basic peronsalities coming to terms with the political realities as we get old and exposed. But, for most people, who they ‘are’ is largely defined by how they were raised in their youngest years.

                Look at Rigt-wing Authoritarianism, for example. There will always be outliers/rebels, etc., but I think the trend holds.

                • frompeaches [she/her,they/them]
                  5 years ago

                  Lib shit. I'd love to see something replicable that actually indicates that this is not evopsych bullshit or 'right wingers hate trying out new foods' pop sci which is like phrenology but for leftists.

                • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
                  5 years ago

                  I think people are mostly educated into being who they will be by the time they’re five, like psychology indicates.

                  Oh I'm not trying to refute that, I'm saying maybe those formative years are getting less... formative? Maybe people as a whole are just getting more cynical IDK, I understand I don't have a background in pediatric psychology so I probably shouldn't be speaking w/ too much confidence here.

            • frompeaches [she/her,they/them]
              5 years ago

              And yet Kamala and Pete are related to Marxist academics. Everyone in this sub is likely to be far lefter than their parents.

              We radicalise people through theory and education and popular movements that change their material conditions. We don't rely on breeding programs.

              • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
                5 years ago

                ‘Breeding programs’ isn’t exactly a generous reading of ‘it’s ok to have children, folks; people won’t hate you, or I won’t, and you might actually just create more leftists’.

                There are always exceptions, but as socialists it’s important to look at the evidence. And the evidence shows that political beliefs are highly heritable. It’s just how people are.

                Kamala and Pete are in the dem party. They’re on the left side of shitty american politics, because their parents were left. And they’re extremely invovled in politics, likely because their family are marxists.

                These trends aren’t definitive, they don’t set people’s lives in stone. But the beliefs one’s parents hold are extremely influential on their children, and I think it’s kinda silly to pretend otherwise. It’s just what the science says

                • frompeaches [she/her,they/them]
                  5 years ago

                  Okay, look, yes it's possible to say that's an unfair reading. But from my perspective whenever we lean hard into the ideas children are legacy and we win at life by having more of them... We end up at breeding programs and cults that control children. Because that's what implementing natalism for those reasons looks like. If that's the goal you want to optimise for, and not humans should have kids because it's human and we love kids, you will get bad outcomes.

          • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
            5 years ago

            That's not what I'm saying. That can't be inferred from my refutation.

            The point is that antinatalism is not a thing. It doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it, it's dumb in every direction and all the way down.

            That is not then a prescription to create a cult out of your children, it's not even a prescription for you as an individual to have children or not. That's all based on circumstance and maturity and parenting skills etc etc.

            Do what you feel is right and what works for you, but antinatalism still dumb af.

            (And, if we're being honest, it's more than a little adjacent to Malthusian notions of population control and eugenics, which is definitely reactionary.)

            • frompeaches [she/her,they/them]
              5 years ago

              Then we have no beef. I agree with the logic that anti natalists are too far up their ass with moral haranguing. Humans gotta human. I just feel very very strongly about children being respected and having rights and not being viewed as some kind of forever property of their parents. Thence, I take issue with the framing of denying anti natalism because otherwise we won't be able to outbreed chuds and libs.

              It's leftism, we radicalise people, we don't start reactionary fertility programs for leftist couples.

          • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
            5 years ago

            Then that's not antinatalism? Someone just had ten kids. Like maybe you're not understanding what it is.

            It's not saying, "I don't want to have kids because XYZ..."

            It's saying, "having kids is wrong and no one should do it because (literally no good universal prescriptive reasons.)"

            Again, I said this in my previous response.

            What you choose to do, as an individual, is up to you. It's context dependent.

            Saying no one should have kids is fucking stupid. Full stop. No exceptions.

        • a_blanqui_slate [none/use name, any]
          5 years ago

          Dialectics ain’t just a mouthful, it’s basic fucking cause and effect reasoning.

          Dialectics is whatever you want it to be.

  • My_Army [any]
    4 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
      5 years ago

      "We can't beat capitalism and life has no value if you can live in 1st world luxury, so we should all die."

      Cool, ok.

      I'm glad the people who lived through the Mongol invasions, the Bronze Age collapse, and the period of time when there were less than ten thousand of us left on the planet, didn't follow this fucking advice.

      The worst climate predictions are not as bad as what regular life used to be like on this planet. And it isn't the first time there's been a climate collapse either.

      Blaming population size or inferring someone can't have a meaningful life because industrial society is in crisis is fucking reactionary.

      Get a grip.

    • ProCephalopodAktion [any]
      5 years ago

      The antinatalist: After much thought I've assembled a list of reasons why I won't have kids.

      The hermit: I live alone in the woods. Who would I even have children with?

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    5 years ago

    I don't want kids, so i don't have a strong take. But i do remember when some white lady yelled at my family at the grocery store for "overpopulating the earth" and called my mom "selfish" because she had 4 kids and 3 were brown. I never had an experience like that while chilling with my mormon friends who have like 11 siblings but then, they were all white so

    Oh btw this white lady that yelled at my family? Had 3 kids with her. So she had literally just 1 less kid than my mom, but we were the ones overpopulating the earth lol

  • VolcelPolice [any]
    5 years ago

    Any expulsion of sexual fluids is prohibited under volcel law, making reproduction a banned act

    • hauntingspectre [he/him]
      5 years ago

      This is why we will use a needle to withdraw semen directly from the testes of only the most advanced socialists.

      No expulsion required!

  • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
    5 years ago


    by Thomas Ligotti

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    I always wanted to ask:

    when you went through the motions

    that brought me to this dubious world,

    did you ever pause to think

    that I might rather you didn’t?

    Were you so possessed

    you could not pause to consider

    the full repercussions of making it?

    Of course, it behooves me

    to extend the benefit of the doubt,

    to attribute to you some vague notion

    that you acted in my interest, saving

    me from my peregrinations in nonexistence,

    a stranger to being, bumbling in darkness

    for the light of life on this earth.

    Such is a common rationalization,

    and so I must allow its hold upon you.

    Yet I must also posit that all you wanted

    was to be in with the crowd, the ancient mob

    that cheered you on with mad eyes, flared nostrils,

    and spittle-dripping chins—those ones

    whose approval you secretly sought.

    All of these are plausible explanations

    for what you did in a chamber cut off

    from cool reflection in favor of the primal rite.

    Whatever your reasons, the fact remains

    of my emergence from that dilated aperture.

    Whatever your excuses, I must confess

    I’ve always lamented the day you met.

    All that aside, I just wanted to take some time,

    having reached the moment in which

    I’ll make an end to what you began,

    to say that I forgive you.

    • Samsara [he/him,he/him]
      5 years ago

      Well son, the condom broke and abortion was to expensive. Now be a good boy while daddy drinks his happy juice

    • steely_its_a_dildo [any]
      5 years ago

      i have absolutely felt this way and if i was into poetry, may have even wrote a poem about it. however, i can't imagine publishing it to make sure people knew just how pathetic i felt.

    • spez [any]
      5 years ago

      It's tough in the US. If your adopted kids have living parents, they can cause legal hell for you later. That's a big part of why so many people chose to adopt from overseas.

  • MiraculousMM [he/him, any]M
    5 years ago

    If the climate issue doesn't get resolved real fucking quick, I feel it's wrong to have kids and raise them on literally a dying planet, where they will suffer the consequences the hardest in their lifetimes, when it's too late to reverse the effects of the catastrophe.

      • Drowned_Wednesday [he/him]
        5 years ago

        I think there's a good argument embedded in your post: That trying times are not necessarily an argument against having kids of your own. But something that those previous hardships/disasters/etc, that you mention is that they were temporary. There exists a really good chance that the impending climate crisis is one that humanity, or at least "civilized" humanity, might not recovery, or even survive. I'm not sure where I personally stand on natalism, but to diminish the struggles of future generations to overcome the damage to the climate ours and previous generations have done to "might be difficult... in 50 years" seems shortsighted.